I think Kafka and Salty would disagree with this? Hopefully not
They only say what they are allowed to say. That’s what PR is…a buffer between the problem and those who create it.
When the game first started, there was a gold cost for every battle. Somewhere around 200 gold per fight, I think. Probably would be pretty easy to switch that over to gems.
I’m a guild unto myself and I prefer that at this point in time as I progress in the game. Why not break the Guild Wars into brackets dependent on how many people are in a Guild. I don’t like playing against teams that have up to 30 members.
I used to be on the top of the leaderboards for troops, pets and weapons. I used to find enjoyment in that and Guild Wars. Now, so many troops have been thrown at us, so many tasks, so much monotony, that I burned out. I don’t recognize half my troops, I don’t play much anymore at all. I dropped to a lower guild (also run by Macawi) and thank goodness for her and her kindness. And Wisdom. She gave us a place to crash into. Anyway, I spent money on this game in the past. I won’t anymore and haven’t for a while. The Devs pushed it too far and keep on pushing it. Many like me just won’t support a game that is not fun anymore. I miss the way the game used to be. A little change and additions is always nice. But theY pile it on and pile it on. It became work. Now, I ignore most aspects of it, they don’t get money from me and I play other games mainly. Great job wrecking a really nice game. Just my opinion. Oh, and @Macawi ROCKS !!