Pet and 3.4 Stream Summary (From Salty's Twitch Stream)

I think the best solution would be to give a rescue ticket to every member every time a rescue event is triggered. So if you are sleeping or at work and your guild found 3 pet, you get 3 ticket in your mail and use it when you want


To be practical shouldnā€™t it be the other way around?
Surely the person who triggered the event should have less time than a group notification when members can sit in different time zonesā€¦ :confused:

I think this does look bad and hope itā€™s adjusted very quickly. Thatā€™s the beauty of F2P games: while they can very quickly make bad decisions, itā€™s also generally easy to reverse them.

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Iā€™d even be fine with one max per day with a 24hr timer in mail. If your Guild triggered one (or more) the day before.

A player playing 80 hours will get more opportunities as they pop up. And thatā€™s fine.

This design SCREAMS never consider console onceā€¦


Like i said im not sure but in salty stream last night it look like it was a solo rescue event and she had 8 fight to win in 5h so i guess the guild rescue event will need more battle but less time

The good news is you at least donā€™t need sigils for these battles and you can try again if you lost a battle

Where was it said there is two seperate events?
I know there is the event thats trigered by pet gnomes and a pet event day once a week. Where did it say there was an individual event and a guild event ?
wouldnt the event triggered for the guild be the same as individual event

On the stream. Sirrian said he turned on a event. Salty mentioned it too on the stream.

Itā€™s only speculation but the picture salty posted in facebook was 1h but maybe it was the same event with only 1h left who know?

Also the text was different it suggess you need your guild help


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Salty started new event in stream so mabye it is 5 hrs. I thought the same thing. one hour left in the other pic not one hour total.

thought the same, also rescue button is missing on sneak peek

Since the 1 hour window is for single pet prizesā€¦ Iā€™m not concernedā€¦ I donā€™t really care about pets

i think there is no one hour event, but that would mean for sure: event last 5 hours regardless of time zones! you know what i mean?

Didnā€™t she say there will be the pet gnome normally and a pet event once a month? In the monthly event pet gnomes will not appear. Perhaps it is during this that the 5 hour shot has been taken.

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I just wonder if you trigger a rescue pet event and you do all your battle and win the pet but your guildmate didinā€™t finish the event, do you need to wait for your guildmate to finish the event before you can trigger another one?

That mean you will need to wait 5h every time cause some member will be offline

once a week

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i think youā€™re right

related to some suggestions of ā€œdevs look for guilds near your time zoneā€ the 5 hour window will be better. in the end it will break up guilds, if the devs wonā€™t find a way for that time limit pet rescue

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You can win more then 1 pet you get a basket when you win a battle and it give you a chance to win pet, food or jewels

So if you are extremely lucky you got the possibility to win 9 pets in total

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iā€™m not from russia, but it just comes to my mind: how many time zones do they have, seven?

Neither Sirrian or Salty mentioned anything about 5 hour events. They tossed that event together for her in stream for her to showcase the mechanic of pet rescue events. It could have been the weekly pet event that was shown with 5 hours left out of the 24 hours.