[Reported] Underspire map reset

and even if you only bought the torches and didnt play, you wouldnt know if you are ahead/behind and that influences how many torches you end up buying early, to prevent needing the 150 pack. So its very much not optimal to wait til the weekend to play.


Folks that are doing it daily are not rushing it. It could be said that folks that wait til last day are the ones rushing it. Folks are likely doing it based on work schedules and or Free time schedule.


And itā€™s less of a hassle to do it daily instead of doing all battles on one or two days.


Since torch purchases are limited to 15 a day and the cost goes up every 5, thereā€™s no reasonable way to wait until the weekend to play the underspire. Anyone who does that may as well not play it at all, because the rewards are best once the final bosses are reached.

To be honest I hate all the new gem sinks, but the underspire is somewhat worth it because of the rewards that scale up near the end. I wonā€™t be getting those this week, and thereā€™s no way for that to happen. So I think itā€™s only fair that compensation for the week include refunding all gems spent on the underspire, plus giving us the full set of boss room rewards, and then doing whatever else is fair to compensate the players who spent real money.

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I think compensation should include refunding all gems spent. If you spent real money they should get all rewards from all bosses. Everyone should get the one time crafts again for all the wasted time and jumping through hoops all week.


This bug killed underspire for you guys?

For this week, it feels terrible. Especially since they were asked to say anything about what we should do and they did nothing.


Oh, they did say something. They updated their helpdesk without informing people about it in other relevant locations.

Also, they didnā€™t say anything meaningful about what to do this week.

I got no words for this, since I have no hope that the compensation understands what the player is going through this week, including the people that paid. Itā€™s not like torches or lanterns carry over to next week.


Idk maybe some people wait til the weekend because they have no intention of doing the entire map and spending time and resources.

Maybe some people dont have time to play during the week and they just hit Underspire to stack resources until the weekend.

Maybe the daily activities are the only thing some people can do during the week and they save the big activities for the weekend.

Its entirely possible everyone doesnt play the same way.

The only thing that cant be gotten from the monthly vault weekend is imperial deeds. Its not worth my time to go through the Underspire for orbs.

Not every activity has to be done and you can surely stop spending gems if you like. I think thats part of the plan anyway. Keep spending gems until eventually you start buying (gems) so you dont miss out on some new cool pixels.

For people who complete the underspire weekly, itā€™s impossible or extremely gem expensive this week, depending on when it reset for you. I spend about 1000 gems and $3 a week to do so. The reset would have pushed it to more than double that in gems (due to losing the cheaper torch buys) + much more money if I wanted to complete it, not worth it.

If I donā€™t get at least the lantern buy free for compensation (when they fix it), I donā€™t think itā€™d be unreasonable to boycott buying. I personally wouldnā€™t ask for a refund from Steam, but could see others doing so.

Jokes on you, you canā€™t refund Ingame purchases


I enjoy the underspire (it feels more like a dungeon crawl than the delves), but the time investment to only get to the two or maybe three mini-bosses you could reach with free torches is not really worth it. Anyone who waits till the weekend and doesnā€™t get any extra torches may as well not play it. Although I would understand buying torches daily and hoarding them for the end of the week when you have more time to attack the mini-gameā€”at least in a week when it doesnā€™t randomly reset on you.

Imperial Deeds are worth 500 Gems from Daily offers. I think the merchant sells them for 300 Gems? Not sure on that one. If a little time for 2 deeds worth 1000 Gems isnt worth it to you thats fine but i think its worth 30 mins to me

It takes over 110 torches and/or lanterns to complete the underspire. I base this on the fact that I usually buy two levels of torches (150 gems total) each day except Sunday, where if Iā€™ve done generally well I can usually reach the end boss within my free 7 daily torches or only have to buy the first set of 5 extra. I save my free lantern for the final boss and use trinkets sparingly with an eye toward making the last battle count.

It reset on a Thursday for me this week. I had spent 500 gems already on torches and two trinkets. Unless it had been guaranteed not to reset again during the week, thereā€™d be no point spending more gems on torches. If anyone wanted to attempt it on a Sunday in one shot when thereā€™d be no more chance of a reset, their free torches for the last four days would get them 28 torches in total and whatever lanterns they already had. Thereā€™d be no point buying more torches with gems, but anyone who wanted to cough up 300 gems could get 15 more torches for a grand total of 43. Thatā€™s so ridiculously short of the goal, thereā€™s no way to reach the later mini-bosses, let alone the final boss, and the rewards are best there. The torches available Sunday without gems will be enough to reach the first mini-boss, and maybe the second but for most people probably not.

This is of course if you can get the bad taste out of your mouth in the first place. I spent 500 gems up to this point. The trinkets I got (for 50 gems) are still in my inventory, but what good are they if I canā€™t use them on the hard battles where theyā€™ll be needed? I have one lantern that was meant for the final boss. 450 gems went into buying daily torches which got stolen by the reset.

I donā€™t like feeling like Iā€™ve been robbed, especially when my wife and I support the game regularly by always buying the elite campaign pass and kingdom passes.


Iā€™m been wondering what the compensation may look like but keep coming back to this. I hope the following is not taken into consideration:

Due to the reset, this week the Merchant with their free Lantern would have appeared twice.

I canā€™t be the only one who doesnā€™t claim the free Lantern right away. I use it on the 6th or 7th boss, so I havenā€™t seen any point to claim it right away at the start of the week. It just creates the risk that Iā€™ll click the wrong button and accidentally use the Lantern. So even if the Merchant appeared twice, I still had free 1 Lantern this week.


And even having two lanterns isnā€™t great if you an only spend them on the first two bosses without overspending.

I usually use mine on boss 6 as I donā€™t need dragonite at the moment (who knows about the future?).

Iā€™ll not get there this week.

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I claim it right away, but I havenā€™t had any issues where Iā€™ve used it by accident (unlike, say, golden battles in the limited 2-week holiday events). However, thereā€™s no point in my trying to collect a second lantern this week, as itā€™s of no use to me this week without being able to reach the end boss and it wonā€™t carry over to next week.

So this whole ā€œHey, at least you get another free lanternā€ thing is BS. Itā€™s the Blockbuster gift card of consolation prizes. We need real compensation.

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