Immortal Glacycia still doesn't add up to lvl 30

After doing every single season goal, season pass, buying every single soul cache and then buying the burning chests which i have to tell you when your immortal Glacyia is around 28 or 29 you basically only get gold or silver or those trinkets but hardly ever any upgrades. So my question is this, was it your intention to not fully upgrade the featured immortal during this or any upcoming event because i think it’s an absolute sham when i think that doing all the quests and buying all the upgrades would get me to level 30 when in fact im about 85 souls away from the finish line and for how much I’ve paid into this quest you’d think that one more purchase will get me there but im tired of doing it. I’m tired of spending money into a broken system. So goodbye. Vip 20 g.e.m Machine level 2303.


Money well spent. :+1:

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Why would you ever expect to win with a slot machine?

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when the free to play isnt really free to play


I’ve written and rewritten this reply multiple times.

Sorry, but I would treat this as a cautionary tale. Please ensure that one’s objectives for a game align both within your budget and within achievable parameters.

Honestly, an early check of the Campaign Pass and Season Awards showed that it was unrealistic for Immortal Glaycia to be fully leveled within this first campaign.

I’m actually astounded that you raised the troop to Level 29. I consider that a helluvan achievement.

But I truly feel sorry that your cash outlay failed to meet expectations and I hope at the very least you regard this as a lesson learned.


Oh no, it’s fully possible. You “only” have to buy the soul packs for even more money. Aren’t you glad about that? You’re allowed to spend more. Yay. :roll_eyes:

Why are you in such a rush to get any Immortal to 30 just so forever those Souls get turned into “dust” is really the question