(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

I’m curious what talents will have this new class. Chaos and Shadow talents are in minority (used in 5 hero classes only), maybe we can expect them in the new class. The third talent - Water? (Hardly “Cunning”, because “Shadow” + “Cunning” already used by Assassin and Thief.)

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It’s just a common error when 2 troops have the same spell name. It might just be an oversight on Taran’s site, as the game itself might rely more on spell ID, not name.

When duplication happened, it pulled both the art and spell description, so they’re all the same. When the name was changed from “Reflective Shield” to “Reflective Ward”, the correct spell art and description is available.

This week’s Glory troop, Eyestalker, also have the same problem previously. Its spell name used to be “Wraith Touch” instead of the current “Wraith Grasp”, so it pulled both the art and spell of Ghulvania’s Wraith. Glad they fixed it in time.

It also come with (buyable?) Talisman, and PvP point is now VP point. No idea how any of these work yet.

I’m more curious about troop type. All normal types have its own class now, so I wish they make a new troop type for Mydnight!

It’s likely we’ll just get another Daemon Class though. :sweat_smile:

Ghost/Spectre won’t fit with Victorian/Goth themed kingdom anyway, despite having creepy kid/doll. Maybe next time!


same. I give them some credit (for doing their job) for fixing some of these before release. I wasn’t actually confident they’d fix it in time, but… they did.

I raise an eyebrow when they have to fix it during the week of release or later(Geryon troop type, Dragonstone Guardian flavor text, Hoard Mimic 3rd trait).

and one day… one day they’ll fix Ace of Runes to have Suit of Runes 3rd trait to match the other Ace troops. All of the Suit tarots are useless, so… at least get the 3rd trait right…

Oh and Chiron’s “Gain Enchantment” text, Drowned Captain not being elemental in an Elemental faction…


Then they probably shouldnt do that to themselves and get it right the first time :sweat_smile:


Looks more like Undead for me.

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While a new troop type would be neat, there’s enough types in game that are already pretty underrepresented. Plus all of the existing troop art doesn’t seem to have that much really unique about them, there’s a few undead monsters, and a few that look human, but most have daemon horns and elf ears.

So this is where it could get interesting. These could be a NEW type of Dark Elf. It’s kind of a new troop… just like sky, dark, high, and wood elves are all listed as troop type ELF, but they have a unique ancestry trait that separates them, this could be a new type of rogue/daemon elves that have a new ancestry that sets them apart. (since none of the dark elves in game have horns, and I don’t believe there’s many horned daemons with pointed ears).

As for talents, the daemon look of the troops probably guarantees the Chaos tree at a minimum. Chaos Shadow Death is a combination that doesn’t exist currently, but it’s not particularly exciting. Arcane or Knowledge could be thrown in perhaps, but that’s probably it, as none of the elemental talent trees would fit thematically.

Is this still part of the “Time” theme of this campaign? Are we getting a Chronomancer class? Or just call it something that ties into whatever new Elf type I’ve come up with…

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I was thinking Mystic, myself. Not only is the campaign mythic a single-class Mythic, but it might make (lore-related) sense with the notion of a city that can disappear into the mists of time.


undead or elf class

the new class is currently going to be called Nightweaver, whatever that ends up leading to.

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I hope its not elf, we have 3 elf classes already

As Kesef said, it’ll likely be a Mystic (I might have thought Rogue too, but Nightweaver definitely sounds more like a spellcaster based name).

Though it could still get whatever new Ancestry trait they come up with, if my random theory holds any weight. Judging by artwork alone, I don’t think there are enough undead or human troops to make it those types, and like you said, we have enough Elf classes.

Wild speculation is fun! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Looks like a mini dev stream sneak peak was posted today. Mostly about a reorganizing of the main world map view UI (to “prepare for a really BIG change coming in 7.3!”), but also the end had a highlight about a new underspire feature.

Looks like the Sentinel troops on Tarans now have a place where they will be fought, and have a chance to drop their own card. Thankfully these are legendary troops (at the moment) and not common, so we won’t need to chase too many of them down.

The troops themselves look decent enough, they’re all constructs, but each one also has a secondary type (daemon, monster, giant, dragon, elemental and undead), which at least makes them fit better in their kingdom’s teams. Stoneskin, double skull damage to cursed, and curses (plus additional status effect) enemies when taking skull damage. I can see these actually getting used.

Takeouts from the game files:

Now that sounds like an interesting event. Any preview screenshots. :smirk:

The devs work in mysterious ways. :thinking:

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OMG, there goes PvP :woman_facepalming:

37 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_GOLDMARKS] Use Gold Marks to purchase items in the PvP shop.
38 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_PVPTALISMANS_0] Curse all enemies at the start of battle.
39 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_PVPTALISMANS_1] All allies gain 10 Life at the start of battle.
40 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_PVPTALISMANS_2] Bless all allies at the start of battle.
41 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_PVPTALISMANS_3] All allies gain 7 magic at the start of battle.
42 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_PVPTALISMANS_4] Create 7 Doomskulls at the start of battle.
43 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_PVPTALISMANS_5] All allies gain Armored (reducing skull damage by 25%) at the start of battle.
44 [REWARD_HELP_DESC_PVPTALISMANS_6] All allies gain Impervious (immunity to all Status Effects, Devour, Lycanthropy and Mana Burn) at the start of battle.

Not much “to go” for most people.

I wonder if that is a monetized shop…

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wonder? really? :wink:


No. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Okay, I’m gonna make a prediction.

Talismans and pvp?

New medals? 100% confirmation🤣

Pvp? Rewards will be broken down like this:
#1: 3 of each colored deed book
#2-3: 2 of each colored deed book
#4-6 1 of each colored deed book
#7-10 10 of each colored deed
All the rest: same rewards! :rofl:

Bring on the pvp madness!

Make sure to help your guild btw…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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This looks almost exactly like the PvP league + shop system used in PQ3.

System broadly works like this in PQ3:

  • Ranked PvP is broken up into leagues. Winning more moves a player up into a higher league, which offers potentially greater rewards on leaderboards.

  • Players in leagues can only see players in their own league. They cannot see players assigned to other leagues. As such, general PvP difficulty increases as players increase their league, as player lose access to easy/easier battles in the previous league as their league increases.

  • There is a fixed number of battles per league per day. Winning a league battle earns tourney points and a new currency type (looks to be Goldmarks here). As such, there is a limited number of opportunities per day to earn this new currency, giving the devs tight control over how much Goldmarks will be awarded over time. Goldmarks will be used for offers that are require this currency. It is highly probable that desirable offers will require Goldmarks in the future to encourage participation in the new PvP League system.

  • Higher level players will tend to gravitate to higher leagues through power levels of their account. As such, PvP battles will become increasingly harder to win in general, making it harder over time to earn Goldmarks. This is to encourage players to continually seek new sources of power to manage the ever-increasing PvP difficulty as their league increases and/or keep above everyone else if you are in the top league.