Season of Ice Ending

Originally published at:

PvP Season Ending Soon The final week of the Season of Ice is upon us! This is your last chance to earn rewards from the Season Pass, Season Goals, or purchase a Premium Pass to earn some of the following rewards. Featured Immortal: Immortal Glaycia Once the Season ends, Glaycia’s Immortal Souls will only be…

Immediately in the Soulforge? Or like in a year in the Soulforge? That’s the question here. Besides how much it shall cost. Don’t start with 2500 gold marks as well. :pleading_face:


I doubt we will see Kukulkhan any time soon in the mythic rotation. There’s a Suncrest event scheduled for December 9th, so you can save up event keys, but with four possible mythics, expect to be disappointed. It will probably be available in the soulforge around this time next year after asking the devs and wondering about it for months.:rofl:

My advice–don’t waste gold marks on these pvp seasonal mythics and make progress with your kingdoms instead. I just can’t accept the cost of 2,500 gold marks (25 deed books) for these “gold grab” mythics, and it’s like they want to trick you into hindering your kingdom progress and wasting resources.


Since this is a special troop for a special cost, I doubt it will be in event chests next time or for the regular 4K diamonds in the forge.
But who knows, I might be wrong.

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Are there going to be any changes made to pvp?
Such as:

  • Removal of special gems which turns things alot more luck based then it should be.
  • Lowering certain seasonal challenges. Mainly reaching certain pvp rank and immortal level
  • Give a way to still earn burning marks after all are earned from seasonal challenges and rank.

With a week left it should already have been talked about. So would be nice to have some confirmation if things are going to be better, the same or worse @Bramble


My guess is–No.

Instead of working on revamping pvp to make it more rewarding and less time intensive, they’re focusing on releasing a new round of “rainbow” dragons that you can check in the spoiler thread.

For me, it’s just too much distraction with power creep and ignoring our constructive feedback. For me personally, it’s been too long without actual competition from guild wars, and I’m growing impatient. I know there are players that enjoy not having the stress, and that’s why there are guilds that don’t require guild wars.

But honestly? Why are we getting higher kingdom stats and more powerful troops? To blaze through pvp and other game modes even faster? At some point you have to question, “What is the point of all this?”

They think that releasing new dragons for the 10 year anniversary will make us pretend like everything is okay? Please. I might be dumb at times, but I’m not falling for that.


If I’m interpreting the Soulforge history page over at Taransworld properly? I think we just started a new mythic cycle roughly a month ago. So unless the developers patch Kukulkan into that cycle in some sort of ad hoc maneuver – something I’d actually wager against – we’re probably looking at months if not a year-plus. Because we’d have to go through the entirety of this cycle and however much of the next cycle is required before RNGeezus blesses us.

@Darkborne : Regarding your suggestion of Event Keys? I believe it was stated somewhere that Kukulkan would only be available from the Soulforge and not through keys of any sort.


We need someone to respond to the issue of Kukulkan before December 9th then. Event keys are a scarce resource, and if players waste them in Suncrest, many players will be confused and frustrated.

Simply put–Will Kukulkan be available in event keys on December 9, 2024? @Jeto @Bramble @Kafka


I realized today I will come up 1 boss fight short of completing the last task. I am so upset because I dont remember missing any days, but it might be because I didnt know you had to collect each stage the second you completed them as they do not carry over if you don’t. 11 weeks down the drain


Aragorn don’t feel too bad. I collected mine but still couldn’t upgrade another level as it only gave 25 souls.


Simply put, no.


Thanks for reminding me. I’m just afraid that many players will waste keys in Suncrest trying to get this because not everyone visits the forums.:+1:

They really need to put an asterisk or something on troops like this so that players know they can’t be obtained by ordinary means.


They mislead people on purpose so that they waste their resources and play more. It is impossible for a normal player to know where and if a troop can be obtained from chests.


It’s a good reminder :+1:

You had to miss 6 days to not complete Vanguard. 50 needed out of 55 opportunities. I hear ya on having to collect to progress - that’s stinky.

Its the only thing i can think of where i will be short. At the beginning i was out of town for a week after my mom had major surgery and I took my Xbox to play matches, but didn’t know you had to collect right when you finished Bronze or else they stopped counting


Sorry to hear that - hope your mom is doing well

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Thank you. It was a tough surgery, but she recovered like a champ


Do burning marks carry over?

Yes 10char