Kafka's Curiosity: What's to love?

I honestly can’t remember how long I’ve played this game. I play on Playstation and I distinctly remember being rather ill and off work for a week back in 2015 - Gems is pretty much the only thing that kept me from going even more nuts than I already am. But I can’t remember how long before that I started.

The game has changed over the years, not always for the better in my opinion. But I like being able to play different game modes. I tend to start with the adventure boards before having a look ot see what ‘today’s game is’ - to me Wednesday is Pet day for example.

The overall game play - match 3 in a battle scenario is what really keeps me in the game. I’m at the stage in the game where I only have a few factions left to get so I’ve not got much in the way of stories left but they were quite amusing. I have to say, as well, the artwork in the game is lovely!

I would love to do more guild stuff but I’m in a guild with just myself and my husband and, since he hardly ever plays any more, it means I’m doing guild stuff by myself. As you can imagine, not much progress is ever made so I tend to skip a lot of that which is a shame. It also means I’ve never really met anyone else in the game so, unfortunately, I haven’t had the positive experiences that other posters have mentioned.

I do enjoy the new PVP - to a point. I like the fact that we now get to choose different teams each week and that opponents seem to be better matched now. But - take this current ‘event’. I had 3 burning chests at the beginning (I think we all did?) but I’ve not had a single one since and I do a fair amount of PVP in the short time I get to play.

I used to enjoy dungeons until they brought the traps in. I don’t bother with that any more.

I enjoy the treasure maps and vaults.

Overall, there’s a lot I like about the game but I do see where a lot of the unhappiness among other posters comes from and agree with a lot of it. At the moment, there’s plenty to keep me in the game. My hope is that things don’t deteriorate to the point I don’t want to play anymore.


I have been in a ton of different guilds. My playstyle has varied from very hardcore to casual, so naturally one guild alone did not work. I find a lot of players play a lot for a time, get tired of it, quit maybe for a while, and then return. I met many returning players in several guilds, who were gone for months or even years and came back. I enjoyed being in different guilds and meeting a large amount of different players and seeing how different guilds are run. I think it is important to be in a guild that suits your playstyle and also your time zone.
At the moment though most guilds are really struggling to keep full. There are far too many half-dead guilds in the game, or new guilds started without any thought to how it will affect players. It will be good if the guilds can be cleared out a bit and older dead guilds are removed. Ingame chat is just a constant struggle for guild recruiters all day long.

What would bring joy back to the game? Less extreme RNG with really high prices attached. (Referring mostly to the Gem and Cosmic Dragons here).

More expansion for endgamers. Like adding more Kingdom Power Levels to reach for. These levels much be reachable though and not take 6 years like with books. Make books more readily available too. At a stage in the game every player reaches a level where they can not really make any more progress and a shortage of books stops them. Perhaps create a new World - we have the Krystara, then the Underworld - how about going up to another dimension? With new Kingdoms entirely. However as one of the major complaints I see everywhere is that all new content is now heavily pay-gated, not all new progress levels should be paid content.

I know it must be hard to balance adding new content for endgamers and making it viable for newer players to catch up - but from what I hear new players make much faster progress these days than say two years or more ago. They have early access to mythics and books due to the new PVP system, plus tons of resources due to Vault weekends, so adding more content for endgamers is fine. Otherwise your loyal endgamers will get bored and leave.

Actually I suggest adding books to all guild event rewards. This will help solve the book problem and make guild events worthwhile. Most guilds slog through events with no enthusiasm as they do not need the rewards anymore.

This guy has some very imaginative ideas for expansion in his thread: Fan update 8.1

I think players need to accept the game has evolved and cannot turn back to what it was 5 years ago.

I appreciate all the effort that went into the new PVP system and I am enjoying it a lot. Thanks.

Oh been around the game for 3 years now, but took a break in the middle…level 1608. All Kingdoms are on Power Level 20. Have a few on PL 30. Cannot make any more progress except with books.



This is my best analogy for GoW. Anyone that understands the reference is automatically my friend :joy:


I enjoy the sound Moon Rabbit makes when I squish and kill it.

This doesn’t say anything about me, does it?


I loved what first drew me to the game back in 2015, it was playing through each Kingdom’s quest line and following a story as the game brought me back to what I loved about Puzzle Quest 1 and 2.

