Season of Ice Begins

Compiled by Anam Cara.

Everything is possible for a F2P except Overlord (which I, personally, find disgusting - this should be very clearly and explicitly marked as “paid” goal - and it is not).


On top of that several of the Season Goals are out of reach for any player coming in late. 77 days in a Season…

“Mighty Monolith” - minimum 56 days FTP

“Overpower” - minimum 25 days FTP

“Conqueror” - minimum 47 days FTP

“Vanguard” - minimum 69 days FTP

“Ladder Climber” - prolly most of us had this insta-completed but if a +1K player jumped on in Emerald League they’d need minimum 6 weeks of promotions to get to Diamond (more at lower levels)

“Promoted” - varies based on level of psychosis. I just made Praefect in two weeks but 1. It involved more PvP than I’ve ever played and B. I’ll never do that again


Yep. And because the Monolith and Citadel sigils don’t carry over, Mighty Monolith and Vanguard require very consistent daily play, with very little room for missed days or lost battles.


so very consistent daily play… and there’s no downtime between seasons.

people loved holiday events. let’s make it year round they say!



At least holiday event requires maybe 10 battles per day at most; usually less (depending on what you want from the rewards) 5 minutes of gameplay - you can squeeze that anytime and anywhere, even if you don’t have the time to play anything else on that day. But finding enough time to play for 7272 VP / day - that’s a much bigger task.

I get it, the devs wanted us to have something to do over 11 weeks, instead of finishing it all in 2 weeks. But the leeway built in is far too small. You go on holiday abroad without access to wi-fi for 2 weeks - and you have to pay up. Not to mention the increased grind before and after.

Dear devs, @Kafka @Bramble please please PLEASE re-consider the seasonal PvP goal reqs. Overlord is the most acute issue (make it "train to level 10 on level 3, for example! that should be doable for a F2P in 11 weeks; this REALLY shouldn’t be on a list next to all other goals that can be done without paying any real $$ without being marked as such), and reduce the citadel battles / monolith battles / guardian battles reqs, as well as the alliance rank reqs (unless they will no longer reset to 0 every 11 weeks in future seasons). We have lives outside the game that we like and would like to keep living, instead of playing GoW all the time.


Just throw it out altogether. A goal that basically says “collect x resource to get more of that resource” stinks, not just when paywalled. Replace it with something where task and reward aren’t directly related, like fighting Blood Frenzy battles.


I didn’t want to be greedy :smile_cat: , but that would be a perfect solution.

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Question: is it possible to fully upgrade Seasonal Mythic (reach lvl 30, buy all packs, finish all tasks etc etc) during a season (11 weeks)?

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In theory, sure. You can buy 1100 burning marks for real money during a season, and every 10 burning marks could result in 50 immortal souls, so a theoretical (albeit highly unlikely) maximum of 5500 immortal souls for a given troop, way more than is needed for level 30.

If you’re asking if you could get it to level 30 in a single season without paying real money, I’m pretty sure the answer is no.


Thank you kindly for the answer!

To pay for “highly unlikely” chances - no no no, this is not my way :stuck_out_tongue:


The best part of the season was when I uninstalled the game. Since I have completed the First Descendent, Doom 1 + 2, played warframe and Elden ring. So much fun vs wasting time in the terrible PVP updates.


I would also like to know - crafting resources required, and when it will be available to craft (or hopefully price reduction to at least 1000GM)


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Still waiting on a reason to buy things like Campaign passes, PvP passes (or just to make it easier) Gems of War passes? When kingdom progression is strategically bottle necked by Books of Deeds?
Gems of War has become an idle game for end gamers progression and I don’t think that’s a good thing.


Heres your pvp engagement @Kafka

I have 4 fights right now. Ive zero desire to play pvp. And i was an avid pvper. This low a score on wednesday is nuts

This is another qol the devs ignore because there is not money in it. Little things like this, not being able to save teams, is a deterent to late gams players. Gems of war is headed for a cliff. The devs can stop it if they stop being so greedy and utterly deaf to what their players want.


Totally agree. And imagine being a new player, not knowing how to copy/paste teams, and barely knowing the names of any of your troops. So bad.


Oh i cant imagine being a new player. The game is easy for me but ive been playing for…goodness…7 years. 2017 i think i started.

A new player has no chance


This game is absolutely dead for new players!!!
Also, absolutely dead for very old players. Paradox :slight_smile:

i have 50.000 points and 6 place in my league.ps4

I’d be in 1st place in your ladder by a mile but in mine I’m in 13th. Sooooooooo… how do I get into your ladder? lol


No idea. Ive always had easier ladders.

Ive still not touchdd pvp since hitting 6500 this week.

Kafka’s “pvp engagement is up” smacked so much of EA pride and accomplishment that im having a hard time playing now. Completely tone deaf