Is Natura's Star weapon only available for real $?

Or should it be in soulforge this week? Or will it be in soulforge in future?
@Kafka @OminousGMan @Jeto


From what I can recall when they introduced these packs for Kingdom Epic weapons (meant to help new players), they said the weapon would still show up in the SoulForge.

It obviously isn’t there this week but I would expect it on Nov 29, the next Nexus week. One of our community tools that shows SoulForge availability agrees with this theory so we will wait and see.

I assume they didn’t put the weapon in this week to see if they can force people to buy it.

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Anyone got this weapon? It is not in the forge this week.

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We had this discussion in my guild, the kingdom double damage weapons should all be the soulforge eventually. Just search Taran’s weapon soulforge epic weapons. All the other kingdom double damage weapons have shown up in it

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“Eventually” as in “when the devs finally notice it isn’t in there and can be bothered to add it”?


More likely “When the # of players paying real $ for it slows to a trickle”


It may be as usual: 3-4 weeks after the official release.
So it should be there during the next Nexus event.