Of course, that love has long since ended and I no longer care about any of the individual kingdom stories. The game has just become a mindless grind and no longer have any interest in any of the lore, characters, troops, none of it. With each new update, what made the game great, slowly got removed and replaced with horrible RNG and abysmal gacha mechanics with paywalled resources that can be gotten for free, but they are limited and few and far between.

I quit the came once after tokens/badges/medals were added to the game and because of the horrid Geoff achievement for medalling 100 troops. For a F2P gamer, the grind for the resources needed sucked the fun out of the game. It didn’t help that I was in a dying guild where most of the members had left or just gone idle for weeks at a time.

I eventually game back and 6 months later out of pure boredom and found a more active guild with people who actually talked and helped each other. Which is why I still play the game now, because I love my guildmates, even though many of them have left because of previous updates over the past couple of years.

And its been 1 grindy RNG filled update after another and I don’t know how much longer i’ll stay on now. Having to grind out PvP in hopes to complete seasonal goals to level up these new immortals is awful, but at least I can see actual progress and I feel like I am working toward something. What will probably make me quit is the stupid horde mimic as I am reaching my breaking point with the abysmal RNG tied to not only getting the battle, but getting the troop. 2 1/2 years of grinding E12 and nothing to show for it, there is no progress that I am making and I don’t feel like I am working toward anything. I just have to keep grinding away and hope the battle for mimic pops up, then the horde mimic, and then pray to RNGesus that this game finally gives me the horde mimic troop.

But no, alas, all I get is more tokens of gaard. Meanwhile other guildmates have 10+ copies of this troop and I can’t even get 1. Whose bright idea was to put a purely random occurrence like this in the game and tie it to an achievement on XBox? I could grind E12 for the next 10 years and never get this troop. There needs to be other ways to obtain it or you need to change the achievement requirements to getting the horde mimic battle in explore and not the horde mimic troop.


The three things i love…

1 the dev team

2 all your posts Kafka

3 and lastly free gifts…


Only this game did not come from Risa. There it’s all about pleasure, GoW is all about pain :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I know this thread is about the things we love about GoW and I will get to that!

But…still this thread rubs me the wrong way massively!
Cause it can (and most likely will) be used as a counterpart to the massive negative feedback the game received lately leading to a possible false conclusion: “See we don’t have to worry, they still like lots about the game”
Likes and dislikes seldom outweigh each other, cause they come from different people and different parts of the community.
Address the negative feedback and make us feel heard and please do not try and outweigh it with positive feedback, that’s wrong!

Back to the topic:

What I like about gems is the sense of community, being part of a guild which grows into a family of sorts.

I like ToD, cause that needs working together as a guild and it feels great to high up the leaderboard!
I like guild wars, but I also very much Hate them! But…they needed working together, sharing teams and strategies. It was the main thing in the game (for me) that forged strong bonds within the guild. A guild during GW really felt like a guild, like a family. We learned about each other strengths and weaknesses, we worked together, we bonded and learned.
But that part of the game is gone!

I like Tod and GW.

I am waiting and hanging in till the time we get GW back.
Breaking GW destroyed guilds and a large part of the community, it needs to come back!

So…I like the parts of the game where a guild has to work together and GW was a huge part of that.

I really don’t like the solo grind path the game has taken lately.

@Kafka, sorry but it is unrealistic to ask only for the positive things in the game. That’s simply not how it works!


I LOVE clicking extra steps daily while finishing Explores. Each new click is such a satisfaction to my sense of pride, I can’t even explain this feeling. Have to do those clicks over and over again. And over again. LOVE them!

I LOVE when Genie/Demon merchants comes into my Explores, because I love to say ‘no’ to strangers, over and over again.

I LOVE misclicking autobattles button with ‘Heroic Gems Database’ button because none of your game designers actually play the game longer than 5 mins/day. Oh, and this insane feeling of satisfaction when iPad loads up that extra window with description. Take those seconds away, I don’t need them anyway as I came to launch Autoplay.

I LOVE medals evolving screen. I’ve seen it thousand times, and gonna see much much more. It gets my body shaking when Im trying to click it away, so I always continue watching. God knows how much effort has been applied to make those gorgeous animations of small medals coming into the big ones. Definitely worth waiting, every day, every minute.

