[Reported] Underspire map reset

It just happened to me. Yesterday after the update it was still fine. Today (Thursday) the map has been purged.

I spent 500 gems in the underspire this week and I want them back.


It gives TWO Lesser Orbs? I always thought it was only 1.

It was with the lantern in both of them.

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x2 with the lantern

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I did not realise this was a mechanic and I feel like an idiot. I just thought the lantern extended the view of the fork in the road. Thank you for educating my silly butt.

I donā€™t think is your fault, it probably could be more clear in game.

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It gives the info here, at least,
and at the Merchantā€™s as well
but not when you use a lantern for starting a battle, though.

Probably you simply overlooked it.


This one is definitely on me. I just didnā€™t read it properly. With my eye issues I generally avoid reading a lot of text I probably should if itā€™s not something visually really clear to me. So I tend to just throw myself in and see what happens from trial and error. I didnā€™t notice the double rewards as I only ever used lanterns at forks in the road after seeing they extended the vision of the path. Big L for me! Again, thanks to everyone for pointing this out. Iā€™ll be sure to use my lanterns better.

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I canā€™t imagine theyā€™re actually trying to sabotage things. My guess is that they get pressured to push out half baked updates so they can monetize more.

But who knows?


Monetize now. Reimburse later?


Mine reset today, was okay yesterday. 900 gems spent. There are no words for the incompetence on display.


mine also reset today , just started it yesterday on it, 600 gems spent plus over $20 USA money spent on it. Devs are you really trying to make players mad. Do you even care? I even bought extra for today before looking at my map, when I finally look at my map I found this. Also You really better not just do a 50 gem compensation b/c with real money spent and spent gems, 50 gem compensation dont even amount to the cost. You need to give us a lot more. I dont understand all the screw ups after every update or during every week. Dont the Devs have a quality control Department, or maybe they need a refresher coarse in programming. I dont want to sound offensive but really there is something going wrong with the Dev team. Do we just start this weekā€™s underspire over but just to find out its going to reset tomorrow and every day after too.


No, they donā€™t.

Or they have one and itā€™s not fit for the job.


No, Iā€™m sure theyā€™re not trying to sabatoge things. I just donā€™t see any negative repercussions for releasing buggy crap as it keeps happening and it could easily be prevented with a little testing. The lack of testing baffles the hell out of me. Does no one at this company actually play the game?


Not really. Maybe sometimes, very casually.

But if youā€™ve ever watched any of the streams itā€™s painfully obvious that at least the people who are the front for the game donā€™t play it.

Judging from how terrible many decisions are I suppose that no one who designs any features plays the game.

The new pause menu is just one example of someone doing something and not knowing what information a player is actually looking for.


Reset today for me, torches, map, but a few lanterns remain. Was hoping it wasnā€™t resetting for everyone, but maybe thereā€™s some staggered roll up. I hope to get a free lantern purchase to make up for it next week as well as the 600 (?) gemsā€¦ hereā€™s hoping.

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The early bird gets the germ. Glad i know i got all week to do underspire so i waited. Pretty much just got a free lantern the way i did it lol. Feel bad for those who lost progress tho. Remember you got all week to do it no reason to rush it on the first day or whatever. Save your gems

Itā€™s far cheaper to spread out your torch purchases across all 7 days if youā€™re aiming to defeat all the minibosses.

Anyway, looks like Iā€™ll be skipping this week. Thereā€™s no point to make any gem purchases starting today, because itā€™s extremely improbable to finish the map with the available sigils. Iā€™ll see if I can find the 2nd dragon.


This is bs.

You are going to save a lot of gems if you do it daily, or atleast buy one gem pack daily and then buy more on weekend.

But if you completely leave it untouched during early week you will very much lose gems on long run.


You could just buy the torches - and bank them to play later in the week. But who could have predicted a full map reset? No one.