So at level 200 the game turns to complete BS?

I am currently lvl 420 and at no point in my way up did i have to constantly face much higher level opponents, much less so lvl1000s.
Actually even now, that i am really looking forward to be matched up against much higher levels and their juicy gold rewards, i get them much much less than opponents in my level range or slightly above/below it.
So either you make this sound much more of a problem than it is, or currently there is some very specific problem with matchmaking at around lv 200.

not sure Gouki but I can tell ya from my past exp. of being lvl 200 I got someone from 700-1000 probably 80% of the time. and it was annoying except for the juicy rewards you speak of :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

I would dispute that and claim selective memory. Still like you I have no real hard evidence to back up either claim so meh.

I suppose both views are subjective but I just know that I enjoyed the challenge and fun of beating guys that had played or paid more than me to get the better teams and the challenge and the fun of designing teams to negate the new flavor of the month. Also added to this is the Guild element where even now when you run into a defense that proves tough you can discuss it with your guildies and come up with solutions.

When a game becomes as I joked a “press a button and win” then people realise that the real fun of challenge and discussion is gone and that is when people leave.

Me being on level 289, I can confirm about level 1000 being matched with us on 200-300. I get a level 600+ plus player at east in every 5 battles 100% time, and a level 1000 at least once in every 10 battles. Out of my last 5-6 battles 2 were against level 1000 players. But i like fighting level 1000 guys, puts my team to test and it’s that more satisfactory to win :slight_smile:


yes no real evidence except being stated by a large portion of the games players. ofcourse someone under lvl 200 probably has no opinion on this as they have not reached that point.

and most lvl 1000 will not want a change I don’t think

Just anecdotally, I noticed that the average level of player I fought was VERY dependent on the time of day I played. If you’re getting a ton of super-high level battles, maybe try fighting at another time during the day?

This came up for me when a co-worker and I started talking about the teams we fought, and realized we saw totally different types of folks. He faced mostly 600+ folks, and I fought mostly 250-350 level folks. Even though we were both about level 300 at the time. Turns out we played at different times - he played late at night. I started playing then, and suddenly faced lots of higher level folks!

This observation is based on my experience as a player - I have no specific insight into the matchmaking system.

hmm, i have played day and night and not seen much of a change in lvl’s different people/teams but not seen change in lvl myself

i don’t know how to fix the matchmaking either,but i do see a problem

Yes, a big percentage of invades meet some troll defense team with 70+ HP full traited legends that have good chance to ruin your party after a single fill. Get used to quit every other game.

Since 1.09 I see more coin-toss teams and even the pushover teams take much longer to fight.

If you don’t like quitting so much you may help the ratio by blindly skip the P2W players (those in blue armor). Certainly not a perfect correlation.

Pay to progress faster. There is no P2W.


And the difference is…? How many players got full-trait gorgotha by playing 1600 games vs. by shopping up?

This far only a few good legends could be traited up from glory (celestasia, moloch, and this week bone dragon).

Not to speak about the extra 10-15 stats I see that can only come from 5-star kingdoms.

at 200 I didn’t care about what armor they had on just that they were lvl 1000 full mythics, full traits and get mana surges like crazy compared to me when I was lvl 200. I could come up with a win team/counter for any of these but when a player is 200 mostly these are still out of reach. at said 200 I wouldn’t even care about a few players in pvp who paid big money,they are fewer than the 80% 750-1000 lvl full mythic/trait people in my exp.

As far as I am aware, at last official count, there were 29 level 1000 players. There may have been a few more added since then. So, either you are repeatedly playing the same 29-to-maybe 35 people out of the thousands who play the game, or as @Hairyskinback suggested, there is some recall bias involved. As one of those level 1000 players, I don’t recall ever encountering your team.

if your talking to me I remember your team. and yes I have fought you before river. you have even attacked me before had you on revenge to I think.

not just about lvl 1000 though. 750 just as bad at 200

From what I saw no one mentioned a board control team.

If you have the troops . . .
Purple / Green Banner

Green slime / Goblin shaman / Goblin shaman / Green seer

Once the shamans or seer are powered you will seldom lose control of the board. The team and level won’t matter at that point.

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Shame on you @collectorofgems for not just moaning and for actually putting a team together to get the job done…it’s people like you that really are a pain…sheeesh (lol)

Fyi duno why this turned into me either. I was sticking up for the lvl 200’s because I see a problem there.

I am 400’s and I can kill lvl 1000’s easy enough not a problem even prefer them most times because they got more cash :stuck_out_tongue:

Just wait until the devs add the new Troll-based kingdom, and level 1000 players can start defending with 4x mythic Troll lineups. There will be no end to the troll threads.

I am a homeless gamer, and so I enjoy games where I can play for $0. I am now level 500+, in one of the top guilds, I routinely whup level 1000 defenders, and I don’t have a single mythic to my name, nor am I even close to getting one. I am, however, quite adept at match-3, and the AI in GoW is a moron.

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