Are you enjoying the new PvP?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I would wait until after the next PvP Season starts to vote, when the PvP update is complete.


Well if you are not enjoying it now, I am sure you will enjoy it when the update is complete.


Thank you.

That’s a good point. This way we can at least see how the whole PvP works with the latest update. Thank you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I don’t need to cut my entire arm off to know the saw hurts. :eyes: :rofl:


Overall, no. And I doubt the update will make it any better. At all.

Whose clever idea was it to possibly give us silver marks that we can super easily farm as “rewards” from a rare resource? Or anything but immortal souls for that matter…

That alone will frustrate the heck out of me.

Rewards are part of the game modes for me. I’m not playing just for fun, I need to get something out of it, too.


This is what is frustrating about burning chests–

•Silver marks can be farmed, and when you have all of the pets, the talismans aren’t that useful, plus we get these passively from loyalty and a daily log in reward. I think I have 15,000 of them lol.

•VP gotten from those bronze, silver, and gold icons are not really needed either as again, we can farm for this if we want. But the major problem I see with this, is that people in your pvp league will all of a sudden get ahead of you by opening up burning chests. I think they added these icons just to inflate the amount of VP we will have to earn in order to claim the top spots in our own pvp league or the global leader board.

•Burning chests should be just like shiny keys–they should give us immortal souls, just like shiny tokens, plain and simple. You can vary the amount from 10-50, but don’t add other resources that people don’t want.

People want to open burning chests to upgrade immortals. Enough is enough with the loot box marketing scheme. I’m not opening a single burning chest till we get an official response to this. And not just some “We’ll look into this bs.”

I don’t have to wait and see what this is going to be like. The forecast is dark and dreary, and I refuse to partake in the new pay to win feature that will be added soon.:money_mouth_face:




For the first time in a long time i didnt log in today. Its killed my desire


Heard someone say, recently, that “if someone drops their trousers and squats over my plate, I don’t need to wait for it to come out, I know it’s gonna be [poop] already”, and now whenever someone says we need to wait and see, I think of this. But yeah, same thing with the saw, lol.


Thank you all very much for the kind words and open-mindedness shown to me, creating a constructive and respectful opportunity to express my point of view.
It’s refreshing to see how civil a dialog about my personal opinion can be, even if I don’t share your own.

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I enjoyed it until yesterday’s Leaderboard eye-opener. Now I wonder about all those times I suddenly saw a new person ahead of me with a really high score in my League Board also…

To get back to your question though - the old PVP was getting extremely monotonous. It was the same teams over and over…so I enjoyed the change - the several changes - it is refreshing. There are some frustrating aspects of course, but on the whole I prefer the new PVP.


Wait, there’s a new PvP? :smile: :innocent: :smile:


You win the humour contest for the day. :trophy:

Yes because easy books of deeds


Yes, the old PvP was so boring.

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I hate PVP, always have, long before it hit this nadir. But there was a time when you could buck up and force yourself through 20-25 matches on a Monday, then be done and never have to touch it again all week, and it kind of turns my stomach that the devs have managed to make me nostalgic for when things were only that unpleasant.

This new rash of updates are all about sequestering everything they possibly can behind forcing you to no-life PVP and pay them money for the privilege.

180k VP every 11 weeks? Seriously? At least they’ve done me the favor of making the choice very, very easy.


I’ve regressed to the point where I only play PvP for the Gold Mark rewards. That means doing the Citadel battles on Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri-Sat, plus the follow-ups on the next day when a region gives you Gold Marks instead of Silver the first time through.

Roll all of that together and I don’t have to do a huge amount more to make it through the 20 reward gates for the other Gold Marks. Far more often than not, I’ll get a PvP “bracket” that has a couple of whales in it, which would require far more time and effort than I want to spend to finish 3rd (or better) for the bonus Gold Marks. Since there’s no practical difference between finishing 4th and finishing 22nd, why bother when finishing those reward gates is usually sufficient for at least a mid-teens ranking?

If the developers want us playing more PvP, they need to re-think the rewards paradigm. Maybe shift it to something that isn’t so top-heavy for a few and leaves the rest of us with nothing.


My approach is similar, unless I just want to test out a new mythic or something.

I’m not sure how much it would matter to me if they somehow made it “better” - there’s so much stuff to do every day in GoW already that I’m not likely to spend more time in PVP. The only way I way that I would think it is better is if I could get thru it faster. Removing Stella/Wand from defense teams is an improvement to me. Although I would like to see it go back to players setting their own defense team in each region - just because it is more interesting.