Season of Ice Begins

What really gets me is VP from icons. They give 10% of their value when auto-converted at the end of the season, for a “headstart”. That’s on average a whopping 570 VP for F2P, 2565 VP when paying, only available if you’ve played through the whole PvP pass for 180k VP. A few minutes worth of PvP.

Who the heck spends time designing and implementing such an utterly insignificant feature that serves no practical purpose at all? This doesn’t even remotely pass any sanity check. Are those numbers somehow off by a factor of 100, which would at least allow paying players to access Alliance chat at the start of the season?


After opening a bunch of burning chests… I can say that these “icons” cannot be considered a “headstart” AT ALL!

Also, getting 50 silver marks from a burning chest feels like a punishment. My guildmate has opened 4 chests, they’ve received 20 gold marks and 150 silver marks. Certainly, they feel disappointed and want to leave this game.

So many amazing people have posted their deep analysis and great ideas about this update, showing that THEY love GoW and care about this game.
Thank you very much!


How much does it take to complete the season pass? 180 thousand vp? it is still possible to do this: 16’364 vp per week
But 800 thousand for the last rank of the alliance looks like too much grind: 72’727 vp per week :sweat_smile:

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That’s just for REACHING the last rank on the last week in the season, and then the rank resets. If you really want to take advantage of these daily GM for a week or two, you need to grind much more early in the season. 80k, if you assume you want one week of max GMs, 88.8k, if you assume you want two weeks of max GMs… who’s got that kind of time?


20 gold marks or any icon don’t feel like a reward, either. I got gold marks 5x and icons 3x and it’s a disappointment every time.

But the person who thought the farmable silver marks - and only 50 of those - were a reward for all the work we need to put into burning marks deserves all their veggies to be overcooked until this gets dropped.


Why do these loot chests always have to be designed in the most frustrating way possible for players? Souls is what players want, the rest is just stuffing nobody cares about.

1.) Terrible way of doing it.

One loot roll, for:

  • 50% chance to get souls
  • 20% chance to get marks
  • 20% chance to get talismans
  • 10% chance to get icons

2.) Good way of doing it.

One loot roll, for:

  • 100% chance to get half as many souls

Another loot roll, for:

  • 40% chance to get half as many marks
  • 40% chance to get half as many talismans
  • 20% chance to get half as many icons

Both ways hand out the same amount of loot on average. The first one results in many unhappy players, because half the chests just contain worthless junk. The second one makes everybody feel happy, because each chest contains something useful, even though it’s just half as much.


I think we even have precedent for a change like this (but like 6 years ago)… Isn’t this exactly what happened with the original dungeons and diamonds on release? It was RNG but then was changed to become a guaranteed but less amount of diamonds each day?

Bc some players were getting jackpot diamonds and some getting 0s…. But we’ve now fully embraced the jackpots and 0s model for dragonite, for example. Maybe we’ll get yet another gnome type for these immortal souls once they get stale :roll_eyes:


Seasons of Ice Begins and many players stop playing. Season have ruined so many games. Time to include this one. Players hate progress resetting because of some made up time limit and items behind a pay wall. Good luck keeping a player base.


Which answers your earlier question - designed only to dilute the souls awards.

But that would be actually fun. Can’t have that. We can only have “fun”.

I was motivated for exactly one day. But after my last 5 chests giving me only gold marks and icons, I’m back down to near 0 motivation for pvp.

What’s the point if I don’t get what I can’t get anywhere else, and if at least half of my pulls are a total disappointment?


Yep. I got way too many bronze icons. While 500 VP for each one is not nothing, it always feels like a disappointment.

Speaking of disappointments, some of the immortals don’t seem all that great especially when you consider you can only have one of any type on a team. I mean some mythics do a similar job at a much lower mana cost even when you factor in the situational kingdom bonus. I don’t have them all right now but the only one that impressed me enough so far is Immortal Ossifier (very useful even at low levels). For those who managed to max them out, does getting to lvl 30 dramatically improve them enough or not?


Glacyia is good. But the ones that are random with the possibility of 3 damage are a bad joke


Titanius and Terra are top tier. I used them even more than Glaycia yet. :sunglasses:

would say yes: awakened torment is curse and stun all on 4 match

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I’ve had this happen many times already. Because rng is always streaky. It really DOES make you want to better use for your free time.

OMG exactly!


oh yay another 3 in a row for 50 silver marks. I’m just having so much fun!

i’m sorry make it 4 in a row! Number 5 was a bronze icon. 6 was 10 souls and number 7 was… drum roll please… yep another 50 silver marks.

How is this supposed to make anyone want to play this steaming pile of :poop:?


Silver marks should NOT be in that pool. Gross.


The time sink is just as bad as the money, if not worse. I wouldn’t mind the extra $15 quarterly at all if it was paying for something enjoyable. Adding a half hour a day of PvP grinding (based on the numbers below) to the to-do list for this game isn’t something I want, so it’s any easy pass on this season pass for me.

Thanks for providing this reference info.


Seems like that 3 -77 The 3 I would think should be modified by magic otherwise it’s a really low low low number. Could it be a mistake??!!?!?


Nah they just want you to have that chance to get screwed by rng

I dont get why those arent just a flat number like glacyia

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