Burning Marks / Burning Chests - bottleneck

i bought the vip pass for pvp, i already reached lvl 90 and collected all “rewards”. I also finished 99 % of season goals (last ones are only the long ones with gold star citadel fights pvp boss fights)
Immortal galcier is at level 14 all others are level 5 or lower
I reached the point where i can not obtain any more burning marks / chests (except the few from open season goals).
only way to get them is to buy! it´s crazy. i mean the season immortal is not even halfway to level 30. all others are lvl 4-5 or lower. players can get no more burning chests at some point without spending money and you plan more immortals with next pvp season. like who tested that lol. I did buy the pvp pass, i can´t even imagine the people without the pass

please change this, it´s crazy.

  1. increase the reward pass. wtf does it stop at lvl 90 ?! - give 1 chest for every future level.
  2. give 1 burning chest as reward / day when you have like 100.000 vp in a season
  3. make it possible to buy burning chests with silver / gold marks
    4)give burning chests in weekly vp rewards (instead of silver marks)

also in general remove silver marks as loot drop from burning chests. people can farm them free nonstop if they want. they should not block drop rate of souls/gold marks. especially not if people maybe spent money for burning chests.


intended fomo


not for me. i connect fomo with something i can afford, can achieve, that is close and can almost be grabbed if just a little more time/effort or some money is spent. in that case the end goal is so far far far away there is no risk that any fomo kicks in. just anger and frustration cause it´s so obvious they didn´t think this through or even tested if it makes any sense lol

I feel like a fool for buying the pass and I absolutely will never make that mistake again. Way too many worthless silver marks and icons. VP resetting every single season. I’m on the verge of completely quitting the game over pvp.


Good to know, because I didn’t buy it. I knew it wouldn’t be worth it!! :v:


hell, watching myself being defeated by lvl27 immortal almost made me buy that bundle just to have this killing machine. Fomo is all over the places for those who doesn’t count money,

@DracoL1ch Dont do it!

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You seem under the illusion that the actual situation is not exactly what they wanted.

Some games are Pay2Win.

Gems of war is now Pay2Grind.