Khetar trial tactics

Do any tactics work in this trial.

All my troops are fully upgraded, I have tried various orders and strategies - getting nowhere.

Either missing a trick or it is just broken.

Was so looking forward to boosting my Khetar pets too.

Sad times.



You are entirely at the mercy of randomness. Had their team down to Keeper of Souls, at 2 health, with all my troops still alive. I still lost the match, with their side at 3 Wights and Keeper of Souls still at 2 health. Technically, you want to snipe Keeper of Souls, there’s just no way your team can do that.

You could possibly try with 3x medals of seasons. Or just avoid going anywhere near it, too much an excercise in frustration, and that’s just the lower level epic trials.

Edit: Ow, this game mode is pure cancer. I don’t think the development team realise yet how much negativity, bad feelings and hostility this will generate over the next weeks, maybe they should for once have played this themselves or listened to the beta tester.


Thanks for the feedback. Yes tried to snipe the Keeper of souls but just couldn’t do it fast enough.

At least I am not missing something.



Only potions (delve mode mechanic) can help. Currently ai few times stronger

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This is completely ridiculous.
I have tried several set-ups, even managed once to kill the AI Keeper of Soul but of course the AI had several lucky skull matches and killed the 2 troops I had left.
This is also another example of the AI’s super luck. In 6 battles now that I lost, AI Keeper of Soul has spawned a Wight 10 times out of 12.
Where my luck on the other hand has been 2 times out of 8. It is supposed to be 50% chance.


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Do you believe the game devs.? Need I say more?

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Exactly what the devs. want! They want players to spend money to buy gems, spend gems to buy verses.

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This is not a fix and likely just informed the devs of something they need to patch


The idea that you are somehow missing something, or that there’s a trick to it, assumes that the Devs took the time to pick troops that could be beaten by troops they picked for you to attack with. If they had to make potions and infinite hoard leveling a thing in delves to overcome the same problem, i wouldn’t assume they did any more to ensure some probability of success with trials either.

We are either going to have to collectively tell them what would work in all 37 kingdoms and hope they listen, or wait for some pay to win potion mechanic to be introduced later, when they get tired of people moaning about it.


If someone told me they used ChatGPT to make these trial teams, I’d believe it. Even the autosuggested AI role team creators aren’t as bad.


Yes yes, all is working as intended.
Like the Dungeon’s random luck, which was proven it wasn’t, that in fact chosing doors 1+2+3 never gave Dragonite.
Then the devs changed it to true random luck…


AI has been programming this game ever since all focus was put on Puzzle Quest 3.
Infinity plus 2 is not a big enough company to run multiple live service games and it shows.


The complete idea of Epic challenges is so idiotic, no wonder it was imposed. Bringing the fixed troops team with minimal stats against the opponent team that is x3-x10 times stronger? That is just a waste of time.


Epic trials are somewhat less fun than watching paint dry but a lot more frustrating.
You cannot choose ANYTHING
You cannot devise any strategy
You can just try until you get lucky… YOUCK!

What can we do to request a backtrack? As they are they can just sit there until the sun fades out…


First of all - WHERE IS THE FIX FOR THOSE PETS??? Why the offers are still for 1M gems???

Then, how’s everybody today? Having fun with Khetar Trials? Happiness over the Moon? :smiley:

Arena compared to this is a masterpiece of the creativity of games of all time!

And yes, it helps a lot the new players. Basically it’s ABC for them how to use X mark on the screens.

Good luck devs with other mind blowing updates.


Level 225 was an absolute 1 hour torture, but finally managed to get 1 copy of the pet. That’s it.


Not sure why people run straight to the frustration. Just ignore it…


It’s the only way to get the pet.

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This works until they rework Power Level Criteria again. When having a maxed starry pet becomes a roadblock to keeping up with the neverending power creep, ignoring it won’t be an option.

Once upon a time, people said to ignore pets, delves, classes you don’t use…all the way back to the OG “never level and trait troops you don’t use.” We will be forced, at some point, to either engage with trials or fall behind.


Well, if you just wanna get the pet once and level it maybe later with Orb of minions, 225 level can be passed as is:
put apophisis 1st, he is a tank now
crow 2nd
keeper 3rd

Crow the enemy’s keeper to death. If your tank dies too early, just restart. It takes like 5 mins to pass thru once RNG skulls are mercyful to you.

No idea how to play lvl350 but who need it anyway

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