(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

I know I’m just speculating, but this seems like it will be worse than guild wars. If these “gold marks” can be exchanged for deed books, this is going to be a bloodbath.

This is also going to require a lot of time and effort into making pvp teams to counter many popular quick win teams to try and slow down the points we can get. (For example, building around submerge or freeze to slow enemy down)

I know many people are already pressed for time trying to help out their guild, do all of the events, grind for materials, explore other game modes, or just try to experiment with new weapons or troops.

If they add in ANOTHER game mode focused on pvp leagues, it’s going to be way too much. We have lives FGS. Can’t we just sit down and relax without thinking about all the things we have to do? Is it even worth it anymore?:dizzy_face:


Sounds interesting. Certainly an opportunity for worthwhile rewards for doing PvP (I can’t remember the last time I’ve bothered getting to Tier 1). Time-gated gain of decent resources is better than non-gated gain of pointless resources, I suppose.

I get the sentiment behind this common view, I really do, but we’ve all got to remember absolutely no one is forcing us to play GoW at all, let alone play it for a certain amount of time or to a certain degree of efficacy. If you don’t have the time/motivation to do absolutely everything, then don’t do it (I certainly don’t!). Set your own goals, small or large as they may be. I’m getting really close to owning all the troops, for example, which has been a goal of mine for a long time. Are all my kingdoms and classes and pets maxed? Nope. I’ll never be the best of the best, nor would I want to be with how much time and energy that would take.

FOMO is real and it’s absolutely encouraged by developers, especially in the F2P genre. It’s incredibly profitable. Rather than asking a for-profit company to slow down on FOMO-building content, we ought to use discretion in how we spend our time and money. If that becomes stressful, it’s not a bad idea to take a break and remember that this is only a game, not a job. :smile:


I can see both sides of this. I would not call it FOMO. I’ve invested a lot of time to get to the point where I am in this game. If I don’t continue to chase after the latest troops and weapons and random new currency, I can’t compete on the same level. I would actually be missing out, not just fearing it. That’s a hard choice to make - to give up on all the hours of time invested and the ability to win pretty much any battle. I was 5 troops away from having all troops and now 6 new ones have been introduced that will likely take a very long time to find. The goalposts keep moving, as they always have done, but this is different. Hoard Mimic, the gems dragons/Dia, and now these Treasure Guardians - it is just not fun. Grinding for medals, vault keys, guild rewards - cool. You can actually get results if you put in the time. These other unicorn troops - not so much.

As many others have pointed out, it would be great to have a daily checklist in game - there is so much now that it really is hard to remember. As for all the currencies - they just seem really disjointed. I’m sure they will also rework and monetize Arena eventually.

I do prioritize my time and play the games I like the most. Being part of a guild is essential (and fun] but the new guild events system/rewards requires more time per week.

Like many other players have expressed, I’m having to reconsider how I play the game, and it is uncomfortable. I still have a lot of fun playing, so I kind of trust that I will figure it out over time. There has been a fairly rapid rate of change lately. I could use a breather before another new game mode/revised game mode is introduced. I actually like many of the changes - I would just like a little more time to settle into them before we are on to the next thing.


pq3 pvp is bad,gow no need this


Hmm… No new arts or importent changes with this 2 small updates since 7.2 version, as far as I can see.

Beside Delve map, Nightmare Circus Faction have everything now.

As part of Mydnight content, it will be pushed to some unknown time, as Mydnight debut on the last week of the this campaign, so no time for Raid/Invasion/Journey/Class/Faction event of its own.

It won't be too long, as another update about PvP Talisman/League will come around new year's day, with content of Labyrinth campaign and this Mythic.

For me, still, I’m the most curious about Nightweaver class, which we still didn’t get much at all to guess what’s it about. For now though, as least we get a spoiler about its class icon, in from of chat portrait!


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At this point, I just want to know what the kingdom bonus stat is for Mydnight. Knowing my luck, it’ll be Blue’s first magic kingdom and I’ll somehow regret upgrading Sword’s Edge lol.


Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but I can’t help but be excited for the PvP rework. It’s so incredibly basic and lack-luster right now in terms of features and gameplay that just about anything would be an improvement. Hoping for brackets with increased rewards as you move up, which I believe is already confirmed?

Want to take bets on the Devs managing to do something else…?

You get 5 PvP Energy every day. In order to progress in the new PvP tiers, you must pay for an additional 5 battles daily (only $4.99!). The top player in the world will receive 50 gems and a vault key every week. Everyone else will receive varying amounts of treasure maps, depending on their tier.

Every other weekend, a new PvP event will occur where you choose a draft of 4 Common troops. Every second, all of your troops will lose 5 HP and the other team gains 5 HP. The gems on the board are Treasure Hunt gems and you must see how many vaults you can get before your troops die. Whoever does this the fastest in the world will receive 10 warcoins.


Thrillingly detailed article, you must have copied it from an article under NDA.

This!! :face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye:

Don’t give them ideas!!

Actually, those war coins will be sent to a new shrine where you have to pay real money to receive them!

Oh please no!! :joy::joy:

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This actually might be good since at the moment many high level players just bang it all out in Tier 1…so no real PVP as such…

“There is a fixed number of battles per league per day. Winning a league battle earns tourney points and a new currency type (looks to be Goldmarks here).”

Now that might not be so nice, only three battles per day and pay more gems to do more like with delves,- so gems to take part in Guild Events, in Underspire and also PVP…that really does not sound good at all.

This is my position too - I do not mind missing certain weapons or troops in the game, I do not care about having a full collection at all…BUT if my missing out means I cannot compete properly anymore, cannot do GW, PVP properly, cannot get more stats for my teams via Kingdom levels etc. then it upsets me. So I am waiting for the next updates to see how much I will be missing out on. I already do not have Diamantina so…

This would make it more difficult/expensive to find Pet Gnomes too.


But we can find them in casual too, unless they get rid of it.


If the PQ3 model is closely followed for league PvP, then there will not buyable extra league battles per day. Everyone will likely get the same fixed amount of league battles per day. In that sense, league PvP would be handled similarly to how Guild Wars operates, especially when color, kingdom, or weapon restrictions might be applied to each league.

It is also a fairly safe bet that the devs are not going to allow farming of the new Goldmarks currency in this new PvP system, if any bottleneck resources are offered for sale in the new PvP Shop. PQ3’s core economy follows very strict constraints regarding bottleneck resources. For example, if the devs there only want players to obtain one unit of a bottleneck resource through gameplay per month from a given game mode, then they will make sure that it takes four weeks’ worth of energy to earn enough currency to obtain a unit of that bottleneck resource.

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Yellow Stryx Journey troop as others have expected.

Blue to Yellow Empowered that creates a Yellow storm on a Red/Yellow troop like Daughter of Yasmine… Can’t say it’s a great idea, but ok.

On one hand, that spell doesn’t do much unless you’re losing. Essencia vibes, which doesn’t amount to much. On the other hand, a consistent Wish Gem could/should be strong. Faerie Gobmother does do things sometimes.