Sad way to finish the year

It’s not that they can’t be bothered they just can’t devote 95% of their time checking through logs and such to compensate a few players.

Yes we do. What do you expect to happen if you lost your account and we didn’t have support.

Good luck with that. I paid real money for The Walking Dead the final season I paid for the entire season and just before episode 2 released Telltale announced they were closing dow and wouldn’t be finishing the game. I contacted Microsoft and asked for a refund because I paid for 4 episodes of TWD made by Telltale and with their closure I wouldn’t be getting what I paid for. Microsoft told me I would need to contact Telltale for a refund.

He didn’t pay money for those 1500 gems so there is nothing for Microsoft to refund.


That’s essentially their job Maxx.

This whole issue is the second know case of missing rewards due high amount of legendary tasks, so i would say it’s the players fault that some tasks will be missed, but it’s only right to give him/her the gems because this this behavior of deleting the previous rewards is unexpected.

Also the costs of giving those gems HARDLY outweighs the loss of good faith from an entire guild plus any other players who will heard about this.

The devs can still handle this situation in a better way and if they refuse, well, Slumzee can still contact Microsoft if he/she still feels wronged about it.


I’m glad we have so many players that know more than Sirrian what each member of the dev team’s job is and how they should divide their time. I’m not sure what the team would do without so many successful managers.


I do not believe the devs consulted their legal team before creating their “new policy”. In most places there are laws about the time a “winner” has to be able to collect their prize. Especially prizes that have a monetary value. The amount might too low to consult a lawyer, but it’s fairly easy to process small claims case. You have plenty of evidence to support it. The way court systems are holding publishers accountable now a days you should win easily. Instead of being compensated in gems you’ll be given the money equivalent.

Go ahead and keep complaining til there is no more guild wars. Fine with me. Maybe we can have TOD every other week. Also the 1500 is way more than any other mode gives you and it can be reduced to say 1000 or less. They gave a good explanation and that would be ok for most people. Maybe a good solution in the future would be to make it so guild mates can donate Gems to each other so that when they overload mailboxes they can share the burden of lost gems. Say 50 from everyone would make it so you only missing 50 gems instead of 1500. On a brighter note they are removing the 50 gem cost for changing classes. They also fixed the freeze issue in troop menu. I bet if the Devs were having to investigate and give compensation all the time those would still be issues. _


It’s not that hard to guess why the support have such trouble coping with tickets, each new bug, flaw of design, discrepancy of terms, poorly described mechanics and features, as well as many other minor issues, are the cause.

Until the devs finally start acting in a preventive manner, not just reactive, towards issues they will remain “understaffed” always having new problems to be “juggled around”…

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@Maxx Checking through logs…? I gave them a full video proving it…

@Maxx give it up. They aren’t going to be swayed by anything short of getting reimbursed. They’re angry and rightfully so. I’ve forgotten to collect snotstone rewards at end of week or to do daily events and kicked myself for it. I can only imagine how pissed I’d be if I lost 1500 gems over something as stupid as this. It sucks to be sure and nothing but those gems are going to repair the issue for them.

That said, I agree with you the devs need to stick to their stated policy, which was posted in multiple places before the holidays as a reminder to everyone about the hazards of full mailboxes due to massive LT dumps and that the wouldn’t reimburse for lost mails for any reason. They were proactive in that respect. They’re also right that making a single exception will lead to an endless cascade of exception seekers who will all be upset that their exception isn’t considered as exceptional as someone else’s and that’s when the favoritism pitchforks are raised.

Part of me says the right thing to do is reimburse them. The other (larger) part says to stick to the policy regardless of how painful it is, if nothing more than to squash the entitlement some feel they are owed because they’ve spent a ton of money. At this point if I were FTP I’d raise the roof if they WERE reimbursed because it sends the wrong message and supports entitlement since the main argument for reimbursement thus far has been based on the victim and his supporters having spent an obscene amount of money. By being VIP you already get daily benefits for supporting the game.

VIP doesn’t entitle anyone to circumvent policies or to get more favorable treatment than non-paying players. No one is forced to pay and other than the benefits listed for each VIP level, no one is owed anything extra by the devs or publishers based on what they’ve spent on the game. If someone spent piles of money on the game they’ve done it of their own freewill.

@slumzee I feel terrible for your crappy predicament. :confounded:


The devs do not get to set their policies carte blanc. So now the complaint goes to Microsoft and Sirrian can explain his policy to them. Then Microsoft can explain their policy to him.
And we have unhappy customers and bad feelings on top of that.


I would say the larger part of you is being fueled by the wrong motivation. I can understand how it rubs people on the wrong way when someone builds their case over Vip Levels and such…

But if anything when i put that aside, speaking of my personal view, i measure things from the perspectives:

  • Regulations should be created and followed when/if they are meant to bring order and justice.
  • If a law or rule is not working in these parameters, if it’s causing harm due new dynamics in place (social or not) it should be reviewed and changed keeping in mind the betterment of the whole system and people under it.

Sirrian stated he wants to work on changes for the system to avoid this in the future, so yeah that’s good in this particular matter.

But regarding the other part of you who says it would beright to reimburse Slumzee, this is the part where you, me and others, feel that even with a future change in the policy and system justice is not being served for this Player. And justice might not be served in any future cases either we hear/read about them or not until the Mail System is reviewed…

That’s the big problem here, i understand that the sense of entitlement we might feel from some posters in this thread brings a sour mood, but if everyone could ask yourself: “What if it was me?”

