Is this a fair Game? PvP Rankings beyond any realistic chance to reach

And I’m not in a top 50 guild, hate conglomerate guilds there like Amazon yukk.

I like being in a mamas n papas corner shop. :rofl:

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well, are there cheaters in GoW? ofc
i know that RootsSeed is the highest f2p on PC and i played with Patje376 years ago in Hoguns family, knowing that he’s a hardcore player in a hardcore guild (SoA).
so, without knowing both in real life, i just trust them to not cheat.


Thank you ANGI ( or is it still father of ANGI ? :grinning: ) I am really pleased to be able to start the new year with this positive message . Happy New Year and lots of fun playing to you and to all other readers and players . BTW : due to concerns for my parents, I had to slow down a bit and am a little less hardcore these days . I’m no longer with SoA either.


So this was a base 75 VP battle!

No real high level player would have such low stats.

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I’ve had 2 like that this morning. They were the highest VP reward battles but when the troops appeared they were as low level as is possible. It’s already boring without real defence teams and this hardly makes a difference because it’s just a few seconds less time to get the points you already know you’re guaranteed, but still, great to see it’s more broken than I thought it was last week and the week before that.

Unfair scoring, insane lag, no proper defence teams outside Central Spire, people getting promoted outside the promotion zone and now just weirdly feeble teams. PvP is so much fun these days! Happy 2024 \o/

I want to be able to enjoy PvP. Lower stats with higher VP is a lot better than having over powered annoying defenses that give less VP.


Looks like a bug. Someone should report it so that it can get fixed as soon as the devs return to work since it’s beneficial for players

I know Patje in real life.
He never cheated in Gems of War, or used some tools or whatever.

What’s his secret ?
A lot of explore 1, a lot of time able to play, high VIP (= more experience per match), strong-willed to keep on playing mindlessly and a lot of stamina.

In his prime, he was in Sons of Anarchy, where he played with (and against) a select few other hardcore players.


I’ve locked this thread to the crazy amount of community guidelines breaches regarding callouts.

I’ve also gone through and deleted posts that broke the rules.

If you suspect someone of cheating, there is a report button in game you can use to report them privately to the team so they can check it out.

If you want to ask about game rules, that’s fine, please don’t include any screenshots or identifying account details though.

In regards to the questions:

  1. Account sharing is allowed.
    Hot seating is discouraged - we currently do not have a problem with players hot seating so this isn’t something that needs to be addressed currently. If it starts becoming a problem we will review that.

In regards to what prompted this whole thread:
I’m assuming someone reported some of those players using the in game report feature and they will be checked properly (if they haven’t already), but I think a lot of people are underestimating gamers and their play times and speeds.

8-10 hours a day is easily doable for a lot of gamers, with breaks and other hobbies and relationships and lives.

Level 3,000 is more than achievable and has been for several months now.

Well over 100 battles per minute is fairly average (usually without the current lag anyway).

TLDR; If in doubt but you have concerns report in game - please don’t call people out and throw accusations around it’s quite negative and no one needs to hear that when they’re trying to have fun with their gaming.

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