That’s just the part about Explores I do love. There are plenty more love points mentioned on very this forum in the past 3 years at least, yet to being found by your awesome team @Kafka


Listen, Kafka. I appreciate what you do for the community, but my response to this thread is because I love Gems of War. And, because I love Gems of War, here is everything I have to say about the current state of the game.

Before I begin, I tried to offer solid feedback on how I feel about the game. I wanted to be positive like the thread asked for and I simply don’t agree that the positives have all disappeared entirely. If you can stomach the changes to troop cards and weapon cards without it doing damage to your health, the next challenge is knowing what to focus on and accepting that progress isn’t going to be immediate past a certain point in the game. So, basically, not giving into FOMO.

On the other hand, those screenshots of players that have spent Dragonite on 30+ dragon eggs and counting are stuck in my brain and not even paying rent.

I’ll be as positive as possible, but keep in mind that while I love aspects of gameplay, there are still negatives that must be addressed. I can’t simply say I like this or that without the contrast. Again. I love Gems of War. This post includes plenty of the positives that you’ve asked for.

Because this thread asks for positivity and only positivity, I initially avoided responding to this thread out of fear that this post could potentially cross some unseen line and I receive the ban hammer. Please understand that I’m doing my best to be respectful with everything that I’ve mentioned here.

With all of that out of the way, I can finally start.

This is the first area of the game I’ll focus on since it’s recent. I’m a competitive person so I do see some positives from the rework. We’ll get to my criticisms in a minute.

Monoliths give buffs in PVP. This helps with Blood Frenzy and I like having the buffs, especially now that the XP bug has been fixed.

Alliances are a neat concept as well. My only real criticism is resetting VP at the end of each season. This is too much work for most of the player-base to handle and it will lead to burnout.

Citadels. I’m neutral here. I don’t have much feedback to offer.

Immortals. Interesting concept but poor execution. Most players aren’t being given enough burning marks to properly enjoy what Immortal troops bring to the game. Saving up burning marks is an option if people are willing to see if they get better rewards from not spending everything all at once, but what players get for free is still not that great.

Season goals. You’re supposed to complete everything in 11 weeks. I get that, but I need to get 560k VP per season if I want all of the rewards. I’m simply not that competitive. When I lost my VP at the beginning of the season, I lost less than 500k VP, because I never passed 500k during Season 0. Even if I do get 560k VP in a season or most seasons, that’s just a “free time” flex more than anything else.

The rework in general is pretty solid. If player feedback was listened to, the game could be even better.

Troops, classes, weapons, etc
Troops. I like a lot of the troop art. Even if a troop isn’t that great, sometimes I’ll use it just because of the art or the restrictions for an area or event. The appearance changes for troop cards and weapon cards were unnecessary and some players had to leave the game over them. I was able to adapt, but it says a lot that some players didn’t even leave the game over things like one more duplicate from RNG dragon eggs. This aside, I enjoy reading the flavor text for certain troops. Humor is a huge positive for this game.

Classes. We have a lot of classes in the game. I like some of them, but it seems like Immortal troops are supposed to be a response to the Elementalist situation. Well, one class is still clearly the best one. I’d like to see the other classes get more love too. All classes should be useful even if not the best. Talent trees don’t make me feel like each class is unique either since some classes share talents. The only true unique class is Elementalist.

Weapons. Most of them are terrible. Life and Death, Essence of Evil, Wand of Stars, and Mang are some of my favorite weapons in the game.

Overall, there’s a lot of quantity and not enough quality. This is pretty standard for a live service game. Power creep is common in all of them and it’s part of how you get players paying.

Guild events
I’m not sure I like any guild event right now. I just like helping my guild and this motivates me to keep contributing what I can. All guild events are a variant of the same grind though. Only Tower of Doom stands out and I’m not the biggest fan of it. With Tower of Doom, I like that the leaderboard features the entire guild as a whole instead of just one individual. In my opinion, this would be ideal for all guild events, but I’m not going to nitpick too much in this regard.

Guild Wars. I hated Guild Wars. That said, after reading all the stories about why it helped guilds stay together and active, I understand how Guild Wars created a sense of community, a sense of community that is now gone. When reworking PVP, the devs underestimated the importance of Guild Wars in the Gems of War community. I honestly had no idea either until I read what people had to say about it.

