Show me the mythics. Who has the most cards mythic? (Rankings)

Since you’ve already done multiple screenshots today, I’ll update it. You are really going for it Don Boba. :slight_smile:


So my total isn’t as high as other peoples, but I’m proud of my hoards!

The reason why I don’t have as many mythic-ed cards is likely because I don’t bother to buy weekly cards up unless I really like them…or really need the arcanes. I just wait to pull them from chests.


Up by one. Though probably nobody cares anymore, with Guild Wars coming tomorrow.


@yonizaf I care as current maintainer of this thread. :slight_smile:

@Isis_Kitty as a fellow hoarder, OMG. I’ve never seen that many gems or glory keys. Definitely worthy of praise. I only have a measly 22.8K gems. That pales in comparison to your magnificent 48.5K gems. Should we have another category for mythics in waiting? The biggest mythic making hoard? I’m not sure how to objectively rate hoards. I might stare in wonder at it though. Very impressed.

Well now we know what @KrudlerTheHorse almost hinted at.

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lol let me join then buhaha XD

(im waiting for an “organise by base rarity” option)


The glory key hoard used to be bigger. The Mythic this past month decided to elude me, and I spent upwards of 7K glory keys on it – after blowing all my guild seals and half my gem keys. That gem hoard is mostly in hopes of me eventually getting access to VIP keys…which may or may not ever happen.

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315 here. Once the new kingdom comes out I might be able to inch that up a couple more. =)


I have my own formula of calculating that, which I believe to be pretty accurate. According to my calculations:

My own resources are worth 8.69 mythics.
None Of The Above has resources worth 4.53 myhics.
Tacet has resources worth 5.94 myhics.
Isis has resources worth 9.01 myhics.

This is considering the amount of Gems and Seals (but not Glory), and all keys beside Event keys. It also assumes 50% guardians from guild chests - if you have guardians maxed, guild chest value should double. It also assumes one does not have access to VIP keys.


could you check how much my resources are worth? i have no idea what formula to make for it
i have 534k souls

edit: nvm i missunderstood, thought you mean the units that are under-ascended

no point calculating my future-mythics ability :slight_smile:

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That exists:

Click the 3 lines for options, tick the Base Rarity checkbox (default off) to add that column. Then sort.


Could almost have that column shown by default @Lyya


PERFECTION!!! :wink:

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Oh, I’m an idiot. Forgot to filter out classes, so only 285 for me. Want to open these keys so badly :stuck_out_tongue:


I couuuuld…it’s just a question of how many people would consider it useful vs. just noise. Hm.


At the very least I’d say it’s more useful to most people than invade count, so if space is a problem, you could switch the two.

IIRC sorting by base rarity in game was one of the most requested QoL features, and as it’s not implemented yet, the collection part of your site is an obvious alternative. Too bad it has such poor discoverability…

That’s fair. To me it’s less about the extra clutter and more about the fact that those columns (base rarity and rarity) being color-coded makes the page appear suddenly very complex.

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You can put some distance between them, I think it will look clearer then.

In your main site troop table, troop rarity (which is base rarity) is placed right after the troop name, which seem to make more sense to me in this context too - meaning that a troop’s inherent properties (name,base rarity,kingdom) are all grouped together in one side, and stuff that depends on player progression (level,ascension etc.) is grouped together after that.


i mean in game. why do you think i have so little mythics

People ask all the time for base rarity, but invade is cool too. @Lyya. The most common newbie mistake is not using a wide enough window to know the traitstones/kingdoms are there. Everyone knows how much I love ashtender, so I tend to get the questions. I’ve been pushing it inside Unprentant/Purgatory for a while. Even the holdouts are using it now. Instant counting mythics was one of the selling points I used, that and reverse sorting. :wink:

My life revolves around ashtender and tribute. It should revolve around my upcoming novel, The Internet President: None of the Above.

I’ve updated the site as follows:

  1. Show Base Rarity by default, and when “Auto” is selected in the filter.
  2. Hide Invades by default, and when “Auto” is selected in the filter.
  3. Move Base Rarity left by one column so it is next to Kingdom, which makes more sense, as @yonizaf mentioned (it’s an intrinsic property like Kingdom and not a user-specific one like Count).