Continuing on the Fair Game topic

Continuing the discussion from Is this a fair Game? PvP Rankings beyond any realistic chance to reach:

Your account sharing policy makes it impossible for single players to compete. I know because I have competed the past few weeks on both Global Leaderboards and League Boards. A single player cannot compete against an account that is kept going 24/7 by rotating players.

Maybe introduce a mode where battles are limited and time is limited too. Then single players can compete there. Please do not make it like GW where there is no time restriction as everyone then practices on the enemy team by putting the enemy teams in their own attack/defence and practicing first what works, which again defeats the point of having a skilled PVP battle.

Lastly I played like hell last week to ensure a position in the top 3 slots of my League. Put in many extra hours. And now you are telling me all players just got the extra Gold Marks anyway for doing nothing? You owe the top 3 League players from last week extra rewards then.

Also fix your RNG gem/cosmic dragon mess. Not fair that some people have multiple Diamantinas and Stellarixes whilst others keep getting multiple copies of one of the minor dragons. Some got all 6 Cosmic Dragons with just 10 eggs and I have seen one person who opened 42 eggs and still did not get all 6 dragons. This kind of really extreme unfairness breeds some very unhappy feelings in players.


I believe the biggest issue is how to proof account sharing at the first place. You have to be able to detect things you’re banning. Some people just have no real life, some other have brothers/sisters to keep running at the same IP/device daily.


True - detection will be hard. Which is why I suggest another mode where battles are limited by number and time. Say a maximum of 50 battles for one hour a day…or something along those lines. They did say they will expand to multiple modes in PVP and the present one will not be the only one.

Some people also play the game on various devices completely legitimately - I’m using 3 devices interchangeably, not always on the same IP/network (data transmission + home wifi + wifi access at other trusted locations). I wouldn’t like to be caught and banned by such a tool that was aiming to cut down on account sharing.


Good point - so what do you think of the idea of a different mode where you get a maximum of 50 battles to be completed within 1 hour per day?

We already have it - GW, 5 battles a day, no repeats. Ask how many people hate the mode and would like to see it gone from the game altogether :wink:

You’re basically talking Restricted Tourneys from PQ3 - limited number of battles, restrictions on what you can use - at the time when I tried PQ3, that was a mode I hated the most out of all. So, no, I wouldn’t like to see it in GoW.


It is not the same. In GW you only get 5 battles. And there is no time restriction on playing. So people take the enemy team, stick it in their own team slot, and practice against it for hours before actually doing the battle. THAT is why they hate it - it ends up taking lots of time.

What I proposed is a 1-hour time limit, so there is no opportunity to practice on teams and you have to play as fast as possible. Not the same as GW at all.

Or if an hour is too much then 30 mins.

There may be some drawbacks too - like if someone has game lag…but every mode has some drawbacks - and I for one will no longer attempt to compete against accounts that have multiple players.

I feel like I still have a long way to go to qualify as fairly average player. :joy:


I’ve been in a GW-optional guild for about 3+ years now. I play all 30 battles, but I nearly never practice. So the entire GW day takes 5 minutes, maybe a couple more. I’m sorry to tell you that nobody asks you to train for the GW battles and spend hours on it - you’re doing it to yourself :smiley: What I hate in GW is no do-overs without a loss in points - all it takes is a bad starting board and bad RNG luck to lose even against an enemy team that should be winnable - and if the same enemy is offered on the next try - proves to be winnable.

I’m against any sort of time limits - how would you time it, exactly? Some people play for long stretches at a time, while some take 10-minute sessions throughout the day multiple times. If they can’t play the X battles in a day within the designated time limit, because they can’t play long enough in one stretch - what happens then? Loading times vary greatly from player to player depending on their connection - how that would factor in?

Another issue - some people can’t play daily - and offering a time limit and a limited battles daily would be yet another thing pushing players to force daily play. Scroll back to discussions about how Holiday Events are unfair for people that would actually like to take some time off from the game during the holiday season. Search for topics about kingdom pass back when it was 5 weeks and why people complained. Even now, with 2 weeks, the kingdom pass offers very little leeway in terms of missing a day. Nope, no limited daily play with sigils not transferring to next day, no more forced daily play. Pretty please.

We already have modes where the number of battles is limited - we have free sigils and there’s only so many sigils we can realistically get for gems (WE, Invasion, Raid Boss, Journey, delves, class trials, bounty). How would that be different?

We will likely get some more PvP modes, maybe with certain limits on number of battles - that remains to be seen. I won’t be too happy if it turns out that the sigils / torches / whatever won’t carry over from day to day… I don’t plan my daily schedule around GoW, I haven’t for my entire time I’ve been playing this game. If this ever start being necessary (like, having to schedule a 1h daily session), then it will be definitely time to quit.


Fair points but I don’t see why there cannot be more modes in PVP to cater for more different types of players. Now it is only catering for 24/7 grinders and multiple account players. The time for a battle event can be just 15 mins, fast as possible…you can play at any time. Maybe not limited to a daily thing - like there can be six of these time battles and you could do them all on one day if you want. With a timer like they have for GAPs. And no sigils. Yes lag will affect players. But that may be better than trying to compete with multiple player accounts.

Maybe others have more ideas for other modes, better than my idea?

And I really do not think one needs to do everything in the game all the time. So no one if forcing any mode on anyone. You do not have to do it. You can stick to grinding.

How to progress in classes if the developers limit the time in PVP?

That is why I said have MULTIPLE modes - like they had both casual and competitive PVP before…so you can still grind if you want in the mode they have now. I am proposing an additional mode more suitable for single player competition, not taking away anything. The Devs did say already they will be adding more modes to PVP.

You get class XP in any mode where you can use a hero with a class equipped. Which means anywhere except treasure maps, arena and kingdom trials, and bounty, if you choose to do a full-bounty team. All other modes give you class XP.

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I need strictly 2 class points per battle. And I like to play PVP most of all

I assume the current shape & form of PvP is the base, on which the devs will build to add more modes/types within the PvP system - without taking away what is there at the moment. I personally miss casual PvP!

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If they time gated this game.

I’d never play it, it’s what makes this game great, grind when I want.

Not grind wait an hour, rinse and repeat.


Once again I did not say anything about changing an entire game.

They already announced that new modes WILL be added to PVP. I am trying to think of ways to make those new modes more fair to single competitors. We already have the 24/7 grinding mode for you, now can we also have something else?

And once again players do not all have to do everything…lots of people ignore Arena.

Also I guess you do not ever do Gnome-A-Paloozas then as they are time-gated.

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I’m extremely confused by that quote :joy: What am I missing here, is there a typo? Less than one second per battle including loading screens? Not in a million years, even on E1.


100 battles per minute? I don’t think so.


I assume Kafka must have meant per hour. Not an optimized grinding speed, probably about average for the general playerbase. That’s a bit over 1.5 battles per minute.