New Dungeon Screenshots & Discussion Thread

On Steam
Level 13 before 1st door
Door opening order: 546321, using the tool (obsolete or not, I prefer to acknowledge my fellow gamer companions’ work - you know who you are - and effort to try getting the best results, rather than just randomly shoot the doors down)
Doors 2, 3 and 5 rotate counter-clockwise (2 onto 5, 3 onto 2 and 5 onto 3)

Many thanks to @AMT and @sylverscale for the help on getting onto the Dungeon menu… :bear:

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Another purple dragon for me guys. I am about to quit the game entirely.




Trap behind first door again
:roll_eyes: :person_facepalming: :vulcan_salute:




New Tracked Run Summary: Day 22

Purple: 4,5,6 (2 was descending stairs)
Brown: 1,5,6 (2 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 2,3,6 (1 was diamond bonus)
Blue: 1,3,5 (2 was an altar)
Green: 2,3,4 (6 was descending stairs)
Red: 2,3,5 (1 was an altar)
Yellow: 2,3,5 (4 was ascending stairs)
Purple: 1,3,4 (6 was an altar)
Brown: 1,3,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Diamond: 4,5,6 (1 was an altar)
Blue: 2,4,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Green: 3,4,5 (1 was an altar)
Red: 3,5,6 (2 was ascending stairs)
Yellow: 3,5,6 (1 was descending stairs)
Purple: 1,5,6 (3 was amethyst bonus)
Brown: 1,5,6 (2 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 1,2,6 (5 was ascending stairs)
Blue: 2,4,6 (3 was ascending stairs)
Green: 2,4,6 (1 was an altar)
Red: 1,3,4 (5 was an altar)
Yellow: 2,4,6 (5 was an altar)
Purple: 1,4,5 (6 was ascending stairs)

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On Steam
Level 13 before 1st door
Door opening order: 546321, using the tool (obsolete or not, I prefer to acknowledge my fellow gamer companions’ work - you know who you are - and effort to try getting the best results, rather than just randomly shoot the doors down)
Biggest door rotation since the fix, everything out of supposed place… if only I had 1-2-3-4 scheme going today… sigh :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


123456, yay trap again.



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At least this one was “close”. No idea what to pick, didn’t get it.

5,6,4,1,2,3. 1 and 2 were traps.

New Tracked Run Summary: Day 23

Purple: 4,5,6 (2 was descending stairs)
Brown: 1,5,6 (2 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 2,3,6 (1 was diamond bonus)
Blue: 1,3,5 (2 was an altar)
Green: 2,3,4 (6 was descending stairs)
Red: 2,3,5 (1 was an altar)
Yellow: 2,3,5 (4 was ascending stairs)
Purple: 1,3,4 (6 was an altar)
Brown: 1,3,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Diamond: 4,5,6 (1 was an altar)
Blue: 2,4,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Green: 3,4,5 (1 was an altar)
Red: 3,5,6 (2 was ascending stairs)
Yellow: 3,5,6 (1 was descending stairs)
Purple: 1,5,6 (3 was amethyst bonus)
Brown: 1,5,6 (2 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 1,2,6 (5 was ascending stairs)
Blue: 2,4,6 (3 was ascending stairs)
Green: 2,4,6 (1 was an altar)
Red: 1,3,4 (5 was an altar)
Yellow: 2,4,6 (5 was an altar)
Purple: 1,4,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Brown: 3,4,5 (6 was garnet bonus)


I am currently at 4 perfect runs. How many days are we in since the new Dungeon arrived?

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23, I believe

With the patch I meant, included before the true RNG fix.

Ah ok… 61 then

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Thanks! 4 perfect runs out of 61 days here.

I still hate this game with a passion.

3,5,2,6,4. 6 was the trap. go figure. I actually had a feeling it might have been 4 too, but didnt go with it.

Back to playing something else. I’ve barely touched the Vault event this weekend. maybe that’s part of their master plan.

New Tracked Run Summary: Day 24

Purple: 4,5,6 (2 was descending stairs)
Brown: 1,5,6 (2 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 2,3,6 (1 was diamond bonus)
Blue: 1,3,5 (2 was an altar)
Green: 2,3,4 (6 was descending stairs)
Red: 2,3,5 (1 was an altar)
Yellow: 2,3,5 (4 was ascending stairs)
Purple: 1,3,4 (6 was an altar)
Brown: 1,3,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Diamond: 4,5,6 (1 was an altar)
Blue: 2,4,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Green: 3,4,5 (1 was an altar)
Red: 3,5,6 (2 was ascending stairs)
Yellow: 3,5,6 (1 was descending stairs)
Purple: 1,5,6 (3 was amethyst bonus)
Brown: 1,5,6 (2 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 1,2,6 (5 was ascending stairs)
Blue: 2,4,6 (3 was ascending stairs)
Green: 2,4,6 (1 was an altar)
Red: 1,3,4 (5 was an altar)
Yellow: 2,4,6 (5 was an altar)
Purple: 1,4,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Brown: 3,4,5 (6 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 3,4,5 (2 was diamond bonus)



Good old 23 trap pair three times in the past four days
:roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue: :vulcan_salute:

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Hopefully you’re not on the 0-30 streak I got when the game mode released.

The only options are to stop caring or stop playing, or both. Brilliant design.


On Steam
Level 13 before 1st door (took Descending Stairs to get to lvl 14 before opening the next doors and thus fighting the battles)
Door opening order: 536421, using the tool (obsolete or not, I prefer to acknowledge my fellow gamer companions’ work - you know who you are - and effort to try getting the best results, rather than just randomly shoot the doors down)

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For the past 3 days, the Dungeon started to be called “Arcane”, “of Luck” and “of Stone”…

Is there any info on this? Can they all be “of Good Design” instead?
:thinking: :stuck_out_tongue: :vulcan_salute:

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That’s interesting… I think those were their old names. I definitely remember Sunday being the Dungeon of Luck.

Related to the patch? Some kind of reversion? Or fixing it to what it was supposed to be? :face_with_spiral_eyes: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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