Queen Mab, The Goddess

This is a good summary of why Mab really isn’t that broken. Nerfing a single card isn’t going to make the play balanced all of a sudden. There are a multitude of cards that are strong right now, and that’s just the way this particular game seems to work. There will probably always be cards that are stronger then other, but unless one is nearly unwinnable against, it doesn’t really need to be nerfed. At least Mab is pretty easy to win against, unlike Maw sometimes. I hate the Mercy/Maw combo more then any Mab combo.

There’s no point continuing this debate. It’s already quite established that those who defend Queen Mab don’t want their easy button taken away.

They finally did it people, the P2W ball has started to roll. Once it gets going, there is no stopping it!

Yeah, never mind that there’s a portion of the top that doesn’t use queen mab >.> Or the fact that there’s 5 different types of teams that can win just as easily as mab.

People so hurt about 1 card but don’t care about the other 8 broken cards.

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Sarcasm is the lazy man’s humour, not surprising from a Queen Mab defender .

I think that:

  • Any power adjustment will come from player usage patterns, and not from the vocal minority
  • Devs will be hesitant to nerf a troop that is so new, and so recently showcased

Nerfs set a dangerous precedent in a game where you can invest real money in a troop.


I have a question for you @Lyya

People mention spending $50 for Queen Mab, are there packs for the basic Legendaries?

Seems like a lot of money for a Troop you can get with Event chests

There are. $50 gets you:

  • The featured Legendary
  • 10 Arcanes of their color
  • 50 Event Keys
  • Other minor stuff

I assume they’re referring to the bundle pack that comes out at the same time. Eg at the moment we have the Ghulvania Bundle which includes:

1 Crimson Bat
1 Death Knell (Weapon)
4,500 Souls
50 Event Keys
10 Arcane Bloods
2 Celestial Traitstones

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What is this?

Basic legendaries are what would be the “final boss” of the questlines

Just about every Legendary (quest-related or not) has made the rounds by now, yes.

We do have this on console and have had it since the beginning.

In the store, they’ve always made the boss legendary from the kingdom featured for that week available for some price. Usually 50, but I remember Webspinner was available for 30 because he came with maps instead of magic keys. (Stood out because that was the only non-50 I’ve seen). Now the 50 gets you the legendary, gold, keys, some minor stones and 10 arcanes of his color so you can get the 2nd trait easier.

Those $50 bundles sound as close to attempted P2W as you can get.

They on the impatient and provide a false sense of entitlement. No wonder some people are defending Queen Mab so viciously

Not trying to be rude here, but as a console player everything you say about maw/mab is conjecture. You may have a great grasp of the game, but unless you actually get to pay day in and day out with these troops in the game, you are working with incomplete information. It makes you look absurd when you say things like “players want to keep their easy button!”, well more absurd than resorting to such insult already makes you.


Like I said in the other thread, this isn’t new, nor is it PC specific. We have Wild Plains for the event. We can buy Hydra if we want. Last week when it was Sylvasi, we could buy The Silent One. It’s always been there. Only thing that changed was what came with the troop.

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@Shiratori I never knew there was a 2nd page of bundles until now LOL. Typhoon of Keys, anyone?

@Machiknight When you reach a certain level of experience in a game, all one needs is a cursory glance and you understand how a Troop is played. The day Queen Mab was announced I already knew that Valkyrie would be paired with her in 99% of teams

Hey folks,
Here are a few quick notes from us

  1. The only 2 nerfs under consideration for Mab at the moment are the removal of Arcane, OR a small nerf on the Gems required for an extra turn. We don’t have enough data yet to say whether these will happen though. At the moment I think it is unlikely.

  2. The only nerf under consideration for Maw is a reduction of his 3rd trait from 15% to 10%. Other than that, there is an indirect nerf coming which is actually a bug fix. His 3rd trait is supposed to be a flat 15% chance but it is stacking with multiple skull matches (not cumulatively, but 3 skull matches at once from say a bone dragon would give 3 independent 15% chances).

  3. In general we’d rather be giving you cool new toys to use against these things, rather than take away your existing toys… so think counters rather than nerfs. There will still be nerfs from time to time, obviously. But it’s kinda cool when Legendary troops feel Legendary!

  4. The meta up to Level 200-ish is far from stale on Mobile/PC - it’s actually great - lots of variety. That means we’re doing good for 95% or more of our active playerbase. You folks at the top end are equally as important to us obviously, but infinitely more challenging to balance for! HOWEVER you have the resources to instantly use and experiment with counters as we make them available, which means “less nerfs, more counterplay” is something I believe everybody benefits from.


I’d argue skill, as I’m a semi-professional gamer, but in a game where luck plays a factor and all the fights are against a scripted AI, skill is almost irrelevant.

Knowing how a troop is played is not the same as experiencing it in real life. You have NO EXPERIENCE with maw/mercy teams yet espouse that everyone complaining about them must not be an actual good player. Just like you have NO EXPERIENCE with mab, yet think that everyone who loves her just the way she is, is an easy button player.

Sorry, your OPINION (because that’s what it is since you have NO EXPERIENCE with these troops) is just coming off as elitist and making you feel like a caricature.


Game would be fixed then. Arcane for Water Spirit and Maw can’t just team wipe with 1 skull spam.

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