(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

If you look at some of the most common armor boost targets, (Rowanne, Tesla, Gaard’s Avatar), they don’t benefit “much” from magic and armor gain. Armor gain is also the least interesting stat gain when things like Megavore, Rope Dart, Yasmine’s Pride etc. tear it down instantly.

Does anyone care about The Sparkinator? It steals a lot of armor. Nope, no one cares.

Magic + Life is more durable if it had to be used (similar to King Oberron).

Attack to all Allies is a very rare category (we have… Luther, Strength, The Wild King, Innkeeper, Courage, Justice). Magic + Attack all would be pretty unique, Second Claw Anhur being the closest thing (Attack to all above this troop, 3 magic below this troop) and thus give it a unique space to be used, even if 18 mana on a single color.

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I wish we had actual spoiler posts like in my other game. Sneak peeks that highlight some upcoming features before they get thrown at us (like the trials update was).

Am I the only one who doesn’t get hyped up by this type of “ooohhh, something big is going to happen soon” type of thing? :sweat_smile:


you’re not alone.

as crappy as this little animation was as underwhelming this next “BiG tHiNg” will be. safe bet for me, reason for that is simple:
we don’t need new “BiG tHiNgS”, we’d need the many existing bugs to be finally fixed.

what I also don’t fully understand: I assume they put money and time into this little animation, but then only make a simple twitter post about it that maybe 3 people ever saw. the fact noone had the idea to implement it into a game update to only be shown once at gamestart after a certain date was reached?

the only thing that would impress me would be a complete rework of nearly all existing troops that will constantly be maintained and reworked in the future to ensure some old and utterly useless troops get some upward revaluation and be playable. but that is something that should’ve been started even back when troops like psion or kraken were “new”, so also safe bet this will never happen considering the release rate of new troops.

as long as the higher ups stay delusional about that, inable to admit that, because they don’t even consider negative feedback there’s no hope.


I don’t understand it either. When I saw awryan link the Facebook post in another thread, I thought it was fanmade meme. Not because of the quality, but because I hadn’t seen it anywhere else.

Why not also post it here and the r/GemsofWar subreddit? Or did I miss it?

As being excited, I actually am excited because this looks like what I envisioned the Dungeons rework was going to be.

Maybe the Treasure Hunt rework?

Or Map 3?

Either way, looks like complete puzzles along a path that has branches? Or it’s a fake out.

There’s been some info about a new event called Underspire on taransworld for quite a while. I am guessing this is what is shown in the video.

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I know with the update coming tomorrow we’ll get a bunch of new info, so this is pretty pointless speculation for one day, but Tarans shows a Dragon Pathfinder troop coming up soon. If it follows the spell pattern of Seekra, Todd, and Chalcedony, this might be my favorite troop ever. Dragon class will boost it, and either Huanglong or a matching soulforge gem dragon will make it scale like crazy. Got my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2:


Next armour set. Very colourful.

Some interesting troops coming up.

“The Iron Maiden”, dig the name :grinning:

Troops for the Mydnight kingdom are in. A mix of cool and meh, but the Midnight Queen is looking stunning! :heart_eyes:

The Midnight Lord on the other hand is giving me Ozzy Osborne vibes :joy:

And my favourite, “3 Goblins in a Trench Coat” did not disappoint :grin:

Last, but not least, Ninjihuahua :dog: :joy:


Wait until the UI is plastered on them so you barely see the troop anymore. :pleading_face:

He reminds me of someone but I don’t know who. It’s not Ozzy. :thinking:

Overall, nice art style.

Julian Sands.

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Prince Nuada from Hellboy with a healthy complexion :thinking:


Lucius Malfoy :thinking:

I really thought Julian Sands was Malfoy. He has the look.

Nuada is Luke Goss
Malfoy is Jason Isaacs

Julian Sands will be missed. :cry:


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Why oh why do we need so many new cosmetic Pests on Wednesdays? Things that we’ll see once and never get another shot at, that are massive gem sinks for those of us who can even afford it, but otherwise will serve to block kingdom progress as if there weren’t enough barbed-wire-topped hurdles in our way?

Can’t we just restrict cosmetic Pests to the increasingly ubiqtuous Holiday events? Or otherwise get the Powers That Be to start running Saturday Pest Rescue Redux events with some serious regularity?

a F2P veteran

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Hear me out. Still one pet on Wednesday. But it starts over every hour. So we can get up to 24x pets (plus those extra copies) and still can buy some more. Every pet would be mythic in an instant. :joy:

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Maybe it was the first one to come to mind because he’s holding the sword like a guitar. Alternatively, a blonde Tommy Wiseau? :sunglasses:

Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 6.23.32 PM


Odd how many comparisons we can find for him. There are certainly even more.