I don’t like Arena, but it feels fair and accessible to most players. From what I’ve seen, stats and progress don’t matter here, which is definitely a bonus. Everyone is on equal footing and capable of earning all the rewards. It’s not my thing so I don’t touch the mode.

I actually like these. It’s fun to play with heroic gems, but some of them aren’t as useful. I’m not a fan of Lycanthropy gems, for example. To be clear here, I love lore. It’s not much but just enough to keep me interested in the next part of the campaign. The stories are often simple and nothing special, which doesn’t make them bad. It’s nice to hear about the troops themselves and get more information about who they are. I love the humor in some parts of the campaign too. Do we remember how things work in Grosh-Nak? There’s only one way to fix everything (I can’t remember the campaign for this one).

I love vault weekends. Hunting gnomes is one of my favorite parts of the month. Stocking up on vault keys is part of how I replenish resources.

Underspire. I also like Underspire. I can’t afford a full run every week, but I’m one of those weird players that would probably still do sentinel battles even with all 6 sentinels. I’m in the minority here. On a related note, the drop rate for sentinels is way too low. It’s realistically possible that players could go a full year, or even several, with no sentinel whatsoever if their RNG is that bad.

Treasure Hunt. I love Treasure Hunt. The rewards need to be better, but it’s otherwise something I can do when I need to relax and do something that isn’t too complicated or stressful.

Legends Reborn. I’d like to see the stories of Krystara without having to wait for an event like this, especially once a kingdom’s Legends Reborn event is over. These stories have charm and I don’t understand why an event was needed simply to give players the option to read them again.

Delves. I’ve lost track of how many years it has been since I started playing. Deep Delves are interesting in concept and not so nice in practice. Players can’t max out a faction and do a Deep Delve without it being forced to be Level 500. I can clear an entire Deep Delve at Level 500 without too much of an issue, but it’s not worth the cost for players that are still maxing out delves, number one. Number two, most players don’t see the random gnome as a worthwhile cost to begin with. I can count the number of delves I have left to max out on one hand. Deep delves helped a lot, because old factions started getting weekend events again and this helped me figure out which faction to max out next. The first delve I maxed out had a memorable impact. I’ll never forget all the harpy troops that spawned over and over and how great it felt when I finally won.

Explore. After so many years, I didn’t forget to craft that second Ironhawk. I believe Explore is fun, but I also feel like there’s more pressure to ignore it and focus on PVP. If I ignore the pressure, everything’s good again.

The community. This is the primary reason I’m still playing. Other players helped me understand how to play the game and what to prioritize versus what to wait for until later. Years later, my guild keeps me motivated to keep playing. Why? Honestly, I just hope things get better. I’m not necessarily sure I have this mythical “hope” it’ll actually happen, but as long as the game is alive and around, it’s possible.

No energy/life system. I agree. This is a huge positive, because it means there’s no limit on how often we can play. On the opposite extreme, we’re now asked to play this game as our “job.” So, while we’re not limited on how often we can play, this is used to keep us playing.

There are other things I could talk about, but this post is long enough and I hope I wasn’t too mean.


Once a month for a week, we got to compete for Paragon. Our guild was rated amongst hundreds of other guilds, and it was the only thing that made me want to keep playing, and get better. You took that away from everyone, and you lost our respect as well. It’s one thing when you break your own toys, it’s a whole nother problem when you break the toys I paid for. Thanks a lot for that.


yeah I get that you probably need an oasis of positive voices amidst this wasteland of negativity, but I’ve searched and can’t find anything to praise anymore.

I used to love this game, a long time ago. but when I take a hard, honest look at it now, I realize there are only two things keeping me from uninstalling: 1) the same horribly unhealthy addictive pull that keeps a compulsive gambler returning to the casino, and 2) the dread that I’d be letting my guildmates down hard.

my better judgment knows I shouldn’t, but I plan to give this game one more shot, to follow developments through (maybe) the next major update.

if the devs tune their game the way they’ve been handling things like Journey or dragon eggs, completely blind to sensible feedback (and even pleading) from their playerbase, that’ll be it for me.

can’t say my hopes are high.


Mainly Towers of Doom, Underspires (excluding Guardians drop rate), World Events, simple Explores, Holidays, New Kingdoms, more reworks (that’s the matter or taste).

