(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Karakoth once a weapon releases for that kingdom.

Darkstone is the next bet (one of new dragons resides there and any troop release bumps it to PL30).


It’s surprisingly tough to tell what the first purple magic kingdom will be.

The answer is… not Silverglade.

As Ant_Man said, Karakoth and Darkstone both have promising reasons to reach KP30.

Kingdoms are currently scheduled until March 4, 2024 and Karakoth/Darkstone/Blighted Lands do not appear in the rotation. There’s 2 Darkstone troops unscheduled in the beginning phases, which leads me to point to that as a potential first. Even without the Darkstone dragon, those 2 are going to be the way to KP30.

However, there are signs of a Karakoth rework, including the Ace of Swords and 3 random Karakoth troops that have been there for awhile. If they felt like releasing that, then those Kingdom rework passes usually include new weapons and that would be enough to be the thing to bump Karakoth over. But… there’s no Karakoth weapon in the making in the weapon spoilers at this time.

The Christmas Tower of Dooms is the last of this current cycle for this weapon type and the next 6 haven’t been made yet, so those could be any random kingdom…

Blighted Lands is within striking range, but there’s nothing “officially” in the spoilers for new Blighted Lands. However, Blighted Lands is one of the few kingdoms with “only” 2 Mythics, so a Mythic might release at some point? Gems of War has never made sense with finishing cycles (hello missing Green storm troop/class) and Pan’s Vale is about to get its 4th Mythic not from a Campaign.

All it would take is a Mythic and a Bounty troop or a Faction troop to reach as well. Not impossible.


Thanks for taking the time to pore over the fine print, @TheIdleOne. Above and beyond the original ask.

So, which one is it again? :smiley:

I’m way behind on books, but I’ll just stockpile what I have until the times comes, and be patient with the crafting of Mythics.

I’d say 60% Darkstone, 30% Karakoth, 10% Blighted Lands, but 0 chance I’d put any money down to gamble which is the correct answer lol.


With the PvP rework incoming is there any indication if scoring will be changed? At the minute all that matters is volume of fights It takes 6 losses to equal one win so your win rate is not important, just sheer volume of fights.
I can see some spoilers for extra rewards for being top of the leaderboard, would hate for this to based on who has the most time available.
Unless the rewards are entirely forgettable (like currently).

Word has it that it might be more like Guild Wars, a fixed number of fights each day, complicated scoring rules. There might also be troop limitations in place.

If they are borrowing from PQ3 and it looks like they are then it could be a fixed number. Whether they fully follow most of PQ3 we’ll have to see.

If there is a daily limit of fights allowed with the pvp overhaul, then I hope that they’ll at least put pet gnomes in explore. Otherwise, those who really want to farm pets would have to resort to grinding arena to keep hunting pet gnomes once they reach their pvp limit. And many players would rather avoid arena like the plague, myself included.


Is there a casual PVP in PQ3?

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Yes. Completely meaningless as a game mode, but it is there in PQ3.


Then the pet hunt may be saved, we can find pet gnomes in casual PVP too.


I’m a few days late but:

Things and stuff


Dang, that Mythic weapon… O.O

It’s definitely interesting!

I wonder how practical Jumble the Enemy Team is if the player doesn’t 1 shot their top slot and it just moves that troop away from the top…

A bit of a light day on spoilers. The text has been cleaned up. Noticeably, the damage and mana cost has been adjusted.

And now we’ve gone the other direction: is 1 extra mana cost worth a slightly higher damage point?

It’s a tough question to answer…

I “think” the original 6 gem dragons are a little bit better since storm + 3rd trait for 2 magic is a stronger combination than having 1.6x and 1 to all stats, but… if for any reason you don’t want a storm, then this is something worth considering.

Likewise, I actually “think” Stellarix is slightly better than Diamantina, if only because a higher damage point and making elemental + umbra stars makes for better one shot and better combos into 2-3 shots…

The fact there’s something to think about now is appreciated.

Solarthius cough cough

Green/Purple that converts Purple to (exploding) Doomskulls. Self-looping potential is somewhat exciting.


4 Colors. We’re finally getting a 4 Color something.

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We already have GW so I hope it will not be an exact repeat of one color per day. I really hate the one color thing…

According to the spoilers over at Taransworld, we’ve got an Invasion event scheduled for two weeks from now (Dec 25-31). So, naturally, we’ve got a new weapon in the queue that explodes gems and summons and grants a status effect based on all that.

{ The Enor-mace Explode [Magic + 1] Brown Gems. Grant a random Status Effect to all Giant Allies. Then summon a Giant Troop.}

But… we already have a weapon like this, from a past Invasion event:

{Crown of Horns Explode [Magic + 1] Blue Gems. Grant a random Status Effect to all Giant Allies. Then summon a Giant Troop.}

Sure, it’s a different color – Red/Brown as opposed to Green/Yellow – and it explodes a different color gem. So it’s not as identical as a couple of the “proposed” weapons in the past when we’ve had a third Invasion round featuring a particular troop type. But it’s still effectively a duplicate weapon.

We’ve gotten this for a previous “triple-up”:

{Icebreaker Deal [Magic + 3] damage to the first 2 Enemies, boosted by Fey Allies. [3x]}

Perhaps we should be getting one of those for the upcoming event instead of another exploder? Even if the exploder would likely be more desired by the player base than yet another weapon that will collect dust until the end of time and 20 minutes beyond that?


I suspect this has more to do with the incoming cosmic dragons. While things will likely change, right now every single one of them is listed as using brown. It’s also good for elementalist class (brown storm). AFAIK, we don’t yet have a brown explode/status effect
/summon weapon yet. I personally don’t care what kingdom it is in and can see using it.

At this point, I’d take any kind of weapon for Karakoth and Blackhawk. Better double up on effects in other kingdoms instead.

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Yeah, true.