Season of Ice Begins

I can upgrade Immortal Glaycia’s weapon with ingots like a regular mythic weapon. I thought they were supposed to be upgradeable only by levelling the immortal troop?

Awesome breakdown, as always. Thank you. At least now people will know approximately what they might get if they pay for the pass. :woman_facepalming:


Season of dying big whales begins…and it happens faster than ever before after this grindy and greedy update.


So insulting that VP unlocks get revoked and have to be re-earned every season. Can’t spend our marks on books, can’t buy shiny keys, hell, can’t even POST IN ALLIANCE CHAT until we grind out their VP milestones from scratch. And even that goes away AGAIN after 11 weeks.


The icon to upgrade is there but it cannot be upgraded with ingots

Oh, the people who pay boatloads of money get to talk.


Why would you share this

Did you try it, or are you assuming? Worked when I tried it.

Grayed out for me

Because it might cause a problem when it is upgraded the intended way after being upgraded the wrong way


On Xbox, there is no onscreen button to upgrade, you press left bumper and it works.

Bold of you to assume they won’t massively overcharge when crafting, too.

This is exactly what we need to know. They can’t really expect players to pay that much in the soulforge.

So, yeah, they probably do expect players to pay extra in the forge. For a mythic that isn’t really worth getting.

Not sure if this is them being terrible at creating powerful mythics that would justify a high price, or them relying on FOMO to sell a trash mythic at above market rates.


Yeah, I’ve been doing the numbers on some of the goals, too, and it looks like they expect players to be paying out to earn goals, not just the season pass rewards. Really not keen on this update and the more I look, the uglier it gets.




I’m f2p

and got this:



Hello :slight_smile:

Please DO NOT ATTEMPT to upgrade your Immortal weapons in this manner, as it will potentially screw up the levelling of your Immortal Weapon.

Please also note that I’ve let the development team know about this issue and they are working on rectifying this issue.

For further details, please refer to this article here: Able to Upgrade Immortal Weapons using Mythical Ingots or Orbs


Holy crap - that’s all I can say.

Unfortunately, I have other things to do and can’t play pvp the whole day. Nor would I want to if I’m honest.


I can’t get over the fact that we can’t even use the Alliance chat unless we earn an amount of VP that isn’t in reach of your standard player.

So alliance chat will be an “elite” feature for those few who grind pvp like their lives depend on it.

Make it make sense!

Having your progress revoked is the biggest demotivation.

Who are we? Sisyphus?

You know that it was supposed to be a punishment and that we don’t play this game to be punished?

I have 0 motivation to buy the pvp pass, and I have not bought the season pass either. I’m VIP 9 so it’s not like I have not bought things.
But the greed and the grind are getting out of hand.


That’s the purpose. We can’t have easy books or dragonites, it’s bad for the economy.