OI! My lanterns got nicked

OK, I know underspire got reset, and my progress got deleted, but I expected to keep the same amount of torches and lanterns after the reset. Taking a look, my torches have stayed the same, but my lanterns are reset to zero. Slughoarder seems to have nicked them during the ruckus of the update, I guess.
I got burnt the last time underspire got reset, so I was careful not to play through it before the update, but I did use a torch to get to the merchant and grab the free lantern, since I figured either I’d end up with both torches and lanterns reset or neither reset, and have the same number of moves to make in the new map. What I wasn’t expecting was to get burned again and end up with only one reset and less moves to make in the new map.

How can you expect players to engage with a game mode when you keep messing it up?
Why couldn’t the update have launched in the first hour after weekly reset, or last hour before weekly reset, so we don’t have these issues in the middle of a week? Sure, some players might still have issues but if we were warned, the number would be way, way less.
And will we get our lanterns back? Preferably soon.


Marking this thread as closed, as this is already a known issue.

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