(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

We’ve officially passed 1000 posts on this thread… which itself is a part 2!


Lady Bone

Midnight Child

And Haunted Doll

are awesome


Well, red isn’t the first color that I associate with Dragons, but it also pairs ridiculously nasty with Sheggra…

Also, Red is literally the +2 color of the dragon kingdom banner.

Whoops, my previous post got deleted by the mods because I swore while expressing my joy at this ridiculous troop. Much like the other Pathfinder teams, I’m sure they’ll be a pain to face in PvP, but I’m personally looking forward to using this troop for mid-high level stuff. Sometimes I’m just bored of using Xul

Get ready to see a million and six defense teams in PvP with Arborius and three other dragons, much like we see the Chalcedony teams, the Todd Greenwood teams, and the Seekra Darkwood teams already.

I know the “cool thing to do” is to complain about new features and new artwork, but this is every bit as large a problem for the future of the game. This is simply lazy design, and perhaps the only “advantage” to this is that it tends to bleed support away from the Goblin metas that everybody used to complain about. (Just to another “meta” that also loops you to death.)

C’mon, developers, you can do better. The first Journey captain (Hawthorne) was more creative than this.

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Look another endless looping troop for PVP and GW I never seen that style troop overused before.

Imagine a glacial peaks pathfinder. Immune to Frozen.
Only curse + frozen or stun + frozen cant stop :fire:


We’re 48 hours from a Tower troop with a mismatched anti-“boss” 3rd trait. Would be nice to have extra skull damage vs Towers in a Tower event, but maybe they’ll sneak in a Zuul’Goth or something. :sweat_smile:

The event headstart offer even gives tokens for Slughoarder… Sadly the shiny spell upgrade is rather pointless. From 10 Gold to 20 Gold. I guess its good if you don’t have any other gold support on the team. Still -1/-2 mana cost is useful here.

This week’s troop Boatswain Bart:

From 3 to 4 Booty Gems.

Broken Spire week in 2 weeks:

1 3x Wildcard to 2 3x Wildcard, before boosts.

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Sigh… we’re doing this again huh.

The 3rd trait is exactly the same as Matron Dragotani. Another Phoenicia/Ursuvius situation and this is equally as lame.

3rd traits for Legendaries/Mythics should not be carbon copies, especially when there’s a lot of design space that still hasn’t been used. Most of the 2 color storms, green perma storm, a lot of the mix combo status effects etc. Banding exists for some reason yet has been 100% useless…

Couldn’t even be bothered to make it 80% considering they are even giving it a different trait name?

Also personal pet peeve, 24 mana. ugh.

This choice spell also annoys me since it splits the damage when I could just use Phoenicia and hit all targets for double damage anyways.


I agree with u. Make him a spell damage reduction stone hammer at least.

Also, the wording on the 2nd option is confusing where it says “all other enemies” it seems like u target something, and then it would hit everything else. Otherwise, it just would have said “all enemies.”

First impression is that he’s trying to be a weaker, single target gray king and oddly worded Phoenicia. Artwork is amazing though. He looks like a holy avatar ready to lay down his divine judgment upon the unrighteous.

But instead…probably just going to be a dusty, old trophy.

Yeah, Gorgotha was already 75%, so they made Stonehammer 80% to be different. Why the hell don’t they do the same here? Excellent point, that I hadn’t thought of myself because I was too busy being annoyed with the duplicated trait lol

Champion of Anu from the same kingdom puts this to shame. Traits aside, champ A’s spell is better overall.

It stuns and silences the target in addition to mana drain while also hitting all troops below. That gets around submerge, while Gol may get around submerge?

Still not the worse law based mythic, i suppose.

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Yeah and no-one ever uses Anu as it’s pointless in the game modes devs design (scaling stats). :smiley:

Mythics to me these days are just additional troops to grief when exploring. Spell Armour everywhere, heals and barriers. Just no value to just about anything released, you fall off your chair if one has a snippet of strategic value. To the contrary, more and more looping stuff that can’t be stopped once not frozen.

Taking a look at all of the most common troops that appear in explore, everyone has either higher HP, spell armor or something that slows down, barrier.

Mythics should start with Impervious, then go from there. Imho.


Yes but… then that just becomes one more to add to your liist. Get a super-powered skull team and destroy them. We’ve had the Leonis Tower, 2 stealthy troops, Enr K teams out there for awhile now and they aren’t that hard to beat. What would the game be like if it was 4 impervious vs. 4 impervious? Doesn’t solve anything, unfortunately.


Yeah, they really don’t all have to be impervious IMHO (bosses maybe, not mythics) but some of the unique traits are really lacking.

There are a lot of interesting things that could be done - but remember they told us we needed those event medals for WE because they could get creative with the medals? That went nowhere, either, unless you count no extra skull damage when a kingdom is heavily skull based as “creative”.


Design decisions made on older troops were made without impervious. It’s clear that Diamantina for example shouldn’t be impervious, but with the plethora of curse and stun running riot, then mythics for several years have undercut.

4 Mythics impervious aren’t going to win anything. We can roll a LT/EK team with 3 turns if we wish, just like we can roll anything if we pick. I’d prefer we get some better quality mythics now and again. An example - Xathenos would be a useful troop with Impervious. Craftable etc.

I maybe should have rephrased it, to mythics should have consideration given to Impervious.

Yeah your overall point is totally rught - new mythics are often not as powerful, or even as interesting, as they could be. The overall troop and weapon proliferation has not resulted in much creativity. But it does keep everyone chasing after the latest meta, which must bring in a lot of revenue…

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I feel like they forgot they made the trait “Transcend.” It’s featured on 4 Shentang Elves…

Makes you wonder where it’s supposed to go if they’re not applying it to other Shentang Elves…

This troop is almost good. I really wish it wasn’t 24 mana. At 20 mana pre-shiny, this troop would be useable (well a little limited, I don’t know if we really need another damage to all Enemies Divine troop. I guess it’s a second option to King Avelorn as an Elf).

At 24 mana, it’s too expensive mana-wise. May as well use a 22 mana Voice of Orpheus with Impervious + Cleanse all on yellow over Blessing 1 random ally…


They made it 80%. Hurray!

If they could make it 22 mana, it might be useable during Swords Edge weeks.