New Guild Guardians Available

No… It wasn’t. :grinning:

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Let me save you guys some time. Only the devs can call something an exploit.


Or… In this case they wanted to nerf something so they labeled it an Exploit knowing that they’ll get automatic approval then for it from a large part of their player base.

Like it’s not okay to treat American citizens without due process. But if the government calls the same citizen a terrorist without a trial. Then it’s okay to throw away civil rights.

Labels are powerful. Knowledge is more powerful.


That’s fair. I can take solace in knowing that I didn’t personally devalue @RiverSong and others’ Guild Seal expenditure - ty.

Not regret - I agree with what you said - just a betrayal of trust.


I didn’t think this day would come
The forum community has become so ridiculous lately
The little developer mistakes have been dwarfed by the whining and flagging about EVERYTHING
I’d just close the forums to feedback at this point
Way to go community, you’ve gotten so toxic, that I prefer the devs over u all

Zuul is a big deal. True
Xan is not such a big deal. Ok
Gnomes are big deal. Seriously? All they do is run away! How are they remotely useful except for completion?

On topic: I wasn’t happy when the new guardians were announced. Seals are not an easy resource for me, but with a high pay out IF I manage to log on in that little window (thanks to timezones) where the chests are level 6. Reducing the value of the next 2K or so by 50% is not rewarding.
And now a bunch of people have EXPLOITED a bug, getting them for peanuts and nothing is done about it? Oh yes, I’m definitely going to pour money into this game.

In terms of collection value, a) some people have had a hard time getting some of them to drop, and b) getting enough copies to ascend any if the Commons to Mythic takes a while.

I don’t personally value the Gnomes as such, perhaps similarly to you, but I think this is why @Clark included them.


This is an accumulated feeling off resentment over the last 12 months, not a one time thing.


Wasnt something like this promised the last time a troop in wrong key bug occurred?
Or when 3 hero weapons in a row wasn’t added, so much so, somebody made a joke bug report stating key wasn’t available… And it was then unavaiable on release…
Starting to sound like a broken record…


What about the one time that an entire guild got Xathenos from an LT?

How is this different to people exploiting the Gem glitch in mail ?

I guess the reason you are not taking cards back is due to the fact you don’t know who has ascended them using orbs or EXPLOITED this bug.

I must say congratulations to the people who do the testing of new content, they rarely make any mistakes :joy:


Absolutely ridiculous. And please don’t tell me you “Don’t know who used gold keys & resources to obtain & upgrade guild guardians” because this game tracks everything, even to the point where I can obtain any troop I don’t have & by the time I’ve clicked out to trait it I have one of those ever-appearing pop-ups trying to convince me that Arcanes are worth my real money :rofl:
I’ve kept my mouth shut all through this debacle but this is an absolute joke - something that will continuously dilute our drop pool until we get enough seals & lucky pulls (I already have way less of one guild guardian than the others oddly enough :thinking:) is deemed to be acceptable?
Can you give us some clarity on what kind of ‘exploits’ we are ok to use then, or would it have been different had a few thousand people gotten the guardians rather than a few hundred?
I bet if this was deemed a monetary loss you’d be rolling back the pulls as I write this - this is probably the final straw for me, I’ve seriously had enough.


This doesn’t help me at all. I will have to spend probably 40k+ more Guild Seals, if not more before I could ascend any of the new Guardians to the Legendary status, let alone Mythic.
And I will have to do it because I am an honest person who does not exploit the game, while others do, and being punished for it.

I could have easily spent over 5 Million Gold just to get them for free, without using any of the Guild Seals. @Saltypatra You even wrote the Gold Chests before you edited your post. Someone pointed that out.

Sad. Thinking about quitting and giving a negative Steam review.
I think I am credible to give it after 4000 hours of playing in the game.


Perhaps Poe’s law is in effect. I don’t actually think either were exploits. I do, however, think the damage control for both was pretty poor. That, the laughable writs in Adventure, the “Epic” tasks; I guess it’s a compound issue at this point and I fear it will fester.

I was around for the first nerf to guilds a very long time ago. It caused some players to leave, but not enough to make an impact. Oh, how expendable the consumer has become. You don’t have to keep everyone with each needle, you just have to keep enough. You also spoke of breaking them, in time, with incessant scrutiny. While I don’t disagree, I don’t think the antithesis should be ignored. When you constantly “greater good” the community and sideline your veterans, sooner or later they will break too. The relationship between dev and player should be symbiotic, not parasitic.


While I can’t argue the prospective rating, especially when comparing to what the game was 12+ months ago, I don’t get how we are ‘getting punished’ because we didn’t get our guardians to mythic through the gold keys: is it a competitive edge among top players?

The way I see it, the company gives us the food stamps, and tells us what we can get with them. They decided that 24000 of our food stamps (~200 copies of each new guardian x 20 seals each) should be wasted on marginal common cards, before allowing our stamps to have their normal value.

Some people managed to dodge that bullet during that 40 minute window, most didn’t: how does it devalue our food stamps? Is it a ‘misery loves company’ thing? Shouldn’t we upset that the guardians were being released to dilute our seals instead?

No sarcasm intended: really wanting to understand why can’t we be happy for those that got it, especially since we (the playerbase) keep getting resource nerfs left and right, and them having it won’t e.g. break GvG or anything on the competitive edge AFAIK, and they managed to take back a little bit of what the company keeps taking from us.

The playerbase seems to be solid at trying to stand together against certain things such as the whole cPvP fiasco, even looking for common defense teams that would allow others to benefit from it, so we can withstand the barrage of ‘rebalances’ wherever possible: shouldn’t this be a similar instance?

Also as mentioned above in this thread: the playerbase sticking together and never forgetting e.g. Epic Tasks and cPvP nerfs is probably a preferable approach over the divide and conquer that this sort of situation can generate.

:thinking: :pray: :sweat_smile: :vulcan_salute:


Because those guardians make up 50% of all guild seal drops, regardless of how many seals you have in the guild. So 200 40k chests will still drop 100 common guardian cards until they’re at mythic +4 copies. That means our guild seal drop rates for all other cards has just been slashed in half FOR MONTHS - those who used gold chests now don’t have that issue & will continue to get all potential troops out of their guild chests.


So why are we not upset about the Guild Guardians being inserted in the pool instead?

I actually wish every player could get all cards available in the game today, whether they are in my guild or not: would that not be a good thing? :sweat_smile: :vulcan_salute:


We are lol, but there’s nothing we can do about it as it affects all guilds equally. Or did until it was exploited from gold chests! The fact that they have been allowed to keep those cards, quite rightly stinks & they have obtained an unfair advantage over the rest of us because of it.


I agree they got a benefit, not sure it’s an advantage if we can agree that players having cards and fun is a good thing: but I definitely like to see it as the company (who keeps taking from the players) losing a little due to their lack of QA, and that may be something we can all appreciate. :sweat_smile: :vulcan_salute:

It’s definitely an advantage though? Those people will continue to have full troop drop potential from every guild chest, whereas the rest of us get 50% potential of an already small pool.
I have no grudge against anyone who saved up guild seals & has them all, we all have to do that - this is an unfair advantage & has saved some people weeks, if not months, of grinding - at any other point when this has happened those people have effectively been labelled ‘cheats’ (albeit without using the word cheat specifically) & had their items taken back & any resources refunded. Why is this so different? Or is it because it’s only a small number? I bet if thousands had done this the Devs would be all over this & would already have taken back everything…