Has the rate of gnomes on vault weekends been nerfed?

Admittedly, gods of RNG in this game hate me and I have had horrible luck ever since I started playing this game. It seems to me that the number of gnomes appearing in battles on vault weekends is significantly lower. This is first full vault weekend I had after some two years of not playing, but I remember that the last vault weekend I played before stopping I was able to make at least 10 gnomepalloozas, while this weekend I was able to make 2. Is it just me and my “luck” or the number of gnomes really is lower? I am doing explores on level 1 with Rowanne team so that I could maximise the number of battles, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference.

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I do one month gaps

Then next month grind
I do 40 verse per day on the grind month.

Takes me between 5 and 6 hours a day to grind 40 random verses, using ironhawk team.

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I don’t think so. I started with 0 keys.


Me too. Got 51 VKs and 2 EVKS after 2 GaPs. Unfortunately I couldn’t do more than 3000 trophies including 49.000 VP from PvP this week. Only 2x V4 out of it which I had 0 before the weekend and 4th place in my bracket despite having more wins but also being a higher level than my competition. Wasted week …

Its about right you can get loads of verses if you put time in with ironhawk team, i farm friday, sat then go all out sun. This is 2 months of vault


The last 3 gnome weekends have been terrible for me too, I don’t play loads about 600 trophies generally but no incentive to play more if they’re not showing up. I didn’t get one verse gnome this weekend after 750 trophies and previous weekends one or two at best (the ones I have of course)

@RootsSeed I am in awe of your 868 normal keys and 107epic keys. I ended up with some 50 keys all in all after the whole weekend. I don’t know how you managed so many keys. I really have the most horrible luck in this game. But then again, I am level 1181 and I pulled only 6 mythics so far. And what mythics they are: Elemaugrim, Gargantaur, King Bloodwood, LIbara, Queen Aurora and Tourmaline. I should have expected this from a vault weekend :laughing:

I use 3x Ironhawk with Dust Devil for verse farming and a lot of time farming

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I do 5 hours per day
Gets me 40 verse per day
So 120 over vault weekend
30 gaps for next vault.

Ironhawk team like you.

Ended with 552 vks and 47 EVks after doing 26 gaps this weekend.

Not bad.

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