(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Those Ice gems already exist lol

According to the spoilers, another warband is planned:

with this banner

and Lightning Rod as a weapon. I just wonder why only one more warband.


Hm, yellow green that doesn’t interact with blue. That’s new.


They are probably trying to bring back as many of the warbands people were missing from the first go-round. People pitched a fit that they had to wait while it rotated, so maybe them trying to address that?

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The first Friday of March, the Mythic is not yet identified and no weekend event is scheduled. Something new and different on the way?

I think we’re having another Vault Event this weekend. As for the Mythic, I think it’s a toss-up between the Ram and the Twins.

Aries would make sense as the March mythic given Pisces was this month’s mythic. And it would similarly make sense if the next 10 mythics after that follow the Zodiac/horoscope calendar, with the mythic available on the first Friday of the month matching the Zodiac sign that begins around the 20th of the same month.

As for the missing weekend event? They’ll stick something in there to fill that gap. It might not be listed on Taransworld because it requires new code and an update or something similar; it might not be listed because the developers still have to figure out what to slot in there.

But it won’t be an empty weekend.


Definitely wasn’t thinking it would be empty. I agree with you that it could be something that isn’t “ready”. Or they could just fill the gap randomly.

So the Mythic is Ahries, but taransworld is still not showing an event scheduled for next weekend. A surprise 6.2 release event, maybe?

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Update and surprise Vault weekend would be nice :pray:

I would prefer not getting a major update over the weekend since they are known to not work over the weekend (understandable). So, if there are issues, we will unlikely have support.

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IF there are issues? Love the optimism


Taran’s world lists Umbral Faction event for next weekend :thinking:

Correct @mitamata . Schedule was just updated

From the Garyatrics Bot (use !ws or Fr!ws for example to get in French)


Well, huh; that wasn’t there yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

Why repeat a 3-day assault on a faction that had one recently? I would *much" rather have a re-run of one of the older and hard-to-PF-potionless factions.


Faction weekends return!? That’s fantastic!!


Any comments or speculations about why almost all new troops released between March 28th and May 30th are COMMONS.

They haven’t finalized the troops and “common” is just the default rarity. Same reason is behind most of those troops using 3 red mana, it’s the default placeholder :slight_smile:


Well, unless they add more commons, we’ll have as many mythics as commons by the end of this year.


There are troops other than Mythic?