Sign the petition to get GW back

While your point is fair from an anecdotal perspective, it’s irrelevant in relation to Gems of War.

What other companies do and how other games play, is irrelevant in this context.

The bottom line is irrespective of minority views, the game is losing players left and centre, based on different directions the devs are choosing.

I agree the forum is a microcosm of the player base in terms of posters, but many people view the info and a lot of posts (anecdotally from my experience) get shared in discords or viewed.

In relation to this thread, I understand the sentiment about guild wars. The development team do not care about it and 99% of people understand that, or don’t care themselves, or know their viewpoint doesn’t matter.

Losing guild wars has broken my guild up, the guild I lead, the #1 guild on pc mobile for guild war bracket 1 appearances and number 1 in trophies for 5 years prior to trophies being gained in explore.

I couldn’t be more annoyed about the way it’s been handled, but I was soon over it and moved on.

Sadly, there won’t be many people signing any petition, as that is just the way things work. The only recourse is to stop spending money on pointless things in the hope that they see their bottom line change, which I doubt will make any difference to their short term goals of extracting more money from players.


Well said. A good reminder to me that most of us on the forums really do love the game and want to see it succeed, even if we aren’t always happy with the direction the team chooses :smile:

sign what ??? it is like 20 people checking the forum.

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First PvP needs to be fixed. Otherwise all the teams will have Wand of Stars + Elementalist. Which isn’t fun at all.
If you really want GW back faster join the discussion about how to fix PvP. As that is what is holding back GW from returning.

Yo hace 3 años que juego estoy en plataforma ps4 y lo que me llama la atencion es la falta de comunicacion que los devs tienen … mas alla de si vuelven las guerras o no creo que es una falta de respeto que ni siquiera digan nada, que pasa con la beta test ? Alguien sabe algo … yo el pvp lo juego pero es insoportable algunos dias jugarlo! Mas que firmar una peticion creo que los devs deberian de dar la cara YA! ya son muchas las quejas que hay en el juego. Saludos a todos.

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How is PvP holding GW back? Have the devs provided complete information about this?

It’s a bit hard to copy/paste text and link at same time on phone but hope this answers enough questions.

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Guild Wars was the glue that held our guild together. Our guild is dead. I don’t understand why they removed it at all; what work was there in keeping it?

If you hate guild wars you could always go to a like-minded guild that didn’t participate.

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It’s not that they chose to let Guild Wars go, exactly. It’s that updates they made to the PVP system created compatibility problems with Guild Wars - and after trying for quite some time to fix it, they decided it was actually easier to re-build Guild Wars from scratch than to try to fix it/make it compatible with the newest updates. Kafka posted that somewhere here in the forums but I can’t remember exactly where to find it, right now.

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The funny thing is that the return of GW can even increase the outflow of players. All those who really wanted only the GW have already left the game. These are dozens of people I see chatting in solo guilds. Anonymous just froze their guild. But many people just don’t want to play GW at all and they are only glad that it was removed. It may turn out that we lost 10-15% of the players who only wanted war. And if the war returns, another 15-20% will leave, who don’t need the war at all. Only 100 guilds in the first 10 brackets actively played the war.

We’ve been playing in bracket 2-5 for the last few years. To be honest, I don’t know how to play the war if it suddenly returns. Now it is almost impossible to find new players and gather 30/30 strong players for the war. Now we are talking about how long the game will be alive. The publisher has laid off 30% of the staff of all studios this year. 3-5% of players leave the game every month, and perhaps the game will not survive until the end of summer with such an outflow. We’ve already crossed the line when the game’s economy broke down. To close all 16 stages, you need at least 27-28 players and the rest must work hard to play for these 3. And I see dozens of strong guilds that haven’t been able to find players since January.

The problem is not only in the war, but in the large number of battles that we need to play in the events and other modes. I remember gems of war, when there was only war and pvp. Without events, pets, factions and everything else. It was easy and not difficult. Right now the game is overloaded with events and there just isn’t enough time for them. Most of the players are adults with their families and worries. There are 4 new stages that take up the whole weekend, they have almost no rewards, but they require 50-70% of the points of the first 12 stages. All in order to sell starter packs to a few percent of the players. I remember how we closed the Raid on Friday and could relax on the weekend.


It would be interesting to see the breakdown of the number of those 10-15% of the GW-loving player-base that would spend on the game compared to how many of the GW-hating 15-20% would regularly open their wallet, and thus which segment the publisher deems more important, rather than your somewhat dismissive opinion.

It also makes no logical sense to leave a game just because of a mode that is entirely optional.


I’m still playing and I plan to play until I can keep my guild alive. The war in addition to the event was difficult and long. If this is going to be a separate week for the war, then great. If, along with the 16-stage event, when we need to play War during the Tower of Doom or Journey, then I won’t be very sad without a war.

But the war was main event for which we collected all these weapons, mythics and raised kingdoms. If there is no war, then it is unclear why to collect all of this. For what do we need to play events, get orbs and craft bosses? Where can we use all this? Only for PVP?

I think the publisher is losing money anyway while the players are leaving. And both categories are leaving. Who was tired of the events and who loved the war, and for many other reasons. The players started leaving in March 2023, not now. For example, a summer design change.

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I can assure you that most players don’t give single F about GW. Mostly because it only benefits the top few guilds, and even then the reward vs time required is absolutely crap. Even with this current PvP, they think I’m about to waste away all of my time for 75 marks/gems to gain the top spots? Lmao They better add a couple zeros to those rewards.


September it is… MANNASURGEON

As a guild GM, I believe that GW is an outdated part of the game and I don’t want guild members to waste time on it. There are currently new PVPs available for player activities, so there is no need to join GW to waste player time.So I oppose GW back.


Me parece que muchos jugadores no estan entendiendo, primero la guerras estuvieron siempre obviamente desde que salio pero tiene mucho segundo si no te gustan solo no las juegues y si eres nuevo yo tambien lo fui y no decia que cierren el modo por que yo no tengo el nivel suficiente para las guerrs tercero las guerras es el modo mas competitivo del juego si tu gremio es malo solo busca uno mejor y por ultimo dejare un ejemplo si tu mañana compras un juego en el que te quitan el unico modo competitivo que lo ha tenido siempre como te sentirias? Si tu juego favorito tiene pve y pvp y te quitan el pvp que te gusta que dirias? … no sean egoistas! Yo eh estado en un gremio top de ps4 que su lider decidio dar de baja las guerras me busque otro gremio y ya no hay problema … aqui nos han quitado un modo y lo queremos de regreso … al que no le guste no lo juege no sean egoistas con el resto.

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Past year, on xbox, our guild came first 7 times and 2nd 5 times. While we would love to get an additional 1550 gems every month, our guild agreed that Guild Wars should be permanently taken away for the following reasons. There are a few universal troops that are too powerful and all teams will be playing the same team, regardless of defence. There is no skill or challenge required anymore, just players needing to have those 2 specific troops and weapon combination. Regardless of defense, you don’t need to make any matches, or possibly use an empowered troop and could win any battle in 2 or less turns.

So, basically, they’ve broken their own game. Don’t you want them to fix/rebalance it first, and then reintroduce GW?

I would be happy if GW never returned. If I wanted to fight the exact same team 5 times in a row, i’d just play normal PvP.


Thread has reached 1k views now. Only 2 people have “signed the petition.”

Maybe GW isn’t a “a treasured game mode” at all now? :thinking: