New Dungeon Screenshots & Discussion Thread


It hopefully means that starting to have enough personal data points to make more educated guesses.
:blush: :vulcan_salute:


started the day on 2,6 traps

needlessly to say, another day off from Gems of War. Why would I want to play this trash?

New Tracked Run Summary: Day 20

Purple: 4,5,6 (2 was descending stairs)
Brown: 1,5,6 (2 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 2,3,6 (1 was diamond bonus)
Blue: 1,3,5 (2 was an altar)
Green: 2,3,4 (6 was descending stairs)
Red: 2,3,5 (1 was an altar)
Yellow: 2,3,5 (4 was ascending stairs)
Purple: 1,3,4 (6 was an altar)
Brown: 1,3,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Diamond: 4,5,6 (1 was an altar)
Blue: 2,4,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Green: 3,4,5 (1 was an altar)
Red: 3,5,6 (2 was ascending stairs)
Yellow: 3,5,6 (1 was descending stairs)
Purple: 1,5,6 (3 was amethyst bonus)
Brown: 1,5,6 (2 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 1,2,6 (5 was ascending stairs)
Blue: 2,4,6 (3 was ascending stairs)
Green: 2,4,6 (1 was an altar)
Red: 1,3,4 (5 was an altar)


On the plus side: four out of my last six days my traps were on 35, so you can calculate the odds of this being actual RNG…

Will say no more for now because we have the mods we have…
:blush: :zipper_mouth_face: :vulcan_salute:


On Steam
Level 13 before 1st door
Door opening order: 543216, using the tool (obsolete or not, I prefer to acknowledge my fellow gamer companions’ work - you know who you are - and effort to try getting the best results, rather than just randomly shoot the doors down)
Doors 1 and 6 swap

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I cant remember last time I got a perfect run, it has gotten that bad. :grimacing:


I’m still using the 1,2,3,4,5,6 opening sequence.

A week or two ago I got a perfect run because my finger slipped and I accidentally hit 5 instead of 4!

I also had a perfect run yesterday with the correct sequence.



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Restarted twice, the Games section is not responding, so i guess no Daily Dungeon for now…
:man_shrugging: :vulcan_salute:

Same, it sends me back to the dashboard.

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Same on iOS - nothing happens

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Same here. And my guildmates also can’t access games section.

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I wonder if they’re getting ready for the new holiday event update

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Oh, that’s fine. They can send us some dragonite to make up for it. :wink:


Can access Class Trial and Legends Reborn through the News tab on the right: wonder if anyone with a Dungeon campaign task is able to do their daily dungeon…

This doesn’t get ‘accidentally’ disabled, so yeah there must be something being fiddled with: maybe they are re-RNGing their ‘alreadytotallyRNGtrustmeforrealzthistime’ to be even more RNG!
:thinking: :stuck_out_tongue: :vulcan_salute:


watch them lower the chance to get 1,2,3 all bosses since more people have started using that :partying_face:

surely they can’t be doing that … right?

On the bright side, I can play Gems of War briefly before The Dungeon becomes available again and piss me off some more.


Once again, players helping players while IP2 staff is as dedicated as ever.
:blush: :vulcan_salute:



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The developers have added a little more randomness! Tabs in the game will work when you click on them with a probability of 0.0001%. Need more random!!! :grin:


5,3,1… 3 and 1 being traps. I’m off the game. Maybe I’ll play later to finish dailies and/or see if the update is out.

New Tracked Run Summary: Day 21

Purple: 4,5,6 (2 was descending stairs)
Brown: 1,5,6 (2 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 2,3,6 (1 was diamond bonus)
Blue: 1,3,5 (2 was an altar)
Green: 2,3,4 (6 was descending stairs)
Red: 2,3,5 (1 was an altar)
Yellow: 2,3,5 (4 was ascending stairs)
Purple: 1,3,4 (6 was an altar)
Brown: 1,3,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Diamond: 4,5,6 (1 was an altar)
Blue: 2,4,5 (6 was ascending stairs)
Green: 3,4,5 (1 was an altar)
Red: 3,5,6 (2 was ascending stairs)
Yellow: 3,5,6 (1 was descending stairs)
Purple: 1,5,6 (3 was amethyst bonus)
Brown: 1,5,6 (2 was garnet bonus)
Diamond: 1,2,6 (5 was ascending stairs)
Blue: 2,4,6 (3 was ascending stairs)
Green: 2,4,6 (1 was an altar)
Red: 1,3,4 (5 was an altar)
Yellow: 2,4,6 (5 was an altar)

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Thanks, we can access the soulforge through there too.

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