Due to IP2’s programming record, I will be using this thread to post fully revealed Daily Dungeons for the foreseeable future, and welcome anyone who may wish to share theirs in the odd chance that IP2’s randomness is not ‘working as intended’.
Not that it matters, but I will also be opening the doors in the same left to right order every day.
1 2 3
4 5 6
I did track on a few accounts on beta that the random locations were indeed random and also compared them versus testers in different guilds too for about a month.
I’m logging rewards from the higher difficulty (gained by descending stairs). If anyone wants to tag me or dm me with perfect runs from level 3 onwards that would be awesome
Sorry for switching between german and english, but it doesn’t matter. So deal with it
Edit: I will add my upcoming screenshots to that post here. And I’ll keep the order. If I get lucky with BBB or a variation of ABBB, I’ll will open the other doors anyways.
Maybe you doubleclicked accidantely? Something like that? I had my Descending stairs today too and there was a pop-up which asked me if I want to proceed.
But it’s actually good to see, that we have a choice here. Hopefully this will be the case for ascending stairs too…
Even if I did (didn’t see a popup, but let’s say ‘maybe’ since it’s anecdotal), sounds like a flaw in their programming that users can be screwed off their choice without actually picking whether to change floor or not.