Please do something about summon spam

Meanwhile a couple race have 2 class, and Orc have the undisputed 2 worst Mythic in the game
It feel like Orcs killed some devs DnD PC and they will suffer :man_shrugging:


Prolly egg thief detroyed more than 1 skull with the skill (and the damage we see popping on screen mean literally nothing), Bard is the same as Orbweaver, only the lack of stealth make him lot easier to take down/do whatever you want to him so isnt such an hassle.

Wait, actually isnt the bard itself but a talent that work like Orb trait, dont recall i ever fought anyway a class with stealth with this talent.

I don’t know how to attach the clip. Maybe I’ll do some research. But pausing and advancing slowly, the cast hit a skull and upon board reshuffle, a match of 4 red gems occured. Then 3 skulls were matched doing 60 dmg because of hunters mark, and 2 golems appeared.

I would think a golem would appear after the cast if a second skull was triggered, but no dmg was taken so it doesn’t seem to have been that. AlphaChalk1840 is the xbox1 activity feed. Thank you for your response.

Oh nvm, dude had 86 total health and armor, the skull match for 60 had a doomskull that triggered a skull for an additional 1 dmg. I didn’t notice that 1st 3 times I saw the clip. Thanks again.

Taransworld now shows that Silverglade will get a Mystic hero Jan 3, 2020. Allegedly. My prediction is that Sin of Maraj and Shentang will get their Heroes before Grosh-nak. What remains to be seen is if 505 will stick to the ‘1 hero per kingdom’ or decide to go x2 per, and thus delay the time of the Orc even further. Rage…building…

I bring up this topic since it is still a PITA!

Today on my last fight I killed at least 6 bandits. I kept spamming skulls and the enemy kept spawning bandits.

I suggest to limit the number of troops summoned by traits or talents per battle.
Somewhere around 1-3 would be tolerable.

I vote for more GWs points since I had to kill 10 bandits!


I know most of you are trying to be helpful, but you shouldn’t have to use gimmicks because these devs manipulate the AI to simulate difficulty.

They admitted doing it to make it easier for new players, tell me you believe thats the extent of it. I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Something doesn’t feel right. I killed 7 bandits in one Guild War battle. It feels like bandits got summoned without any damage being done to the hero. My hero can do around 60 damage, opponent wouldn’t have 400+ armour+HP.

Bandits aren’t spawned from damage, but on ally death.
The Backup talent in the cunning tree reads ‘35% chance to summon a Bandit when an ally dies.’
So every bandit you killed had a 35% chance to resummon another bandit in its place.

I would love to have a ‘cooldown’ on traits like these. So it can only summon again after 2-3 turns have passed, would remove a lot of the frustration of chain summons.


It’s also working in your favor, last GW I made a mistake and the opponent started skull spamming, killed my first troop, got a Bandit, Bandit died got another one, got 5 or 6 don’t remember, won me the battle.

But I agree it can be really annoying, 2-3 turns would be too much though, 1 per turn only would be a hard nerf already but I don’t think that will happen.
The % chance is too high imo that could be something getting a nerf at some point.