Legendary Task Rewards

The guild paid 333,333 for 60 event keys… 30 x 2

I would pay 17k gold all day for 1 event key. Not like gold costs us much


I remember when a candy bar used to cost a nickel. I would always get one on my way to school walking barefoot in the snow. Great times.

Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yes 33k for 2 event keys. I 'member.


Legendary tasks are something that I, in general, take with a grain of salt:

I understand BOTH sides of the argument and depending on the day, agree with both. So, I will keep making my donations and keep collecting my rewards. But after the, gosh I don’t even know how many Mean Machine has opened, to have NEVER received a Mythic and to HAVE received SOOOO many minor yellows, its beyond frustrating.

Guilds who HAVE received better rewards will certainly look at these tasks more fondly. :wink:

But the fact that they are GOOD rewards for the easiest attainable, refillable resource (GOLD) makes them worth it, no argument there.


I would love to be able to swap 17k gold for 15 Gems. Bonanza!

One thing that everyone griping about the Legendary Tasks seems to forget is that for a week or two after the patch that got rid of the old task system, there was NOTHING to do with your gold after you completed all the statue-related tasks. The Legendary was a gift that has continued to give us something to do after the main tasks are completed, NOT a replacement for the unlimited resource machine we used to have, which was going to get me to quit any day because I had so many resources I couldn’t spend them fast enough.

Now with the slow burn it takes me a while to earn enough to fully trait the new mythics coming out. I kind of like the slower burn and I think that means the devs have gotten at least an extra 8 months from me, 8 months where I did buy things.

I’m very happy, even if all we got was 2 event keys each for completing a task it would still be better than the deep, dark void of nothing we had.

Thanks, Devs!


+1 billion…

Hey, at least we got a Gar’nok and a Goblin King!

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Match Masters has this too. Not encouraging, I realize.

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We are at 9th task for this week right now, so we do quite decent numbers of them, but still failed to get a mythic. % seems to be below 1%, and mythics are the main reason for doing them. .


If the above chart posted is accurate, the odds for a mythic troop as a reward is about .25% chance, so 1 in 400 legendary tasks should give a mythic troop on average.

Which is a very bad % if you ask me. . 2% would be low but decent.

I don’t pretend them to be accurate. It is the result of the tasks that we have completed.
Sure legendary tasks are better than nothing but 0.25% chance of getting a mythic is really low!

Not sure if I agree with this. One can not simply expect to get a Mythic from them,
so getting a Mythic only will be a huge unexpected bonus, almost like winning the
lottery. I mean, one always hope, and know there is a little chance of getting one, but
our main reason for doing them is to have a fair chance to get the gems/gem keys/arcanes,
getting a Mythic is almost out of the picture, but we take every little chance there is of pulling
one, any day.


My statistics are a little rusty, but I think you need a larger sample size to make confident predictions about the drop rates when they’re somewhere in the 0.1-2% range.


I look at legendary tasks as an expensive gold sink. (That’s exactly why the devs created it after all.)

Once in awhile, you might hit the jackpot. The other day, my guild received War from a task. It was one of the two cards I was missing in the game. Needless to say, I was beyond happy for that drop. But, I never expected it. Likewise, I don’t count on getting Plague that way.


Arcanes are not bad. Some of our guildmates are very happy to get a few more of some of them.


I mean, their purpose is a gold sink, but what i ment is, dont we all hope to get a mythic after opening the mail of completed legendary quest? Doesn’t your heart do a small bump when you see a crown icon? :slight_smile:


Yes, indeed…
I agree with that sentiment.

I was all…

when a troop I needed dropped.


I can FINALLY put a face to the name @Ashasekayi!
Thanks for the selfie gif!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


lmao I wish… :sweat_smile:
I still got that black girl magic though!

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