Last Week PVP Rankings Victory for SilentStrike

Well done SilentStrike. :smiley: :smile_cat:

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Congrats! :slight_smile:

Many of my viewers and I had a lot of fun with the week. Everyone put up a great fight. Alex and SilentStrike had such a lead by Saturday night that I decided to just take 3rd rather than spend 24 hours trying to win. I’m just glad the requirement this week wasn’t dhjl’s 100k+ standard. xD


Thanks for stoping by Tacet, just so you know this isn’t a call out. I’m just having fun and trying to enjoy talking with others. It’s not easy grinding it out so I think the players need to be recognized a little more. I mean come Monday morning we don’t even know who placed where. I think it takes a lot of determination to get as many trophies as you did while streaming for so long.

I enjoy healthy competition I always have. This is a game meant to have fun and I enjoy competition.

[quote=“BlackRhino, post:43, topic:9801”]
I’m just having fun and trying to enjoy talking with others.

It’s easy enough to have fun and talk with others without insulting other players. Player call outs are forbidden by forum rules. I suggest you take heed.

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You’re calling out a player for being a bot, because he’s putting up bigger numbers than you, riversong is only informing you that you’re breaking forum rules. It seems to me that you’re the sensitive one, getting upset over nothing and throwing around insults.


Wow you guys are too much for me, I haven’t laughed this hard in years

@Sirrian or @Nimhain could we get this put on lock down ? As it is going nowhere good forour community :frowning:


@Sirrian I’m done lol some of these people are way to sensitive about another mans opinions. If they don’t like it why are they reading it lmfao. I never seen anything like this before

Wow. This thread is a mess. Locked.