Sign the petition to get GW back

It could be a lot worse…maybe the player base is shrinking and not many people care about the game in general?


I don’t agree, I’m in the Xbox guild that last year came first the times you came second and I can assure you that the difference in skills between the players can still be seen: are always the same players who achieve the best results and have the best win rates.
I totally agree that Wand lowered the difficulty a lot but I think it was an indirect (and necessary) nerf to Elementalist.
I too would prefer to have a more balanced GW in which the players’ abilities can better shine, but I would certainly choose 100 times to have the old GW back rather than cosmic nothingness

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Totalmente opino igual que tu … nos quitaron algo y no nos han dado nada! El juego esta cada dia peor.