What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I accessed underspire from link in dark stone for the first time since last week, and it had last week’s map and progress. I clicked on a battle and I think I tried to adjust my team/weapon and the game crashed. I had two unopened blue chests I think, and I didn’t see a in game message for them, but it will have been more than 30 messages ago if I did get them, so I’m unsure if I did or not.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I know of other reset related issues (like some links on the left bar), but this is the first time for this one
Steps to make it happen again
I leave the game on all the time. I never turn it off. I think the game just wants me to soft reset along with server reset. I’m just being stubborn I guess
I understand the tendency to leave the game on all the time, but around reset, I always restart the game instead of leaving it running. This is because some things only reset or update once you’ve closed the game and reopened it.
Underspire, for example, doesn’t always know about reset. It thinks I’ve bought torches for the day and I haven’t. This means I have to restart for Underspire to update and acknowledge reset.
Can I add that this also happens on Switch (as of ?
In my case I did not attempt any battles, but this lack of a proper reset may have pre-emptively revealed the locations of all boss rooms (including Diamanatina) and several Sentinels on the map, which may allow me to plan an optimized route through the map this week. It doesn’t impact that I’ll need to spend Gems for all those extra Torches, but it is quite a big “knowledge leak”.
Notice that door 1 (not shown in the previous screenshot) was found just 3 tiles east of the starting room, which was unexplored on the previous week’s map.
In this case my steps were:
I had left the game suspended through the Weekly Reset.
Upon returning to the game, I opened and closed the “Games” menu – this avoids most reset-related crashes by allowing the game to start syncing up.
I opened and closed the “Games” menu a second time; the game now correctly flashes the “Daily Login Rewards” screen and is fully(?) synced.
I accessed Underspire mode from the Games menu, and noted that much of the map layout remained revealed. The contents of each room are presumably correct, and the starting room is correct, but the connections between rooms are not (e.g. Sentinel room displayed on an otherwise non-dead-end tile).
I closed and restarted the game. Now the Underspire map is correct.
I’ve noticed this too, but you are correctly charged only 50 Gems for the +5 Torches offer, and this also causes the overall Torch count to properly sync up (including the +7 free daily Torches).
This screenshot combines every boss room as I found it, plus a slight overlay of last week’s screenshot (which revealed the contents of most rooms).
EVERY Door, Boss, Sentinel, and Merchant was, in fact, discovered in the same location as my previous screenshot.
I made it all the way to Door 6 – definitely my furthest progression through any Underspire map! – while spending “only” 50 Gems/day for extra Torches. That’s a grand total of 350/week, with ~84 rooms cleared (minus a few losses), compared to the mathematical minimum (to unlock Diamantina) of 78 rooms.
I could even see Diamantina’s room on the opposite side! But I lacked the resources to actually hunt down the sixth boss, so I spent today hunting Sentinel rooms instead.
I will be paying attention after the next reset and planning my route accordingly. I will additionally check for “duplicate” rooms (i.e: in adjacent tiles).
I forget, are Underspire maps generated individually per user? I imagine that is the case, but if not I will definitely continue sharing these “knowledge leaks” until whenever the devs actually get around to fixing it.
I tested it on PC last week. Not only did it work, I found how to start somewhere other than the start position. I’ve waited with posting until this week so that I could verify the steps to reproduce.
Steps to get the bugged map on PC:
Go to the underspire right before reset.
Keep the game running over reset.
Trigger the reset by fighting a battle or something (not in underspire!) (not sure this is needed)
Go back to underspire. Click on a battle, then “fight”. DO NOT START THE BATTLE. Instead go back to the map.
You now have the buggy version, showing rooms it’s not supposed to.
How to make it like the picture:
When you have the bugged map click on all of the merchants you can see. They will then count as explored (“rooms cleared”) and you can start there!
As you can see on the picture I’ve done a battle from one of the merchants. This is just to prove that it works; I’m not going to use this. You can still start from the start position.
In my case, it is not practical for me to be up until the midnight reset since I work morning shifts the next day.
Last week, my attempt was complicated by the game discovering it was out of sync enough to prompt a “Restart game” message, and thus the Underspire map was reset correctly. (Still made it to door 4 though at just 350 Gems/week.)
Today, the Underspire map did reset properly despite performing steps that were (as far as I can tell) identical to two weeks ago. The only visible difference was that, after the “Daily Login Rewards” screen appeared, the “Campaign Ending” screen popped up.
I had left the game suspended overnight, on the default (World Map) screen.
Early this morning (~4AM my time, 5AM local server time) I returned to the game and accessed the “Games” menu.
At this point, the “Underspire” menu tile was disabled and said “Complete”, which I’m now thinking shouldn’t be a surprise given that the menu tile normally has a timer attached to it.
I closed the Games menu and collected income. At this point the game flashed the “Daily Login Rewards” screen plus a reminder for the new Holiday Event.
From the Games menu, I accessed Underspire to discover it exactly the way I had left it Sunday night.
One Merchant (located deep in zone 5) was available. I tapped on the Merchant, but backed out without purchasing anything.
NOW the Underspire Map is glitched, where the contents of every room has reset (current for this week) but the visibility of what’s explored only matches last week.
However, after doing some other interactions with the game, I accessed Underspire from the current Kingdom’s menu (Zaejin) and NOW the Underspire map has reset completely – with the exception of the Merchant room I had clicked on earlier (which is now logged as a cleared room, no Merchant icon present), and a second room elsewhere in the map (which is presumably a Merchant, but currently locked).
Screenshots will be available once I offload them from the Switch.
There is currently a fix the team is investigating, and at this stage would likely go out in 8.4.
In the meantime, we always recommend closing Gems of War between sessions, to prevent any issues with the game being unable to sync with the server - this being one of those instances. Or at least if it is left open, force close and reopen before playing again.
If there is any new information or any questions, one of us will jump in here again.
Good to hear there’s active development on resolving the issue.
Even though a fix means losing an incredibly helpful information leak. Well, not all the time, and only in direct proportion to your actual Underspire exploration that week (because in any reset where next week’s Underspire route substantially diverges from the last, you will be mostly exploring sections that did not overlap with the last map).
In my case, last week’s Underspire routed through the lower part of the grid while this week’s seems to route through the upper part with relatively little overlap – so the only bosses whose rooms got leaked early this time are bosses 1 and 6.