New Guild Guardians Available

If you’re going to argue it didn’t cost anything, that’s not really true, I spent 60k gold keys to get them to legendary so I still probably dumped out $1000 USD worth of “plastic”. Should there have been a rollback… maybe, but any action they take is going to mess up a group of people, many people have orbed their guardians so you don’t even know who did it and who didn’t.

Skimming the top gives no benefit other than making people who missed out feel better, releasing into gold chests (my personal preference) screws over everyone who used seals and orbs already, full rollback hurts anyone who got a mythic, and plenty of players indeed pulled them in the last 2 days, not to mention all the gold, xp, guild wars will be affected.

I do understand your POV, I would be on the same side had I not gotten a case of insomnia at 2am in the morning, but there’s no way they can “fix” everything.

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That doesn’t really solve the justice problem. Everyone who got the guardians will also get 6 major ascensions to do whatever when you need to still upgrade your guardians.

This is exactly what we discussed, and shows great insight into our thinking. Thank you.

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Sorry, but I refuse to think that nothing could have been done at all.


And by not doing anything, they set yet another precedent that there’s no punishment for abusing a glitch.


Remember kids, crime does PAY.


Another = consistent… unfortunately

Gave my input on stream, but also wanted to post it here.

194 copies are needed of each guild guardian
It takes 2 guild chests (40 seals) to get 1 guardian drop.
There are 6 guardians.
194 x 2 x 6 = 2,328 Guild Keys

A guild key is worth a gem key, which is 9-10 gems.
2,328 x 9 = 20,952 Gem Value
2,328 x 10 = 23,280 Gem Value

That means anyone who used gold keys to max the new guardians saved at MINIMUM 20,000 gems.

I’m currently over 150,000 gold keys that would have easily gotten all guardians for free without wasting any seals nor orbs of ascension.

Only options to make it fair for economy sake are any one of the following:

  • A full rollback of all gold keys used in the last few days.
  • 6 Major Orbs of Ascension to everyone who maxed guardians without the use of gold keys.
  • 20k gems to every player who maxed guardians with seals or orbs of ascension.

Adding to Tacet’s assessment, I don’t think in terms of Gem value, so…

2,328 Guild Keys is roughly 46,000 Seals.

Using Orbs of Ascension gives you extra Mythics (as well as all the other non-Guardian drops):

  • 6 Major Orbs of Ascension is equivalent to 1.28 Mythics.

  • 12 Regular Orbs of Ascension (from Legendary to Mythic) is 1.02 Mythics.

  • 6 Regular Orbs of Ascension (from Legendary to Mythic) is 0.7 Mythics.

My conclusion is that 12 Orbs of Ascension is a pretty good balance.

(Incidentally, double everything if you’re a new player needing to max all 12 Guardians.)


I don’t need orbs.

I need to know there isn’t a reward only for players awake at my 2 AM because the devs can’t handle a troop release 5 years in. Usually if a person has done something 800 times we expect they have some kind of proficiency at it.

I need to know if I find an exploit there’s a reason for me to tell the devs instead of my friends.

I need to know something in 4.7 worked right?


Felt like this the last 2 years or so.

Most things reported never have anything done about it. Glitches and exploits still existing in the game over 2 years old, even when they are told they exist during the beta and multiple times after. They say they are against exploiting, yet do nothing about nearly every variant of it in the game.


And I’ll add to Tacet’s list the most likely solution: 6 Orbs to everyone.
No apologetic words other than “Whoops!”
No retribution, no further apology, no regard for those that earnestly abstained.
Just a “Thanks for sticking around, we’ll do better in the future.”
But it’s inarguable that such empty expressions have been said before.

I also find it quite interesting how differently “exploits” were handled, with such short time in between. I’m patiently waiting on @awryan to weigh in on the situation, considering he was such a big fan of the gold nerf from cpvp. :joy:

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download (34)

3 things that will never happen.

