Season of Sands Begins

Originally published at: Season of Sands Begins – Gems of War

New PvP Season Begins A brand new PvP Season begins today. Earn rewards from the Season of Sands Pass, and play PvP battles to complete Goals during this season. Just a reminder that when the season starts all VP will be reset to 0. Alliance Ranks will be updated to reflect this. Featured Immortal: Immortal…

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this shouldn’t be here




TWO IMMORTALS per season?!
Not happy about it. At all.


Were you playing at reset? I was and got a bunch of spurious completion animations for PvP Goals tasks – for things like Mighty Monolith that I had completed last season. After exit and restart the PvP Goals have correctly reset, but I too have 400 more Glaycia souls than I did before.


Hey folks,

As you may have noticed, the Gnomes have been having a Gnome-a-palooza all over the new PvP Season. Please bear with us while we round them up and straighten things back out!


Awesome quality control. :rofl:


so… we’ll probably never actually make progress on individual Immortals at a real rate since we’re going to get watered down with 2 Immortals per season.

21 Burning Chests, 0 Raqiyah souls

not impressed


Again, our progress with upgrading immortals gets even more improbable and impossible. Getting immortals to about level 5 will be manageable with multiple pvp seasons, but beyond that? Progress will be extremely slow and frustrating.

Burning chests need to be reworked. Period. Immortals were a great idea but they were corrupted with silver marks and pvp icons.

Greed and marketing schemes twisted a new and innovative way of making progress and it’s very disappointing. It’s like Bobby Kotick was in the room and ruined everything.


So, is this a legendary troop, or a mythic troop? Will it be in chests, or ONLY in the soulforge within the LEGENDARY rotation? Can we please get clarification / clean-up of the announcement post? Pretty please?

Also: can we please make sure that players are able to earn enough immortal souls to be making progress with their immortals, instead of throwing more immortals to upgrade towards them? I get it, they are decent as they are, without upgrading. But we wouldn’t be playing this game, if we weren’t at least a tiny weeny little bit completionists at heart, and being a completionist includes being able to upgrade the troops fully. Are we expected to never upgrade any of these troops to max? Because at this rate, and with 2 (not 1) immortals getting added to the pool every season, the goalpost will just keep moving away. And that’s just for people who are currently playing. If someone misses a season, they are supposed to be able to catch up… never…?


Season of Ice? :neutral_face:


“Only” around a hundred here. I wonder what happened :thinking:

I ain’t complaining!

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Drop rate in burning chests are still abysmal. I am getting silver marks 50% of the time. Gold marks like 25% of the time. The achievement for getting 5 immortals to level 10 seems even more ridiculous now. I might just not bother anymore.


Is it only me, or are other people also not seeing any troop options in the pvp shop?

(image taken on steam, not visible on android either)


They patched it out until next week.


Ah, ok. Thanks! :+1:

edit: Here’s the link to that message. It reads to me that we’ll have to wait until the next update rather than weekly reset. Kukulkan leaving PvP Shop before weekly reset - #4 by Nimhain


With two immorals (not a mistake) adding to the drop pool every season, and silver marks dropping in most of the pulls… I’ve decided not to buy a pvp pass anymore. I feel it would be impossible to progress either with or without the pass.


You had months to make things more player friendly and yet you don’t care at all. And lets not talk at all about the amateur tier mistakes and bugs


Hey all,

So when the new PvP Season started at weekly reset, everyone earned some duplicate Season Goal Rewards for the progress they’d made last Season.

Let’s consider it a surprise early 10th birthday gift for every adventurer who has been part of our community over the years :partying_face: :tada:

In order to keep it fair we have not fixed this bug.
However, it will be fixed for when PvP Season 3 starts.

We have been listening to your feedback about concerns about the drop pools being diluted as new content is added and we have a plan for one way to address this with the Immortal Souls in Burning Chests in a future update.

These systems and game modes will continue being reviewed, improved, reworked over the next 10 years as they have been over the past 10 years, things are rarely locked in stone, there’s always more plans for the game and how to improve things than we know what to do with from Sirrian’s brain and from all of yours. I think at this point the only thing that hasn’t been touched yet in 10 years is Treasure Hunt, everything else has been worked on as time passed.

We appreciate all of you and how passionate you are and the time you take to give us feedback, there’s a lot of moving parts, but we’re onboard with you! You give this game and community life and hoo boi do you bring the heat sometimes, but we always know that the fire comes from your passion and for that we’re always greatful. Although things take time, ultimately, we’re always thinking of you and your experience and how to look after Gems of War so we can keep playing for another decade.

And to really emphasise the passion (yes that is a marshmallow on the end of the stick - or me depending on the day haha):


What about the feedback about the requirements for the pvp seasonal goals? Please tell me you don’t need 2-3 more seasons of collecting data to know some of them are really illogical as they currently are.