I love strong, powerful, swift, dangerous, deadly, lethal, INTERESTING new troops with useful active or passive traits (like “summon a Leafstorm when my turn begins”). Also useful Pets.

I love when questions are answered honestly, bugs are fixed (preferably within days), new things arrive flawless.

I love decent artworks for troops and spells (like Zuul’s).

And in general, I love this game only as a time filler (30 min before sleep, while travelling, waiting for a bus or at airports, during longer breaks, lazy afternoons on Sunday etc). Sometime more, sometimes less but not as a mindless everlasting job of grinding of meaningless.


I love team building within restrictions (and do enjoy this aspect of new pvp)

I love the art. I also love some of the characters and enjoy spending time in their company when they’re on the team. They come to life for me. For example, i like to listen to high king irongut muttering as he devours (“tastes like chicken” when eating harpies, “mmm fishy” for merfolk, “ooh chewy” for spiders, peeling his lips back etc)

I love chilling out with a chill team and getting a relaxing break from normal life. Explore 12 is so chill with Stella.

I love being part of a guild, meeting people from around the world, sharing thoughts, laughs, teams etc. i especially enjoy guild wars when we’re working closely together, and getting paragon is great. Seeing guild members shine is amazing.

I love how in world events, medal boosts make you feel so powerful. I wish we had more world events like we used to.

I love the excitement of weekly reset.

I love the feeling when you achieve something that seemed impossible, like pf500

I love getting a great new troop


I hasten to add, the thrill of doing something that seemed impossible does not extend to the hatching of gem and cosmic dragon eggs. That system is cruel and the cruelty is baked in, as some people are going to really suffer. Change it please.

So i love being rewarded for the hard work i put in gathering resources.


I still love it all, except the bugs and recent game freezes and the extreme rarity of the Underspire Sentinels.

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Joining into this conversation

Been playing since Gosh —middle of 2015 Way way way back in the beginning
Found the Forums in 2016, because I was looking for a Guild that wasn’t … (I won’t say but it really left a bad taste in my mouth about guilds)

Why I started to Play - I was a HUGE Magic the Gathering collector, and was selling of my collection to make ends meet and feeling sad about well selling off 15+ years of collection. I loved spending time making wonky teams that actually were fun to play. But when you stop buying cards cause you don’t have the same level of income, and you got to eat, well it’s the first thing that goes.

I can’t play most video games because I have eye hand coordination issues and eye motion issues (I get motion sickness watching most games). A friend of mine was playing GoW and thought I would like it.

GoW was just starting to pick up …in fact I remember the day we broke 1000 players on the system at the same time…

It was cool, fun, creative, different, and gave me my fix for collecting. Buggy but something I could get into.

I played and I contributed to the game by buying stuff… each month - took my coffee money and bought something to help support the company.

Then things started to go south in several areas that guilds were requiring folks to do - PVP, Guild Wars and at ungodly levels - that I wasn’t great at, and loosing was either you got kicked out of the guild or demoted or a bunch of not very fun for me attitude from guild leaders.

Over time I stopped spending money on the game. Occasionally I have purchased a campaign pass, but that dwindled down, to why bother?

Where am I in game?
I honestly don’t know because the goal posts keep moving and that is getting frustrating.
1403 out of 1477 Troops (Missing - 1 common(vault) 8 epic, 17 legendary, 47 Mythic)
418 out of 592 weapons
191 our of 343 pets (I LOVE Magix because we have pet weekend and that has helped me big time get pets)
44 out of 46 Team slots
85 out of 85 banners
Kingdoms 38/38 - all 38 at level 15 or higher
Delves - 38/38 - 36/38 are level 100 or higher
Level 1337
VIP 9.5

The reason I stay - even with all the continued outrageous pricing and items that are totally useless once you get past a specific amount of them, is because I still have fun 60% of the time.

