Legendary Task Rewards

Wow a rare exhumation of an old thread!

afaik the LT tables have been the same since 3.1

I don’t remember where I got this table but here you go…image


Thank you!

I think that table is actually still accurate, but the chances are clearly a little bit wonky…

For instance, you cannot get a legendary task reward of 950 glory, which means you only get 750 glory if the first two tables didn’t pick glory. You can’t get 10 runic runes of the same type, but you can get 5 of two different types I believe.

That means there isn’t really a 10% chance on Table 2 for Glory, if you’ve already gotten Glory from Table 1. Either they take that 10% chance and just divide it into the remaining rewards (32%, 42%, 12%, 10%, 10%), or they keep rerolling it if it lands on the same reward as the previous Table until a new one comes up.

Interestingly, 100 Glory buys 5 glory keys, but it’s also more versatile (because you can buy the weekly troop with it AND get glory/gold keys, and also you can purchase up to 10 event keys). So it makes sense that it has only a 10% chance compared to 30% for 4 Glory Keys.

Arguably the best possible Legendary Task reward is 100 Glory (or 1 Gem Key), 1 Event Key, and 1 Mythic Troop.

It would be interesting if they started incorporating other rewards into Legendary Tasks, like Diamonds, Chaos Shards, VIP keys, vault keys even…