New PVP achievement is not fair for F2P players

Thanks to @Dwuemka sharing the infographic on the forum

we know that those are, in fact, possible to achieve which leaves us with one truly unobtainable goal (obvious paygate! As soon as I saw silver task requiring level level 14 I knew this had to be the case) and one pseudo-unobtainable goal.

Short rant

(Pseudo, of course, being 560,000 VP.
After a quick fingercounting, as an example, I would need to to about 90 battles per day (I’m disregarding citadels and such simplicity’s sake).
One might tell me - use victory talismans! Sure, but…last time I checked they didn’t grow on trees and using them on 50 base point battles - and such battles are, guesstimating, 94% of what I’m offered, with 4% of the remaining being below 50 - feels too much of a waste to go through with it.
One might tell - do blood frenzy! Mmm…that would still require me to do massive campaign whenever there is blood frenzy available to compensate for the time when it is not there. How so?, you might ask. Because I only do color regions. I’ve said it before and I can say it again - I find facing illegal team after illegal team in outer ring utterly stupid, so I keep my interaction with that down to absolute minimum, namely, citadel battles and five wins for gold marks. When somebody grows a pair to actually enforce the rules they came up with, I can consider reconsidering. Until then - thanks but no thanks.