ARTWORK - I love 90% of all the art that is/has been created. OH MY some of the art work is just WOW… which is partly why I collected Magic… I knew a lot of the early artists who did cards for MtG, so it was nice to see quality art…


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I love some of the humor in several of the troops and pets. (Moist Owlette , Bag Eight for example and some of the silly story lines)

I LOVE collecting cards and creating Teams (and learning from the Guild I am in about team concepts that wasn’t taught in the other guilds) - which is SUPER AWESOME Magix guild leaders - @Anam_Cara and @Shanaliy

I like most of the Progression System, especially the kingdom level work, except when it starts to take away from a long standing path of execution and switches out to a pay for play mentality to get any higher or worse makes it worse to do

For example taking away the way Trials were done - now it’s without the Hero even and that was one of my places I could play against different teams and not be embarrassed for making a team that didn’t work.

Right now I am working on finally getting my kingdoms past 16th level, and my hero’s classes to at least 70th level. But I am feeling like that is going to be a waste of time because there are levels now that I can’t get to unless I pay for the items. That’s just not cool.

Now, I will say I am loving for the most part the new PVP system. There are some things I don’t like, such as not being able to use my stored team slots. Or designing defense teams that make sense, because an offense team doesn’t always work as a defense team. And I am not sure I get this League thing or Alliance (blocking chat and not having translations suck btw) . And adding yet another style of Troops (Immortals) with their own way of getting souls (when I have over 3 million souls now) proves the point - disconnected from the reality of collecting.

Three things I would like to see fixed/changed/re-thought.

1st Request
Timed / Day only events. for the most part - (Thank you for letting us collet our Exalted path to play when we can in a block of time)

It used to be you could play things when you could play. Even Guild wars had the ability to play on the weekend and points counted against the total.

But ever since the Pet rescue day, then Delves, the Class, and now we have these timed enhancements in PVP, I’m finding it real challenge to make time for a solid 2 hours to 4 hours to play EACH day to finish these events to get the bonuses I need.

I work for a living. I have housework, and a life outside the game.

Let’s put a little more thought into daily, hourly and minutes timed rewards/events for those people that actually work

2nd Request
Consolidate, Re-use, Re-purpose not expand - Souls, Traitstones, #of cards, Elite Level, Orbs and Shiny Tokens, to enhance your troop, shards, gems, glory, diamonds, war coins, silver marks, gold marks, burning marks, icons, etc… the list is growing to a point where I can’t keep track (even with the pulldown) of what is what and why. And I forget to use them. I really liked that I could feed a pet with other colored food. But seriously, it’s just insane.

3rd Request
Stop inflating something that isn’t real - THERE IS NO VALUE in any of these items because we can’t sell or trade them.

One of the things that card collecting is about is trading for something you need with someone who needs something from you. We can’t do that here. If anything I would love to trade.

Another aspect of this issue is the forced restrictions on specific cards showing up (Specific Mythics, Gem and Cosmic Dragons, Tarot, and Gnomes) when you have a limited resource ability to get the starting resource, that is limiting how much resource it’s going to give you to actually potentially get the other very limited resource, and then you can’t get it.

I’ve been working on trying to get Amethialas, Sapphirax Diamantina since the start of the Revised now twice Dungeon. I have gotten with the Dragonite, Emeraldrin 3, Garnetaerlin 6 * kept 4*, Rubirath - 8 kept 4, Topasarth - 1. Yet we don’t get Dragonite for winning a battle if there is a trap. You have to play a dumb guessing game to get a perfect run.
How about making it where Perfect run gets what it Gets, Winning all three battles with 1 trap active gives a fixed amount, and winning all three battles with 2 traps gets another fixed amount.
And let us CRAFT the dragons we need such as Amethialas, Sapphirax.

I do like some of the ways we can ‘cash in’ especially making Mythics… but what am I going to do with 6,821 Treasure Maps?! 0r 310,739 Glory or 12,65 Cursed runes …


When I started late in 2020, I had been looking for a game similar to Marvel Puzzle Quest, which I loved, but could not play more than 1 account of. The features I was looking for and found in Gems of War at that time:

  1. A deep collecting game with reliable attainability of missing items. Taking years to complete would be totally fine, as long as there was a reliable non-gacha way of filling in the gaps. GoW qualified, as it had many troops, getting them to mythic required time and effort, and the soulforge and daily deals helped to fill the gaps. Pets at that time were a non reliable acquisition, but I figured with a decent guild and enough time that would work out. Some weapons were paid, but I did not mind buying them eventually. Spending a bit of money occasionally was fine, as long as not spending did not hinder progress too much. I did not want to buy my way through a game, I wanted to play my way. Buying is for supporting devs.