I applaud the attempt but way too many of you know better.
Only Zuul’Goth, premature released kingdom troops and a certain amount of gems qualify for roll backs. (Based on 3 years of watching exploits happen and only those who basically stole gems get punished.)


Is it not possible to remove all Guardians gained from Gold Chests and refund any Ascension Orbs used on them by players who only received them from Gold Chests, as a rollback?

If someone received Guardians from both Gold and Guild Chests, I think there would be no need to refund any Ascension Orbs,

  • although perhaps the Troop amount and rarity might need adjusting (e.g. if they received 8 copies of a Guardian from Gold Chests, and were at 4x Mythic rarity, it would be adjusted to 96x Legendary rarity).

    • As such, they wouldn’t be ‘out’ any resources (aside from 8 Gold Keys, in this example), and would only need to open a few more Guild Chests to max them properly.

Obviously, I don’t know what the logs look like, but if I did see an example, I’d be interested in giving suggestions for a formula that covers all bases.

I deliberately refrained from opening Gold Chests (immediately) after hearing about it, and feel betrayed.


Exploits and Nerfs are on opposite ends of the spectrums. The only correlation are the devs are going to form their opinion and policies to serve their best interests. To them it’s worth the time to nerf cPvP gold in hopes that real money will be spent to make up for it.
Where as it’s not worth their time to go in and roll back accounts for troops that can be acquired from seals.

They just gave everyone the ability to generate 500 more seals a week. Do you (everyone) really think they give a Frank about seals? :grinning:

If we fight the devs on every single change or mistake they make then it’ll dilute any angst that we have and any hope of change for the better.
Gold income and Epic Tasks cost are much important long term matters.

The subject of guild guardians is a question of fairness. And when fairness is up for debate, only 50% of you will like the answer.

Players have absolute right to feel screwed over by getting the new troops the right way while others did not.
I don’t mean to accuse your feelings and thoughts as trivial.
I’m just sharing my thoughts that the more divisive the community becomes from the developer the worse the game will become. Everything bad about Gems of War is due to the ignorance of 505 Games. You can look at the devs as an ally in the fight against 505’s greed. Or look at them as the enemy.
One option gives hope to the game, the other will ensure destruction over time.

TL:DR - Yeah the devs franked up. They do that less often now than they used to. But if we don’t give them a break once in a while. Then we’ll only end up breaking them. :man_shrugging:

(Btw I used 6 Major Ascension Orbs to get my Guardians to mythic and used seals to acquire them in the first place. So I’m not advocating for those who Exploited the gold chests. Just personally sharing that on the list of Franks, it’s somewhere at the end of the list.)


Now we both know better.


You did the right thing. You shouldn’t feel regret because you chose not to Exploit it. Whether someone gets punished for something or not. Does not alter the stance of right or wrong.


Its okay if you use your seals, just buy more guild packs for more clan orbs guys.

Well, the gold nerf was due to an “exploit.” As much of an exploit as opening gold chests containing ill-gotten goods. Obviously, both were due to negligence, just one was allowed to persist much longer than the other.

The best interests of the devs is unspoken in all games, especially f2p games. It’s just that some companies do a better job of masking propensity than others.

It leaves a sour taste in people’s mouths when they realize the disparity of time/effort compared to other’s that were on at a specific time.

Mistakes are mistakes, and in most cases, the emotional effects are cumulative for the playerbase. You make enough, and, sooner or later, even the whales swim away.


Most of the periodic QA shortcomings end up screwing over all players equally. So do many (most?) of the resource-rebalancing updates as of late.

So every time a QA blunder benefits all/part of the player base (arguably to the detriment of the developer/publisher, since those players saved some resources?), I welcome it as a form of getting back a tiny percentage of all that keeps recurrently being taken from us through ‘rebalances’, QA shortcomings, and inexplicable GUI timesinks.

e.g. if all players that open a guild chest on February 29 at 2:29 are given a TPK due to a glitch in the code, I hope they get to keep it and feel zero sadness towards those in charge of QA.

Then again, as @awryan said, fairness is up for debate.

:thinking: :vulcan_salute: