Mixer and controller sharing

Given that this thread was a simple request for information by the OP,

I think it really should have ended after the 2nd post, by Fleg,

or perhaps after some quotes/screenshots were provided – which I’ll attempt to do now.

If you enter ‘Mixer’ into the forum search, the first result is another thread by the original poster, @truethat, about a year ago, asking why the Devs allow the use of Mixer (as truethat firmly believed it to be cheating):

Locked threads. Weird.

It got a bit convoluted, so it’s perhaps (:stuck_out_tongue:) understandable that @truethat wasn’t able to find the answer they needed for the question at hand. Nonetheless, screenshots of Dev responses in and around post 23 from that thread provide a pretty fair indication:

To follow up on this, there was a very definitive answer in the next thread listed, which was running around the same time:

And more, scrolling down the list; more recently, even (March '19):

And again, here (May '19), where CanyonSurfer posted a screenshot of Salty’s above response, on a thread asking essentially the same question as the OP.

I haven’t seen any comments or announcements since from the Devs that would indicate they’ve changed their mind; @truethat, I’m pretty sure you’ll be okay.