[Reported] Underspire map reset

The minimum appropriate compensation is 44 torches to all players (the max they might have purchased Monday and Tuesday) plus all lanterns that were actually purchased with real money. This is also the easiest compensation to roll out, so I’m optimistic.

Anything less will erode trust in the game mode. Why sink gems into it all week if every patch might reset your progress?

Also, the enemy level scaling should obviously be fixed.


I think if you had not touched the Underspire yet then you are not affected. If you started it before the update then it reset and you lost torches used.

Just torches and lanterns? Not good enough. I will not restart Underspire from scratch. I want my progress I made back. PLUS the progress I would have made if I had played today. So they can start me off AFTER the third boss and third Keystone. Plus give me the third Boss rewards I would have gotten.

Count me in.
Invested 300 gems monday tuesday and passed the first two sigils.

Today i had to start fresh… great. NOT
I have founc the first sigil (which was open) and already have the second (from yesterday) still need to find out whether i can double kill the bosses but i don’t want to spent any more gems as i will not finish this week.

Ideally they give out max possible torches and whatever lanterns were bought to each player, and ALSO give that many lanterns to them free next week, to make up for the time lost in this underspire. Personally i wasnt planning on going very far into this weeks underspire, but having 2 free lanterns, i might push to boss 4 instead of stopping at 4. But yea the torch/lantern situation is relatively easy to fix, assuming they have records of who bought lanterns, its the time investment that we probably get 50 gems for, sadly.

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The good news is it didn’t reset again a 2nd time. Bad news is that we still had to start from scratch yesterday.

Well my Underspire did not reset yesterday, but was reset today after daily reset- all progress is gone :rage::rage:


Same here. Did not reset on Wednesday, because I was still playing Underspire with old version. Updated Wednesday late. Today on reset the progress is gone.

Bought Lanterns once. Want them back as well the 250 gems invested.


Me thinks that someone is going to get their head rolled for this.
Oh, and yeah, I also bought a lantern pack on Monday and want that money back, as well as the gems for torches. The bog standard 50 gems compo isn’t going to cut it this time I’m afraid.

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As if…

They’ll probably get a stern look and a disapproving headshake, followed by a disappointed sigh

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The good news: Geoff is a legend

Day four: underspire progress reset :rofl:


Maybe i should start doing Underspire so i can get some of this sweet sweet inadequate compensation

It looks like progress gets lost on the first daily reset after updating to 7.1. There’s possibly some kind of map data migration happening, which fails to carry over the information which rooms have already been visited.


Yup. This is what happened to me. Fine all day yesterday, now mine is reset just like everyone else.

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Mine reset for the first time as well. I was half expecting this to happen, but I forgot to claim my lantern yesterday. :sob:

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Same hers, was fine yesterday and now I got a reset too!

Seems no point in trying to finish it now, it might reset again tomorrow.

What a waste of gems!

I hope they come up with a good compensation, 50 gems doesn’t cut it!


I’m not so sure. Lack of testing and constant issues as a result of no testing seems to be their corporate culture. I expect they they get a pat on the back followed by an “attaboy” or “attagirl”. Otherwise, this crap wouldn’t keep happening.


Anybody met a Key boss after the map wipe? Wonder whether they’re giving their reward the second time

Note to self: don’t ever spend real money in Underspire since your progress could be wiped at any time, and possibly lose what you’ve spent on.


yes, it is possible.