What if after so many dedication to my guild and financial support to this game i would be this much wronged because GOD FORGIVE ME FOR BEING WITH MY FAMILY DURING HOLIDAYS?

I can’t really blame ANY of these players and guildmates for being this outraged, and no, this is not an excuse for a bad behavior. But if anything they are hardly causing a big disturbance in the forums…

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Sirrian has a point that the help team spends too much time on missing loot requests. I was OK with :cry: being told they don’t reimburse delve chests when bug prevents you from being able to open it. A level 9 chest was petty loot. Chasing down petty loot issues is a waste of time in many cases.
My problem is 1500 gems (~$100) is A LOT and it deserves fixing because it is so much.

@slumzee I bet lost a lot more in the mail then just the 1500 gems, he could probably tell you exactly what else he was missing with proof, and would be happy with just the 1500 gems.


This is where I disagree, and what seems, to me, to be the problem in this thread. The policy was that players wouldn’t be reimbursed for any mail lost due to exceeding the limit. It wouldn’t have mattered if it was the oldest or the newest mail that was lost, and in fact - in the absence of knowing which, the guild of theives made an assumption,

took a risk, and had that risk backfire. The fact that this was said:

I think shows that they don’t care about the Devs, their time, the policy, but just want the gems that they almost had, because it was so much. I can understand the sense of loss - I just think the resultant distress is misdirected. I can’t say for sure, but it sounds like they just thought @slumzee might lose a couple of LTs. When you take a risk like that, you can’t have it both ways; you can’t always be protected.

I 100% agree with this, both times it was said:

I thought it was weird, the first time I heard of players missing out on LTs due to a full mailbox, from players ‘over-contributing’ (something you’d generally never complain about, right?). Sirrian acknowledged that there may very well be a better solution -

that’s just not how things worked while this event took place.

Standing by their policies shouldn’t make people lose faith in the Devs, imo, but rather the opposite. For me it builds trust and shows integrity.

The argument that “he played the GW, so he deserves the rewards”, in my mind, is equivalent to suggesting that rewards should be sent automatically, and is a simple Feature Request, despite the potential reasons suggested for why we have a mailbox in the first place.

Lastly, gems can’t be converted back to cash, which I think makes the real money legal argument defunct (and I also believe there are precedents), even if it gives an indication of the size of the reward that was lost.


They can’t set their policy to ‘rip people off’.

We have recourse through Microsoft and the credit card company purchases were made through.

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Sorry, the policy isn’t ripping anyone off and there’s nothing showing it was written with intent to rip anyone off. Players not heeding ample warning by the policymakers to coordinate LT dumps appropriately amongst themselves is what did the screwing.

I already said I’d be pissed beyond belief and so would anyone. I too understand where Slumzee & Truxton are coming from and as I already said they have the right to be outraged.

But the fact remains this is a game highly dependent upon time spent playing. If you don’t log in for a day (regardless of how well intentioned or important the reason is) you miss out on things, plain & simple. Things you can’t make up later because they’re gone. As heartwrenching as it may be that Slumzee missed playing because he valued family more (kudos for that btw!), he didn’t/couldn’t log in.

If the situation had been even more tragic where a player was visiting a dying family member Fri/Sat/Sun during GW and couldn’t log in at all, thereby missing 3 days of GW that couldn’t be made up and causing the entire guild to lose 1000 gems each because they came in last place instead of 1st, and to boot they drop 2 brackets which caps their max gem reward at 125 and takes a 3rd cycle to get back into bracket 1 where they can once again earn 1500 gems. Mindblowingly tragic but there’s no recourse for anyone in the guild to recoup the losses and there’s nothing anyone in the guild could have done to prevent it.

At least in the current situation the guild could have waited for their member’s return before dumping LTs in volume which caused the situation. Please tell me how a player-preventable situation is the dev’s/publisher’s fault or grounds for them to bend/break policy to “repair” it?


I have to agree. It’s not on developers a player decides to spend time with their family rather than playing their video game.

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Preventable? Yes it is, that’s why in my first post i even stated my opinion that losing the legendary tasks was their own fault as there is a precedent.

BUT! If the new mails wouldn’t be added into the mailbox, and therefore not delet the GW rewards, then things would be different. The main issue is how the system behaves causing a huge loss for Slumzee. That’s the issue i’m not ok with.

Just in case anyone brings this up: I’m not even a console player and therefore there is no way i could have any tie with their guild, but i still think the approach the devs are taking is WRONG in so many different perspectives…

Anyway, i believe there isn’t much more to say about it, the devs stated their way of doing business, and in my opinion that’s their loss and a shame for them. I hope Slumzee contact Microsoft to see if something else can be done about it and life will move on.

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Players that have been with you from the beginning get this treatment !! What are you all thinking??? . I hope new players see this thread and how you treat players . Winning guild wars is a challenge and to win and be robbed of 1500 gems because of christmas time and family I guess you all are the real thieves. Just remember many new players are referred by us players thats been here from the beginning. You all may think you won at the moment with a new policy that I personally have not seen or heard of until now but when the bottom line takes a huge hit then you can thank the dev who created this stupid policy. I also feel this should have been dealt with in a private professional manner but yet now you all let it become a public outcry on a public forum. Im sure this will be great for business . Also Please post the link for the policy as I requested from a DEV but was ignored.


It was private with my 2 tickets I sent in. But now it needs to be seen unfortunately due to the response I received.

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Please be aware that it is against community guidelines to post support responses on these forums.

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@Saltypatra I never posted a support response. All I said was “Unfortunately due to the response I recieved”