Season of Ice Begins

Lol. This update is all about increasing the amount of time players spend in the game. They don’t care about their players anymore. This update is purely about money. They wont do anything that decreases grind


I got to tier two in pvp in season pass, which shows unlocking 150 souls for Immortal Glaycia-- but it doesn’t unlock those, says get burning chests to unlock souls. How does that work? Using burning chests gives you one of the three results-- I am not seeing the connection with unlocking these souls.

If it doesn’t say “free” under the reward, it’s premium pass only.


You collect them in the PvP campaign tab. You also use burning souls in burning chests (bottom left in PvP). Last but not least you upgrade them in your troop menu like every other troop.

Done that several times now. 10 Immortals obtained, only Immortal Libara left. :sunglasses:


The best gold mark offer is 170 marks for 7,95€

In practice you couldn’t buy the Kukulkan mythic with just those gold marks as you get those marks over 15day period. 10 weeks is not enough time.

But just for fun lets say you’d get those gold marks instantly. How much would it cost you to buy Kukulkan with the cheapest gold mark offer?

170 : 7.95€ = ~ 21.4 Gold marks per €

2500 : 21.4 = ~ 117€

117€ for a mythic you’ll most likely only want for kingdom power level purposes.

To make some comparison for those who don’t know exchange rate for € .

Elden Ring for PS5 currently costs ~42€




So I broke down and got the season pass but I dont see season pass rewards?

I think we are being told you WILL play PvP and you will like it. I didnt hate it, but i would be considered a casual player, playing enough over the week to usually get 2nd or 3rd for the precious gold marks.
To have all those hard earned VP points taken away so i cant even buy a book i earned last week is demoralizing. My one measly gold mark per day no more.
I will never play enough to get back up the rankings again and would never spend gold marks on anything but books anyway.
Thanks for ruining my morning devs.


@Sylwani there is only one reward stream. With the pass you get to collect those not listed as free. If some were already unlocked they should be mailed to you.

Hello,Kafka. we need to know when Kukulkan appears in Soulforge, still requires 2500 gold marks or 4000 Diamonds for production


So, there’s some interesting content in this pvp season. Immortals are interesting, even if it takes a lot of levelling them for them to be really compelling. Burning chests are another source of gold marks, so that’s nice. The season goals give us both burning marks and immortal souls, so that’s another thing to do that gets us some progress. Then we look at the paid pass:

I don’t see anything there’s that’s worth $15 to me personally, but maybe it’ll be worth it to some people. At $10 it’d still stack up poorly against a campaign pass, but at $5 I feel like it would have been really compelling to purchase (for reference I purchase campaign passes and lantern packs, but not kingdom passes).

Of course, in order to get all the rewards out of the season pass you need to do 2338 VPs/day. That’s not a crazy amount, but it’s not a small ask either for those that are doing their 6500 VP/week (928 VP/day) to get PvP Goals done weekly (and plenty of people don’t even do that).

You must get some other bonuses for doing that through Alliance ranks though, right?

Nope. If you do what is required to complete the season pass you will never get a single gold mark from Alliance ranks. You will also get none from doing 2x, and from doing 3x the 2338 VPs/day you’ll get 8. In fact, if you do just enough to complete the season pass you won’t even be able to post in Alliance chat.

Personally, I had been doing 10k/day for the past few weeks motivated by eventually getting to Great General and being able to get some passive gold marks income. I understand that maybe that’s not what they intended, but my motivation for trying to climb the alliance ranks is just gone now. On XBox 70k/week is roughly top 100 on the leaderboards, so the alliance ranks effectively only matter if you are going for top 100 every week, and it’s only a significant reward if you are on the leaderboard top 10.

I feel like the alliance rank requirements really need to be cut to 80k for great general if you want it to seriously motivated the player base. If you want it to be a stretch goal it should be maybe 200 or 250k. But 800k is just way too high.

Then we have Kulkulkan. It’s interesting that you can buy a mythic for gold marks, but 2500? That’s 25 books! It’s a rough comparison, but here’s the best we’ve got (assuming you got Stella for an average number of dragon draws, and bought every single bit of Dragonite from the Dungeon shop):


Kukulkan is more expensive than Stellarix. That doesn’t include the other dragons or weapons that you’d get unlocking Stellarix, nor does it include the amount of time you’d have to grind if you wanted to get enough wandering merchant to be able to buy books. At that conversion rate Kukulkan would need to be significant better than Stellarix in order to justify the cost. If its cost was 250 gold marks it’d still be an open question of whether it would be worth it, but 2500 might not even be attainable by the end of the season if you haven’t been saving up all your gold marks so far, or compete for the leaderboards every single week.

So, there’s an interesting irony. Without a doubt we are getting more in rewards from the PvP we play than ever before. But this update has made Great General essentially out of reach to all but the most dedicated players, added the most expensive season pass without rewards to back it up and added new gold mark sinks that make PvP feel unrewarding. That all of this was done without fixing the weekly pvp team reset issue has made my entire guild less motivated by pvp instead of more motivated.

Without a doubt, there’s some good content to be had, but this update isn’t making players feel good about it.


Sorry, but the whole 8.0 update absolutely stinks. I’ve been a daily GOW player for over 8 years now and I think this is one of the most greedy updates I have ever seen.

  • Daily Gold Marks snatched off us thanks to the reset.
  • An obscene amount of gold marks needed to get the new mythic troop
  • ANOTHER paid season pass needed to earn decent rewards in PVP

Its disgusting. Currently VIP level 12 but I will not be investing any more money into this game anymore. It stops now. Absolutely disgusting.


Yes great question. Can we get a confirmation that it will be diamonds to craft him later?


Had me confused at first too !

This screen shot should be self explanatory.

When you attain enough vp **/2000 for the next tier reward it becomes collectable (then ticked)

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Honestly dgaf about new troops anymore, gonna play events and and chill in expore occasionally if I feel like it.
I truly believe this will break the game and all I can say is by not listening over and over again that it’s well deserved.


Thanks, DarwinX. Really appreciate the work you put in to this explanation.

I’ve also written down the PVP Season rewards but yours is definitely more pretty. Can confirm those numbers though.

To help assess whether the paid pass is worth it, an individual Immortal needs 2,550 souls to be fully upgraded.

  • Free pass will give you 250 souls (9.8%)
  • Paid pass will give you 1,250 souls (49.0%)

In addition, you can get another 405 souls if you complete all the Season Goals (1 gold task = 45 souls), which works out to another 15.9% towards completion.

However, I question if we will be able to complete the Citadel Battles (as well as the Citadel Guardian Battles) without paying extra.

The Monolith Battles might be able to be done Free, maybe.

And as you say, if you’re not working towards the top Alliance rank, you won’t get the Gold reward for that either.


Does anyone happen to have a full list of pvp season tasks, please?

2500 gold marks for a troop worse than Phoenicia is comedy.




Maybe you could just stash them in inventory somehow, like you did with the rest of the new stuff that you didn’t want to put into legacy code (shiny troops data, for example).

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