  2. Cards with powers and match 3 to fuel the powers. I liked that in MPQ, so I was happy GoW used it as well.

  3. A match-3 setup that rewarded board control skills. What I really loved immediately is that a 4 match gives an extra turn (instead of 5 match, which is too rare and cannot be played for), combined with that players could take their time playing a match. I loved the setup where the skill of a player to make the best match really mattered and extra turns could be worked towards. Guild wars were an immediate favourite of mine because it challenged exactly those skills.

  4. The game evolution. I mean that beginner, internediate and end game all had their challenges to play for. Beginners were scrambling to get a decent roster, intermediate was a long, meaty stage of building up kingdom power levels through collecting and grinding, and the endgamers still could strive to excel in one particular and best ever game mode: the guild war.

  5. Guild Wars. I found a great guild family and expecially streaming guild wars became my favourite way of interacting. We created a lot of extra milestones and honorable mentions in our guild to strive for, things like the best purple day score ever, longest 30/0 streak, longest paragon streak, etc.

I want to be positive, but reading what I wrote about 2020 makes me almost cry for all that was lost. No reliable acquisition, no board control elements that tax my skill. Randomness now rules too many aspects of the game, and skill is no longer required. And there is nothing left worth streaming.


Wow, well level 1530 here. I created my Guild 2052 days ago and before that I was in a random Guild, can’t remember for how long though.
Beginning GoW was fun, exciting, addictive and holy Moly so time consuming- there were so many troops - today even more troops and it was and possibly still is overwhelming to grasp or understand - troops, classes, weapons, interactions. I know you changed a lot for a new player, but I can’t compare because I havn’t made a new account.
The most positive for a new player most be to join a Guild with some endgame players to guide them. I hope that new players have more help from the game itself, than I had - had it not been for Taransworld and Tacet the Terror - I would have been lost and would have quit. This forum, other YouTubers and dedicated players have helped and still help. It is positive that GoW have/had such talented and dedicated players that wanted to give a helping hand, where GoW didn’t.
So in that spirit - I pass on my knowledge to players joining my Guild. We help each other and share. There have been hundreds of different people joining/quitting but there are a few still sticking around, because they enjoy helping and passing it on, more than playing the game itself.
I don’t love Guild Wars, but I love how my Guild started as rank “50000” - I dont recall what the rank was - I didn’t even know what Guild Wars was in the beginning lol. But after some years fighting dead Guilds and getting better understanding of the game, working out how to score in Guild Wars, having better players joining, creating teams - we ended in top 100 - bracket 10, just before Guild Wars was postponed(forever?).
I LOVE TEAMWORK(Randomness not so much). Achieving goals with my Guild - and rewards. Tower of Doom is my favorite, then Invasion, then Raid Boss. Then where was once an event beginning with J, but that event is dead to us now - just info, not being negative.
Collecting troops and weapons is fun, but maybe getting new troops weekly is a bit much. There are many useless/unused troops - but it is positive and needed that you are looking at them/changing them Kingdom by Kingdom. I do love collecting pets, so many cute ones
The Artwork is almost always amazing though :+1::+1::+1:
Now I love making useful teams each week for various game modes. I don’t mind restrictions - but it does take time and not everyone has the time or patience. Here again a Guild can be such a positive thing.
I love that there are many different game modes and that there are several that don’t require sigils/energy or whatever, but you can play endlessly, if you choose to.

  1. I like game is free.

  2. I like game is adds free.

  3. I like start of game when you have more clear ways how to improved your kindoms and colletions.But thats now more… Last severals updates everything is just random. When years ago you wanted Zuul’goth it was easy. Get these materials and make it. Now you want Stellarix… well good luck with that, since that is only thing you need. Or you want sentinels / tarrot cards from vault / immortals / etc… It basicly dosent matter how much you play, you dont get any progress getting them. And you dont see any progress in way to get them, it feels you are getting nothing while playing the game. And when you finally get something, you are not happy to get them, but you are relief that its finally over. No wonder if players are quiting the game, since they dont fell any progress. And dont get me wrong, progress can be slow also, but it needs to be there. More you put on hours more you should get, not that luck determines your progress. Lootboxes dont work in this kinda game.