Lots of guild seals saved up. Adopt me temporarily?

Yeah but the difference is if you were already at 40k seals for the week, and you had an open spot, it wouldn’t matter anyways. It’s literally a waste of like 5 minutes of your time. If you have an open spot you need to recruit someone anyway, and they’re going to have access to your 40k chest without doing any work either. It’s exactly the same as recruiting someone at the very end of the week, except this time you’re just doing someone a nice favor.

Just my 2 cents. I respect both sides of the coin on this one. If I had my own guild with an open spot i’d do it though, because i’m nice. :imp:

My advice is just save up your guild seals til Christmas, maybe someone’s heart will have grown 3 sizes by then.

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I’m not suggesting an inactive guild coordinates their efforts to get to the 40k seals just for someone they don’t know to benefit from it, that would be silly. I was under the impression that once a guild hit 40k seals for the week they stayed There until the end of the week. I didn’t know you guys had to give the person anything, or spend extra time getting seals to compensate for him filling an empty spot, so my bad for not understanding the complexities of this seal system. Now that I understand how ignorant I was about the system I understand why you’re being so condescending.

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You weren’t wrong. The 40k seals stay until the end of the week. And most guilds always need to recruit 1-2 players at the end of the week anyway if someone isn’t performing.


I wasn’t being condescending; I was using sarcasm to make the point you keep missing. There’s a difference.

You’re still missing the point, @HKdirewolf. Everyone’s acting like the onus is on the guilds to be “nice” to this random player; shouldn’t the onus be on him? Why not? Because it’s just one person? What about when it’s two people? Four? Twenty? A hundred? At what point does it stop being about how much of a scrooge the guilds are for not taking the time to help out a random and when does it become the responsibility of the individual to earn what he gets like everyone else? Why is he different than the rest of the players in the guild? Because he’s not going to help at all he gets a pass? That logic just doesn’t make sense.

If guilds want to help him, I have zero problems with that, that’s cool but acting like guilds that don’t want to are somehow being jerks is assinine.

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Thoughts on this thread?


Breathe my brotha, I said I get both sides of the coin here. He would get a pass from me because he doesn’t play much. It’s similar to charity. I give people passes depending on my mood, not everyone would. I happen to believe his story, and feel for him. lol That’s all. Like I said it’s a simple 5 minutes of time if a guild doesn’t already have their 30 members and are in the process of recruiting. I wouldn’t go out of my way to help him, but that’s not what he’s asking. It was a ‘if you have the option to’ sort of deal.

Oh yeah and @ogunther speak to me like that one more time sucka


I still don’t understand what you’d be giving him? Give me numbers, rough averages will suffice
How much more time will you have to dedicate to letting a person join to spend seals?
How much gold are you losing/giving this person
What about souls?
Other currency I forgot?
Once again I’m not saying people should, or should be required to help, or demonized for not helping. You just keep telling me about costs, and for some reason I’m just not seeing how doing it would negatively affect anyone except for the fact that other grubby disgusting casuals might look for the same help.

I’ve already answered your question two times; I don’t see how answering it a third will serve any further purpose. You don’t value time invested so you don’t care. Other people do and so they do care.

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I’m still breathing; if I’m being curt it’s because I’m sleepy, not upset. :slight_smile:


It’s time already invested though, this wouldn’t cost extra time. It’s not deducting seals earned or time spent, so the thought process that ANYONE is losing anything out of it is just plain wrong.

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Everyone in this thread seems ready to go to war.

Back you devils!!

Try to be nice to each other you scumbags. Tis the season ffs.


Alone he stands…


I don’t believe I said anything about losing anything; I am simply saying that the time players spend has value and some people do not want to give that time away for free. It doesn’t matter if it’s already spent or not. People pay for time already spent in many, many different forms: art, music, games, software, etc. The list goes on.

All I’m saying and all I’ve been saying is that people are saying that it costs nothing and that’s not true even if the cost has already been paid. Someone should automatically be allowed to take advantage of your work just because you’ve completed it? If that was the case then everything in GoW should be free with the possible exception of server time. They’ve already completed all the assets to date, why do we have to spend money to get VIP levels? It doesn’t cost the devs money since they’ve already created them?

See? Time already spent does not mean that time has no value.

I don’t think any of us still here are being not nice; are we? I don’t know if @irishfury187 and I will ever see eye-to-eye on this but I don’t think he’s being a scumbag nor, do I feel, am I. :stuck_out_tongue:

But the value of that time doesn’t change regardless of whether or not this happened. Time is the most valuable resource in the game. That’s not what I’m arguing it’s just that there is 0 negative affect on the guild.

In your opinion, the value doesn’t change but that doesn’t mean that’s true for everyone else. Everyone values their time differently.

Both of us have been very civil, I haven’t grabbed my barbed wire wrapped baseball bat yet so there’s no war…yet lol


Try to be nice to each other you scumbags. (the joke is I said to be nice then called you all scumbags)

Obviously or maybe not so, I was joking. I’m hilarious.