Raid Boss: Feedback and suggestions

The earlier one about what you get for 300 gems. I don’t think the 4 orbs are guaranteed.

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Yeah but i mean it doesn’t cost really 250 gems. It’s like i give you 100$ to buy a tshirt but you found one at 50$ you still have 50$ remaining

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The “hero” troops barrier should block the instakill. Not much of a hero getting one shotted through barrier.

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That’s my favorite part and then wondering who the boss would pick to annihilate.

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Definitely pay to win, pulled my mythic cheap so I still have my gem stash, should I rain on their parade and push for first?

  • Yes, buy a pack and try to take first.
  • No, let them have it.

0 voters

The challenge is getting to be fun, I really hope to get to boss level 500.

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Sorry but i still don’t think it’s worth it. I went to tier 4, and the last two days i killed the ravens but didn’t get the sigils because i lost those fights. Of course i saw no ravens in the fights i won. So i probably won’t get 17k points even with the 500 gems i spent. I would have much rathered level my sentinals and get a reward that’s truly good. Gold i’m happy to grind in pvp, same with traitstones in explore, i usually knock out souls while stone farming so that’s two birds with one stone, i can get that amount of event keys and kingdom troops with them through guild tasks and by leveling up once or twice a day (2 today), i’m not terribly concerned with ascending that troop for any other reason than its usefulness here, it would happen eventually, the weapon is just for collection purposes and i’d rather craft it, if i didn’t need gems for tiers i could instead buy a 50 gem pack for the diamonds awarded, the orbs are only really good if you want to craft the boss, i have enough souls and stones that they don’t excite me, vault key is ok, but 3 of the 4 i got today gave me two minor stones along with other things that were good, but not wonderful. This gem value as the devs see it isn’t really valuable to everyone, i feel like they’re giving me frozen milk and saying it’s like ice cream. I’d much prefer to have the gems to spend as i see most fit and valuable to me. I’d much rather have gems to chase the new mythic, but i need to have a stash for the invasion shop, and sentinals, and the bounty shop because that comes before we get gw rewards. No, i don’t know what any costs are absolutely except sentinals nor do i know the rewards, but i think it’s wise (for me) to be prepared for more of this. So in my eyes the ends just don’t justify the means. And the icing on the cake is that these battles are just not fun! At least with gw we talk strategy, look at all the teams posted in our club. For this, it’s here’s what works, and maybe some people change one of the troops. To each own, but i haven’t been this unhappy with the game in quite some time.


I won’t say if I’m out or not, 2 days left, we’ll see how high this auction goes.


Good luck are you still on your purchase final tier 2x sigils are have you had to buy another one yet? Cheers

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Came back in for one, I’m on a roll now.

Just imagine if the per battle rewards paid out better for a level 500 boss, we would all be enjoying this a lot more!!

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I’m on my 3rd pack, so that is 75 troops from the new kingdom, not to bad considering it comes with a few extras. Total gems is almost 3,000 if not more.

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Back to back birds!

I think this last team is one of the easier builds at least.


What’s your team at that level, if you don’t mind sharing?

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I’ll let it out on Sunday.


There are 2 500’s on ps4, how are the other leader boards looking out there?

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7 500s on X1


I find mang works wonders.

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I really wouldn’t mate.

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When buying tier 7, I haven’t had one legendary but it’s full of rares and common’s. How about more bang for my buck? Better cards with my purchase please.


I’ve played the game for a while, it is addictive and up my street.

I have recently joined a decent guild as I have issues with life and work and so on, long hours.

When I was solo or in my 2 man guild, I chose to buy stuff to move me on. Over I dunno how long 18 months or so, I got to VIP7, 3 glory keys a day and 1k gold… I bought a couple of legendaries and the odd shiny. did the gem pack, got VIP and got a lucky Infernus iirc.

I thought I would probably chip away, spend £30 maybe once every 5/6 cycles of troops, maybe go a tad higher with VIP by buying things I miss, but this new mode and the recent changes have stopped me dead in my tracks. I will never pay another penny.

