Season of Ice Begins

That isn’t possible for a f2p. I’ll stop playing the game as they don’t care about f2p anymore.


The season is 68 more days. maybe it will be possible

The 8 season goals along with the with pass give 610 immortal Glaycia souls and 440 burning marks.


The season pass is not free, which means they can’t make all the rewards for the season free :rofl:

I started laughing so hard because this :poop: keeps falling out of the box over and over again
Silver marks happens


Even with the season pass done i still need to hit 560k vp to get glacyia to 20.

@Kafka prepare for those “engagement with pvp” numbers to crater as this season goes on and more and more people realize just how greedy the devs have become. I did enough pvp today to get the monoliths and thats it.


There’s season pass rewards and season goals rewards. The latter are about achieving special things by playing the game excessively, there’s a strong expectation that you can collect those without having to pay up.


yep, overlord lvl 2 and 3 aren’t possible for f2p, maybe conqueror and vanguard lv3 too, we are close to get the data.
the rest is f2p, if someone like you is willing to spend much time on it.
but there are also some rewards in campaign pass we can’t get as f2p, so in comparison to this it isn’t better or worse imo.

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You don’t seem to understand the point. This is about achieving things, like completing all tasks in the campaign, even though only part of the rewards can be collected. The season goals lock out players not spending money from fully participating, and they even hide this until the very last moment. Think of it as a game achievement requiring you to collect 10 million pig hooves, for bragging rights, with a prompt coming up at 9.999 million pig hooves that you need to spend $10 for the remaining 1000 pigs to spawn. Only very dedicated players play this way, for those Gems of War has just committed a cardinal sin that can’t be forgiven.


This got me :joy:


don’t get me wrong: i’m with RootsSeed, that the whole system is BS.
but as f2p i just compare the rewards with the other things ingame we can’t reach or are timegated for us, the implementation is rude, but now we know for the next pvp season.
maybe next season we can reach it by giving all personal numbers, credit cards, bank accounts, adress, age and what else to the next sweepstakes to complete it.
you know how i think about devs


Behold the rise of the terrible one-hoofed pig.


To get more than one hoof per pig, you must purchase the hoofstart offer.


Or else, 3 out of 4 hooves go poof. Got it :grin:

Help finding zevra hooves please. Also where is mankrik’s wife?

I had around 1.8 million VP before reset so I’m no stranger to PVP. The idea of having to reach 800k again and again and AGAIN has drastically reduced the amount of pvp I play. It actually shouldn’t matter since I obviously play a lot but there is just something psychological about knowing all of my progress will be continually erased. I’m over it and am only playing the absolute minimum now and moving on to something else. Devs, by something else I mean a different game that provides more value for my time and money. I’m still on the fence since I do enjoy my guild but like a lot of others I am very seriously considering just uninstalling.


I was at around 1.5 mil VP (I forgot to screenshot before the big reset). I like PvP as an idea, as a mode, but the reward system & reqs need reworking ASAP.

I think the problem is that nothing this big or this important gets erased/reset in the game - weekly events and weekly leaderboards do, and campaign bonuses, but campaign requires 1/1000th of the effort that reaching 800k VP in PvP does! This is what, to me personally, is annoying. Delves don’t reset - once you’ve done them to 500, they are there. Once you unlock Explore 12 - it stays unlocked. Once you upgrade the soulforge to max - it stays there, you don’t need to re-earn it. Once you unlock power levels in a given kingdom - it doesn’t ask you to spend resources again to unlock it! If that’s not a recipe for annoyed playerbase - I don’t know what is.

I saw someone write (I don’t remember where exactly, or who that was) that the devs simplified the campaign recently, only to add, essentially, something that is campaign 2.0, but requiring multiple times the effort that the original campaigns required. So true. I hope the devs will see reason and understand that except the 0.02% of the most dedicated players, most of us don’t have the time needed to play this many battles on a daily basis (or even if we do, that’s a recipe for burnout).


Well…what is sure is that I won’t be finishing season goal of reaching certain alliance rank ever - 560,000 VP is way too much of a stretch, especially when I’m still being constantly kicked in the nads because you love my player level so much that I’m not deserving of high payout battles. High five for turning almost all that elaborate and painstakingly designed ranking system into a dead content in one fell swoop!

180,000 or whatever it was VP for free pass rewards might be ultimately doable, although most of those rewards are pure junk. Boosters? - nobody cares, garbage. Talismans? - nobody cares, utter garbage.
14,99 monies for paid pass - hard pass. That is not something that I (as VIP8) can justify using my gaming funds on, especially not on something PvP related.

That final season goal of upgrading the immortal to whatever level also looks like something out of reach for generic non-paying players. Cool, whatever. And immortals in general don’t even tickle my yearning that much - maybe I’ll get around to doing something with them…if so, well, okay; if not - well, okay, not worth the hassle.


Yeah I got the season pass, and I have to get that 560k mark to get Glacyia to 20. Im at 19.

Next thought…
Is this possible for free-to-play gamers?

We have 9 weeks left, completing second stage will take 5 weeks (5 citadel guardian battles per week) and then there are 4 weeks for the last stage.
Unless the requirement is 20 or below, it will be impossible to complete.

What am I missing?