Khetar Trials

This Trial is straight up impossible and needs to be fixed. Im using a fully traited and mythic rarity team, my attack is roughly 60 and theirs at level 225 (the first epic trial) is roughly 120. They have 400 plus health/armor. Your keeper of souls is completely mana blocked (unless you wish to place him in 1st place, but then if he dies you lose the trait to summon Wights). If that wasnt bad enough thier 3rd place troop insta kills you if he matches skulls whilst having a 25% defence against skulls and gives himself barrier whilst also giving his entire team 57 armor.

I also really enjoy the new type of gem dropping in the event, a death mark gem, amazing against a team that is completely immune to them. Bravo devs. You have outdone yourselves.


Ive seen screenshots of guildies with it all the way beat already. I beat the first 2 epic so far. I can let you know when i beat the whole thing if you want?

Well, I could use some help. I took a 2 week break from the game and I see a lot of changes upon returning.

I tried the Epic Trial today (already had the challenges done in Khetar) and I’m not even coming close to beating this one. I’m not a new player. Level 1400+ with all Khetar troops at Mythic but at best I’ve only killed one of their troops before losing.


@Sinnycool Sure! Upload a video of it to Youtube at the same time. :handshake:

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Good for them, it’s trash and almost impossible for some of us. The stats on the def is way too high. I’m level 14k+ and have almost max stats it’s still nearly impossible.


Oh stop. I’m sure they can do worse. I mean just look at the successes: lycanthropy, arena changes, trials, changes to campaigns. All meant to improve your playing pleasure without the need for you to voice what would be enjoyable. They know best what you want and need. All without the benefits of testing. You are the alpha and beta trials! Its more economical that way.

So come on and cheer on the failures like the rest of us!

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I beat it on live stream its up now on my channel. 3rd or 4th try. Def hard but doable

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Good luck everyone you can do it lets go!

I didn’t find it “hard” I found it extremely vulnerable to “bad luck.” If the skulls fall your way, and the summons favor you, and the gem alignment fairy blesses you… not hard. Since the rng is streaky, I can absolutely see some people breezing though without too much angst and others getting clobbered over and over.

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Stop trying to downplay it. No one breezed through it. This is like pure faction without potions or hoard bonuses. I’ve spent hours this week and dozens of tries to beat the last trial.


It is not doable for people who do not have all the stats maxed. If your troops die from 1, max 2 skull hits, you either have to be in lottery winning level of luck or waste 1000 hours doing it. Even if I get to Alistair, and even if I spawn a wraith, at that point nothing can survive even 1 skull hit from Alistair, and he regenerates everyone’s armour faster than any damage the crow or the dragon did to the keeper before they drop - making it impossible for the enemy team to not get skull hits. Not to mention they then definitely have at least 1 wraith, and it’s your keeper against OP wraith, Alistair and their Keeper. I regret having spent any time at all trying to do this rubbish.

Now you might say it’s only meant for players who have everything at max, fair enough, but it’s ridiculous to make something this difficult when people can easily have completed all the previous challenges without being anywhere near that power level. It’s like having a 1k+ player level difference between the final previous challenge and what we have now.


It’s not even meant for players with max stats, because I have that and it doesn’t help. The enemies stats are just too high.


I dont have everything at max n im totally free to play just for the record. I agree not meant for everyone

N its not like im here arguing with people i pointed you to a guide and instead you are on here instead of there. It is what it is you either 2 low level or you gotta want it enough to go watch youtube guides n keep trying

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Watch my youtube video is not a fix, hard pass


Keep losin then

Why would you assume im losing? I already completed the trial before you posted your video lol

I’ve seen your video - you have over double my stats, and I was a lot lower level when I finished the challenges, meaning people with lower stats than mine are in the same boat, My troops die from 1 skull hit making it literally impossible without being incredibly lucky, and plenty of people with your stat level + also either cannot do it or find it beyond irritating/unfun.

Was is intentionally designed to appeal to a very small amount of players? I doubt it, as that’s not conducive to doing business. It’s just stupid. So yeah, congrats on finishing it. That still doesn’t mean everyone else can do it and I recommend NOT wasting time on it unless you can do a decent amount of damage and tank several hits.


Here’s my 2 cents: Don’t even bother with it unless you have absolutely nothing else to do in your life!


Your analysis is correct. What’s the answer? Don’t rely on skull damage. Use Crow to kill their Keeper before he can summon. Your team order is Apo, Bone Demon, Keeper, Crow. Don’t cast any of the first 3 troops at all (the risk of leaving skulls for enemy is too high). Clear potential Skull matches when you have to, otherwise cast Crow against their Keeper until it’s dead. You might lose Apo and Bone Demon, but that opens a space for your Keeper to summon a Wight (with luck). Assuming you can kill their Keeper first, their ability to summon a Wight if you lose a troop is negated because there are/were no open spaces. Once you’ve killed their Keeper use Wight (if you get one) and Crow to kill the rest - Sphinx, Aziris, Alastair. The extra Armor buff isn’t too much of a problem assuming you got a Wight, since his attack is stealing Life. 3x Nysha to buff Crow’s damage. You might consider medaling Wight and Crow to gold.

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