Gnomes - played every day, several hours a day, several hours on vault day went from 1109-1127 since gnomes came in - 1 vault key. Rabid rewards, got 3 event keys on a gnome which I thought was worth an hour.

Valraven is bugged. I have killed it and sometimes no sigils. Today on boss 4 goes, did not appear, last time it did was on my 1st go yesterday when i killed it and the boss. Bullcrap. Why does it need to fly away? Really why other than to force you to dip your hand into your pocket.

1 Vault Key, got such crap it was laughable.

Raid Bosses - look at the shentang pool - nothing colour purple except Liang. The minions have sometimes 2 dark trolls spamming purple on the board. If you have the other legendary, which I got lucky with, you can convert purple out, but you are generally behind the deck. That’s if the boss doesn’t 1 shot before it gets to 15 red/green. Diviner, doesn’t help because you need damage too! Liang can destroy purple out, but by then you are losing badly if that’s what he is doing, as nothing on team needs purple except him. 1 turn lost basically.

As an example I watched a former guildee play at level 300 - he has no gems, maybe 33 or so. No souls, maybe 5k when Raid started, he got the 7 event keys. He drew 7 scrubs. He used all of his souls to get them to about lvl 11. No legendary and NO purple on any. Got a Diviner, lvlled it to 9, yay!

His team Mang at lvl 18 dragonguard, the godslayer, the monkey and panda :wink:

I watched his attempts, he died every time. He lost 2 troops to death mark on same turn, one after it was on him 6 turns, the other two turns. There were 30+ purples on the board, he could only match purple most of the time. Valraven disappeared etc etc. Died to death mark every game. The troops picked are griefing types. a lot of thought has gone into the troops by the developers in that there are so many griefing troops and purple will be a problem- Demonic Pacts constantly screwing up the order etc.

So working against you, disease, jinx, death mark, no purple, dark troll spam that can’t be killed with godslayer which is need - so 1 troop lost there. Use your hero, Mang is good on boss, but nothing tankie to put in slot 1 to stop skull deaths so easily and death mark beats anything if it works. Tomes firing death marks. Tzahoth 20% devour, I watched that devour 2 of his troops in succession, rest webbed. As i say a lot of thought, griefing troops.

You get the drift, he has now deleted his account. So I thought about my own situation in the game of late.

Anu, 1100 gems on VIP, 24K glory, 480 glory keys, 112 gem keys. I got a Carnex… Guild keys wiped out - a couple of epics. I cast my mind back to Ishbaala (sp?), more than that wasted no go, but near a 100 desert mantis! Then looked through my recent history and I missed WB, Skadi, Scylla, Doomclaw, Scorpius, Gargantaur, and just about everything else. Current mythics Ra (crafted), Infernus, Ketras, wulf and VOO.

There are too many things costing too much now. I accept that you don’t’ have to get everything and I manage my gem outlay - I skipped Gargantaur bar 100 gems.

I’ve read that people have 100k gems or so, they are on a different planet, they won’t have a problem for a while. The rest will just get frustrated at the sinks.

So my feedback is - gem tiers too costly for all but the richest (who won’t think twice) rewards rhubarb, Valraven should appear elsewhere (and you know what I think it did, I can’t remember where - ) anyway it did not give me sigils for killing it.

Not enough vault keys, it is beyond a joke - all this just leads to not bothering with the game and that is bad business for the developers as I for one won’t spend another thing. The balance has gone awry.

I’ve played for this time and sort of accepted bad luck and rolled with it, because you can get lucky too, but I feel it has gone to far the other way now. It won’t deter those with 100K gems DB, 400k glory and £20k gold ever, maybe they will keep spending money to keep it going when the rest have gone.



That’s a lot to respond to, but the big thing is that expecting to get anything is a recipe for disappointment. I set mental budgets every month for how much I am willing to spend on the mythic. I don’t always chase legendary or mythic troops. I did a crap-ton of explores to get vault keys, but the expectation is always that it won’t work (my hope is different each time, of course!). Sometimes I get what I want, and sometimes I miss. I’ve tried to come to terms with the fact that I’m never going to have every troop in the game, or compete with the “best” players. Makes life easier for me.