Next Gnome Weekend?

So, now that we have all the new fun, cool stuff with Gnomes, when can I expect another Gnome-a-palooza weekend? :thinking:

Now forgive me if GoW has a special calendar the cooler kids know about and my answer is found there. (If so, could some kind soul or hardworking Dev direct me to it? :innocent: :kissing_smiling_eyes: personally
I’m LOVING :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart: it & so would like to get a nip at Cedric :sparkles: Britches prize closet more often.

(And this is not meant to be said for ya’ll to ‘turn’ the Gnome-meter down, :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: jk,jk, :cold_sweat: :sleepy: :kissing: :dash: )…
I ended up with Thirty Three keys (33) in 1 day and my *Gnome Tracker reached 14 or 15 of 50!

But…no Epic Key Now, with all the treasure I got off those Gnomes, my keys, I’m not actually complaining…but might the Epic Key rate get a 12% Drop rate? LOL (seriously, I loved the loot the Gnomes droped.)

So long as that would stay the same, I won’t :sleepy: :cold_sweat: :cry: :sob:

( Didn’t You Say IN closing 3 Paragraphs AGO, SephyGirl?)

:blush: :zipper_mouth_face: Sorry, I DID!

So, I’d love to see more Gnome weekends ya’ll since such cool stuff has been implemented! From a marketing review :eyeglasses: :nerd_face: I played the most I have all YEAR.

THREE THOUSAND TROPHIES 1k weekly since. Prompting me to spend more :moneybag: than before. (Was a bit snobbish about that before honestly. ‘duck for the :poop: storm of offended replies to that’


So? Will you Lovely, handsome, beautiful, SMART, funny, Devs & People at GoW consider it?

I don’t plead often ya know. I recoil at booty smooching too, lol. Ok, okaaay, I’m done.

Sincerely though, I appreciate all ya’lls work at GoW. It’s hard to please EVERYONE when you’re aiming for hundred’s of thousands, but ya’ll are doing pretty good. :+1: :+1: :wink: :w

Btw, my apologies for the length, but you see why I only post once, maaybe two times a year.

I also may not reply to to responses, but I DO read them. I do this because, as you can see I’m not a 1 paragraph kinda girl.

:wink: :smile:

If anyone likes, I am a PS4 GoW player. You are welcomed to play & talk to me there.

I use Global 321 for personal yap, but Global 505 to talk about GoW topics. You are invited to join me, " Sephiroth’s Girl " anytime.

wave I got a guild war to do!

Next vault event is currently scheduled for the weekend starting September 11. Unofficially, it’s still subject to change.

The cool kids calendar can be found here: GoW Weekly Events
It’s unofficial, fan made and not guaranteed. This is what the devs currently have planned, but plans can change, so it’s not final.


Thanks, Mita. Appreciate that aaand the link. I can file that with my weekly events schedule and other resource I collect.

Yeah, even though I’m a shy & silent girl on forms, I’ve been around long enough with the game to expect some changes :wink:

Thanks again. Until next time, when ever that may be.

Now…maaaaybe I can talk everyone into my idea of using “Global 505” for Game related news & such… Well, a girl can try & wish can’t she? :fairy:



I need toilet paper, I have towers to roll.

Jesus christ…


I feel exactly what you mean xD

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:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: Theoretically that’s a ROFL, no? :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :green_heart: :yellow_heart: :orange_heart: :heart:

Personally I liked the OP. Thought it was fun :slightly_smiling_face:

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