Players Quitting the Game Poll

I think Kafka and Salty would disagree with this? Hopefully not :smiley:

They only say what they are allowed to say. That’s what PR is…a buffer between the problem and those who create it.

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When the game first started, there was a gold cost for every battle. Somewhere around 200 gold per fight, I think. Probably would be pretty easy to switch that over to gems.


I’m a guild unto myself and I prefer that at this point in time as I progress in the game. Why not break the Guild Wars into brackets dependent on how many people are in a Guild. I don’t like playing against teams that have up to 30 members.

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I used to be on the top of the leaderboards for troops, pets and weapons. I used to find enjoyment in that and Guild Wars. Now, so many troops have been thrown at us, so many tasks, so much monotony, that I burned out. I don’t recognize half my troops, I don’t play much anymore at all. I dropped to a lower guild (also run by Macawi) and thank goodness for her and her kindness. And Wisdom. She gave us a place to crash into. Anyway, I spent money on this game in the past. I won’t anymore and haven’t for a while. The Devs pushed it too far and keep on pushing it. Many like me just won’t support a game that is not fun anymore. I miss the way the game used to be. A little change and additions is always nice. But theY pile it on and pile it on. It became work. Now, I ignore most aspects of it, they don’t get money from me and I play other games mainly. Great job wrecking a really nice game. Just my opinion. Oh, and @Macawi ROCKS !!